~Lake cabin~

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Time skip: Friday After school

It's Friday, I've been thinking about my feelings for Matt and I don't know if I should tell him or wait for him to make a move. We're in Matt car driving to the triplets house. When Matt picked me, Katie, Layla and Josh we brought our cases and bags and put them in the back. We get to the triplets house and I walk up to nicks room and help him with his case and bags, we quickly get his stuff in the van since there was two of us, Nick and Chris run back into the house to say bye to their parents. I notice matts not there, so I run up to his room and see if he's alright. "You need help?" I ask seeing him stress over last minute packing. "This outfit or this outfit?" He asks frantically. "That one" I say pointing to the one he's holding up. He smile. "Calm down we're not in a hurry" I say gently giving him a hug. He hugs back and then continues zipping up his bag. I grab his extra bag and he takes his suitcase and we walk down the stairs. I see Mary Lou and Jim waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. "Good bye honey." Mary Lou says sounding a little upset but a smile on her face. "Mom I'll be back soon" he says comforting her. "I know" she says letting him go. "Look after my boys" she says giving me a hug. "I will don't worry Mary Lou" I say. "I'm not worried sweetheart." She smiles. Jim gives Matt a hug "good luck son" he says winking and clicking his tongue. Matt smiles and laughs a little. "Have fun kid." He says giving me a side hug. "I will thank you guys again for letting them come" I say. They nod and we walk out to the van and put matts stuff in the back of the van. We get in the van and see Chris, nick and Josh in the back seats and Katie and Layla behind them. "Chris you not sitting in the front?" I ask. "No Nick downloaded movies so I'm watching them with him." Chris says. "Alright" I say happing in the passengers side. Matt starts the car and we wave to Mary Lou and Jim again before we start driving it's about four hours until we get there so me and Matt are switching between every two hours. We put on some music and chat about the lake. We pull over at the gas station and get drinks and some food, me and Matt switch seats and I drive while everyone else eats. We eventually get to the cabin and stop the van and open the back and everyone gets out the car. "Where's the cabin?" Chris asks. "We'll be there soon" I say with a smile. "What I thought we where here?" Matt asks. "We are." I say walking down into the forest. "Where are you going?!" Layla asks. "JUST STAY THERE" I yell. They all stand about and I walk to a shed and start up a small truck and drive up to the car. "Hey" I say. I get out the car and open the back and help them get them get their cases in the truck, There was only two seats in the front and six at the back three along each side. They all sit in a seat and Matt sits next to me. "Why did we get out a car just to get in another one?" Chris asks. "You'll see" I say driving up the hill. There was a dirt road filled with mud and other stuff. We drive around the lake until we get to a massive lake cabin. And take out stuff and walk into the cabin. "Welcome to the lake cabin guys!" I say walking in with my cases. They all look around, there where nature paintings all around the living room. The bottom floor was hug but the rooms where limited since it was a triangular shaped cabin. "Alight guys here is the living room and through those doors in the kitchen, there's a pool table over to the right and behind there is the first double bedroom Layla, Katie you two will be staying there. If see go up these stairs, the door on the right is a bathroom, Chris, Josh you two are sharing that bathroom I hope that's alright..." I say walking through the house. They both nod. "Alright, next door josh's room in there, next door Chris and then nick. And at the very end is where my room is." I say with a smile. "You left our Matt where's he sleeping?" Chris asks. "In the same room as me" I say. Chris and Josh smirk at each other. If you guys look to the other side of the pool table there's a balcony if you walk out and walk down the steps there's a pool and Hot tub, you also have a view of the lake there and there's a shed full of paddle boards and there's a boat and a few Jet skies around." I add. "Damn, how rich is your grandad?!" Nick jokes. "This is amazing" Layla adds. "We should all go get out swimming stuff on and go onto the boat and take a few drinks out and watch the sunset and drink a few drinks. If that's alright with Iris?" Josh asks. "That's fine with me." I smile. We all rush to our bedrooms to unpack. Me and Matt go up to our room and see a double bed. "Sorry, I thought it was the same as it used to be, there where two single beds since my mom died" I say. "Oh it's alright I'll take the floor." Matt says. "No please I'll sleep on the couch." I insist. "No please." He says. "Shut up and just share the bed" Chris walks in. We both look at each other as Chris leaves. "I'm alright with that." I say. "Same" he agrees. "I'll go change" I say as I'm the first to unpack. I walk Into the bathroom and change into a black two piece and I put on a see through black dress on top. "Are you done packing?" I ask. Matt turns around and he nods. "I'll go change I'll meet you down stairs." He says I nod and walk down the stairs. "BITCH YOU LOOK HOT AS HELL" I hear Layla scream as I walk down the stairs. I giggle a little and see Chris, Josh, Katie and Layla all together. "Damnn" Katie says, "where did you get that dress from?" Layla asks. I tell her and i compliment her matching navy two piece with Katie. "You two look so cute oh my" I say with a wide smile. "Looking good girls" Josh says walking over. "Thanks Josh." We all say. "I like the crocodile trunks." Katie giggles. Layla and Katie talk to each other as they walk over to the balcony. "They look nice" I say to Josh. "Thanks." He smiles. We both walk over to Chris and help him out Pepsi and rootbeer in a cooler. Nick and Matt come down soon. "Oh my god you look so good" Nick says. "So do you Nick" I say. "No way" he disagrees. "Come on nick don't lie to yourself." I defend. We all walk out the house and I lead the way to the dock and we see an old man fishing off the dock. "Who's that?" Josh whispers. They all are a little on edge. "Hey Donald!" I yell. The old man turns around and his smile grows. "IRIS" he yells walking over to me. "Last time I seen you. You where this tall." He says as he gives me a side hug. "Who's all of these youngsters?" He asks. "We'll this is Matt, Nick, Chris, Josh, Layla and Katie. We're all staying in my grandads cabin" I say as I pass the boat keys to Matt and signal him to the boat. He nods and walks towards the boat. Me and Donald talk for another few minutes before her goes to pack up his fishing things. I walk over to the boat and start the engine. "It's there any other idk guys who we should know about?" Josh asks. "No it was only him and my grandad that live here. My grandad died a few years ago so he's been lonely for a little to long." I explain. Everyone sympathies for him. I start the boat and wave at Donald before I speed up and drive to the middle of the lake. We get there pretty fast and I sit at the back of the boat with Matt. Everyone else is near the front of the boat watching the water and talking. "I didn't get to tell you but you look gorgeous tonight" he whispers. "Thank you handsome" I whisper back. We both smile and talk a little more. We go to the front of the boat soon. "Hey iris! Can we swim in here?" Chris asks. "Yeah there only little fish in here nothing big. It's deep though so be careful" I say. "Alright!" Chris shouts before jumping off the boat. Josh soon jumps after him. I take my dress off and I stand and take a sip of my Pepsi before I set it down. I feel my self being lifted off the ground. "wh-WHAT" I say as I notice Matt picked me up and is running towards the edge. "WOOO" is all I hear before I land in the water. Matt jumps in with me in his arms. We resurface. "OH MY GOD" I shout and laugh at Matt and swim to the back of the boat to get back on. Katie walks over to me. "Hey iris, do you have i life jacket I just don't want to drown." She asks a little embarrassed. "Yeah give me one sec, do you want me to get one for Layla?" I ask. "Yes please" she says. I walk up to the front of the boat and open a hatch in the ground and jump down. I grab the life jackets and walk back up to the top of the boat. "Here" I say handing them the life jackets. They put them on and jump off together a little nervous. I look over at Nick who's enjoying the boat. "Not jumping in?" I ask. "No that's one of my biggest fears." He says. "Alright. But Chris might push you in." I say. "If he does I'll kill him" he says serious. "I'm glad I'm not Chris." I giggle. Soon I see chris grab nick and push him in. "CHRIS!" I hear and I giggle. I see Nick get back on the boat soaking wet. Chris dies laughing and Nick chases him, Chris jumps in the water and blows a raspberry at him. Nick yells at chris a little more. I look over the edge and see Layla and Katie happily floating on their backs and Josh swimming over to Chris. I see Nick, "I have a little boat in the back if you want?" I ask. "Yes please." He says. I go back down the hatch and grab a small life boat. "Here" I say giving it to him. "Woah it's an actual boat. "Yeah, so you'll be safe and I'll tie it to the back of the boat." I say with a smile. I tie nicks boat onto the back before he goes in and chases Chris, he also put a life jacket on before going in. I see Matt at the front of the boat and walk up to him. "Hey handsome" I joke. "Hello gorgeous" he mocks. I stand next to him. "Not joining the chaos?" I ask with a smile. "Nope" he says turning to me. "I was trying to get you alone" he says pushing a hair behind my ear. "Why?" I ask. "I wanted to do this..." he says grabbing me by the hips and pulling me in closer. My heart speed up. He leans down a little and I feel myself lifting up. I see him opening his eyes. "Bye bye gorgeous" he says with a smirk before chucking me off the front of the boat. "I HATE YOU!" I yell with a laugh when I resurface. "I LOVE YOUU TOOO" he yells back.


Wow lake cabin chapter finally😜
Nothing Much to say so, I love you all so very much💙

(2107 words)

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