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I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. I groan and smack it. I rub my eyes and slowly open them, Tiered I get up and walk to my bathroom. I shower and then do my morning routine and get dressed for the day. I do my makeup and walk down stairs. "Morning sleepy head" I hear my dad say. "Hey dad" I say grabbing a bowl and pouring cereal in it. "Hey I've got to get to work can you walk to school?" Dad says. "Yeah no worries, have a good day dad." I say as he gives me a hug. "Love you" he says before leaving the house. I sigh and take my phone out my pocket.


Hey, you still free after school?

Yeah, sorry for the late reply.


I put my phone down and eat my cereal, I put my dishes away, grab my bag and make my way to school. I'm almost at school when I feel my phone vibrate.

"Hey sweetie"
"Yeah, Dad?"
"I just got a call from your brother, he's coming over for a week with his friends."
"Cool, what's that got to do with us?"
"He's staying at our house."
"I know you to don't get along but it's only for a week."
"It's okay when is he coming?"
"That soon?!"
"Yeah I know it's soon but he is family."
"I know...hey dad I'll talk to you about it when i get home later. Talk to you later dad."
"Alright Iris, love you have a nice day."
"Love you too have a good day."

I hang up the phone and walk in the front door to the school. I walk around and soon see the triplets. "Hey guys" I say walking up to them. "Heyy Iris" Nick says. I earn a nod and smile from Matt and a wave from Chris. Chris was looking at something with Matt on his phone. I stand next to nick and he offers his AirPod. "Thank you" I say taking it. I put the air pod in and we listen to Doja cat together. Soon Layla and Katie come together and I give nick his air pod back as we all part ways to go to our first class. Me, Layla and Matt walk to our first class. "Guys I'm going to go and hand in this paper you go to first class I'll catch up." Layla says as we nod and keep walking. "Your coming over later?" Matt says breaking the silence. "Yeah, is that still okay?" I asks. "Yeah, I was just wondering that's all." He says with a smile. "Matt?" I ask. "Mhm?" He says looking over to me. "Do have any other siblings? apart from well obviously Nick and Chris." I ask. "Yeah, I have another older brother, his names Justin but you don't really have to worry about him." Matt explains. "Ohh" I say. "How about you? Any siblings." He asks. "Yeah an older brother, but we don't get along to well, he's staying for a week and coming tomorrow maybe you'll get to meet the dirt bag" I say. "He can't be that bad." Matt adds. "Well he's always hated me." I say. "Why?" He asks. "He sees me as a murder. My mom died after she gave birth to me." I say. "Oh, I'm sorry I had no idea." He says. "No it's alright." I say smiling at him, we get to the class and sit next to each other waiting for Layla.


Im skipping first, you wanna come with?

No, I'm alright, I'll tell the teacher your sick for you though.

Amazing thank you bb <3

I walk up to the teachers desk. "Miss, Layla texted me and told me she wasn't feeling to good this morning so she won't be coming in." I say. "Alright Iris, thank you for letting me know." She says. I go to sit back down. "What was that about?" Matt asks. As I sit back down. "Layla's skipping and asked me to tell the teachers she off." I say. "Layla wasn't handing in a paper she went to the empty classroom to probably make out with Katie or something like that." Matt says rolling his eyes. "Wow I'm guessing this isn't the first time she's done this?" I say. "Nope she likes to not get an education often." He says, I laugh a little. "Where's the empty classroom?" I ask. "Your not leaving me here too are you?" He says. "No your coming with me to show me where it is. We won't be there for long, just to see her." I say. "Alright it's better than here." He agrees. "Alright I'll ask to go to the bathroom and then about a few minutes later you ask" I say. He agrees. I ask to go to the bathroom and the teacher agrees. I wait around the corner and soon I see Matt speed walking towards me. "Alright." He says. He walks ahead of me as we walk to the empty class. "Here" he says before opening the door. We open the room to see it steamy. "Oh hey guys." Katie waves as she comes out from behind the desk. "Hey?" I say. I see Layla put her head out from under the desk. "Your here!" She whisper yells. She runs up to us and hug us.

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