Chapter 9

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Goku: Now I'll serve you the bitter taste of defeat dealt by my hand.

Even the ultra instinct of the tournament couldn't compare to the incredible speed he possess.

So, I'm going to give Beerus the fight of his life.

Beerus became desperate and prepared to launch a maximum-power hakai that could destroy Universe 7 and part of Universe 6 if it were to hit.

But what Goku did left him impressed (Goku had 100% hakai energy stored and could do whatever he wanted with it).

Goku (with an evil laugh): Reverse hakai.

He easily returned Beerus's hakai, achieving the nearly impossible.

However, Goku didn't expect Whis to save Beerus which made him scream in frustration.

"What's wrong with you? You shouldn't interfere in the battles of a destructive god! You can't interfere!"

Whis: I'm sorry, but I can't let him kill Mr. Beerus . I've been ordered to intervene if he doesn't have a successor, to maintain balance. (He said seriously)

Goku became annoyed and transformed into Super Saiyan Blue, surpassing Whis's power twice over.

Goku was about to attack, but the grand Priest appeared and said seriously, "Goku, the King's requires your presence."

Goku was surprised but replied, "Alright, I have some time. Let's go to the grand Priest."

Upon arrival, Goku was greeted with cheerful cries from Zen-chan.

Zen P and F: Gokuuuuuuuu!

Goku smiled cheerfully, hugged them, and said, "Hello, Zen Chans! It's good to see you again. I apologize for not visiting sooner. I had several problems."

Zen P: We know. When we sensed your ki, we asked Daisinkan why you hadn't appeared earlier, and he showed us everything.

Zen F: Do you want us to visit Universe 7?

Goku: No, Zen Chans. Right now, I only need to take care of two things before I go to the Omniverse of Presence.

Both Zenos were surprised and said, "You know our brother?"

Goku: That's right. When I was about to leave the room, a portal opened, and he offered me a chance to visit his jurisdiction, which I accepted.

Zen P and F: We'll see. Once you're done with your tasks, come back here and play with us, okay?

Goku: Of course! I can see you get bored easily.

Zen P and F: Yes!

Goku: Well, I have to go. I'll come back later, Zen Chan.

After that, I went to Capsule Corporation to confront Bulma, who had orchestrated everything. To my surprise, I found Trunks and Bra there.

When Bulma heard me approaching, she turned around and saw something she didn't expect or want to see - Goku with an evil smile.

Goku: Well, well, well, my dear friend Bulma, enjoying life while I was rotting in the Room of Spirit and Time for thousands of years?

Bulma: How are you still alive?

Pan :  who is he? (She asked fearfully)

(Changing the ages of Trunks and pan : Trunks is 15 years old, and Psn is 14. They possess the power of Namek Saga Frieza in their base form.)

Trunks: He seems familiar to me.

Goku looked at him with a neutral face and asked, "What's your name, kid?"

Goku betrayed and sent to Dc | Goku x Harem Where stories live. Discover now