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"Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us." — Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Year: 132ac

Location: King's Landing

The Grand Sept. Third largest building within the kingdom of King's Landings walls.

The interior walls were designed to keep the structure cool. At the center, loads of candles were lit on a circular cemented table. Many of those who worshiped or prayed to their gods, had found themselves in the building.

For the priests, it was an honor to have a noble or a royal member of the family to have them inside the building from time to time.

Aegon Targaryen, second of his name, had stumbled upon his brother's wife upon entering the Grand Sept. She was neither praying or kneeling where one would be praying, but staring at the center of the table. When he walked up to her, he looked at her with curiosity.

Was she aware that he was there?

Was she ignoring him?

He was sure that she would have heard him from the echoes of his boots.

Aegon saw her eyes, never one blinked. Just stared as if she was elsewhere.

When Dralarys had come back to reality, her head slightly turned to the right and let out a yelp before taking a few steps back. Aegon reached out a hand, grabbing her hand before she would fall back on the floor. A small chuckle was heard from her before Aegon let go. "You startled me." She says to him.

Aegon nods. "I thought you were better trained."

She scoffs. "I was distracted."

"By the fire?"

"In a way." She was. Not by the candles, but by the destruction she had witnessed within the building itself.

The Grand Sept exploded with Wildfire. Rarest, second to Dragons fire. It had shattered everything within itself from underneath the floorboards, and outward. Everything within its radius was destroyed. She was witnessing a tragic event that had not come to pass.

"Why are you here?" She questioned. Aegon sighed heavily. He reeked of alcohol. "Ah. No need. I understand."

Aegon raised a brow. "I actually came to sleep underneath this table. Mother always wants me to take responsibilities in the morning, but I was not home as of late last night."

"How delightful."

Aegon heard the tone of sarcasm. "Like you have anything better to do than to breed out babes."

"Oh, I have way more to do other than just laying with Aemond every other night." It felt like a chore rather than having to enjoy those nights together. She had stopped lying with him just three weeks ago for no particular reason. "I wake up before the sun rises. Attend the meetings with your father and mother and other members of the council. Report to The King. When the sun had risen, I had already trained with the Knights of the Realm. Already prepared meals for your kin. Fed the horses. Attended my dragon—-"

Aegon waves his hand in front. The migraine was getting to him. "Alright, Alright. I get it. My sincere apologies." He was honestly impressed with her, despite them being one year apart. She had done more in a week's time than Aegon ever had in his life. "What are you planning to do now?"

Didn't take long for her to answer. "Around this time, I hide."

"Avoiding my brother now, are we?"

"Not really. He just does not have much to say as of now." Aemond and Dralarys had gotten into a heated argument about their nephews just a few weeks ago. The whole reason she stopped sleeping with him. She did not like it when he would blur out that Rhaenyra's sons were Bastard Boys. Dralarys defended them and nearly had Aemond killed by her own hand. That was until one of the guards had literally grabbed her, taking her away from him. Aemond was surprised with the amount of anger and strength she had to even pull what she had pulled. "Are you hungry?" His stomach growled loudly. Dralarys laughs. "Alright. Come on."

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