Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day and got dressed and ready to head out to Diagon Alley.

I put some waffles in the toasters and fed Reg.

"You ready to go shopping?" I looked at him. He looked up at me and moved his left ear. "What are you talking about? It'll be fun! You get to watch me find the books I need, get a wand- ok now I see why your not excited."

Reg flicked his right ear and continued eating.

"Left is no, right it yes." I sing while taking a bite of the waffle that just came out. "Oh hot!" I dropped the piece that was in my mouth and it landed in Reg's mouth.

I looked from the counter where Reg was previously and back down to where he is now. "How on earth did you get there so fast?" I said, taking another bite of the waffle now that its a bit cooler. 

"Did you apparate or something?" I joked. Reg just stared up at me. "Ok, lets go." I said grabbing my bag and walking out the door.


We exited the tunnel and entered Diagon Alley. As we walked I saw many more parents with their kids here, all shopping for the year. 

"We should start with a wand huh?" I looked at Reg. "Unless you have an idea where to start." I said, and as I said that he started walking off, I followed him.

Reg led us to Flourish and Blotts. "Books first?" I looked down at him, he flicked his right ear. "Ok, ok, lets go." I said walking into the store.

There were loads of parents with their kids getting books when we entered. I took out the list of books I need and started looking for them.

"Ok, I think this is all of them." I say, holding a bunch of books in my arms.

Reg and I walked up into the line, there were three people in line in front of us. I looked around and saw all the parents looking at the books their kids are getting, or parents telling their kid why they'll need this book.

Eventually Reg and I made it to the front of the line.

"Is this all dear?" The lady at the counter asked me.

"Yes ma'am." I repsoned, taking out my money for when she tells me the total.

"And where are your parents?" The lady asks me, still running up the total.

"Umm.. not here...?" I say, stating the obvious.

The lady gave me an odd look before telling me the total. "That'll be seven galleons." She smiled up at me.

"Who knew books were so expensive.." I said getting seven galleons to Reg.

"Mhm, yes they are.." I heard the lady laugh behind the counter.

I'm not talking to you lady. Just 'cause I mentioned books doesn't mean I was talking to you. I thought to myself.

I handed the lady the 7 galleons and walked out.

"Oh my Merlin, I hate talking to people." I look at Reg, putting the books in my bag. "Now can we get a wand?" I ask Reg.

Instead of responding Reg just starts walking off. "Oh not again!" I groan. 

Instead of taking me to some random shop Reg takes me to Ollivander's.

"Oh. Finally." I laugh, walking in.

We enter Ollivander's, and unlike Flourish and Blotts the shop is empty.

"Hello?" I ask, walking up to the desk. The walls are stacked with boxes of wands.

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