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I buckle up, "ready?" He asks before I nod and he leaves. We drive through the pouring rain and I just admire the rain drops racing down the car windows. We get to the triplets house soon and me and Matt run out the rain and into the house. I'm greeted by a little dog. "Hey Trevor." Matt says taking his shoes off. Trevor wags his tail and walks over to me. "Hello beautiful" I say reaching my hands out and petting him, "who's a good boy" I say as he wags his tail and waddles off. I follow Matt into the kitchen. "Hi mom" "Hey Mary Lou" me and Matt after one another. "Hello Matt. Iris happy to have you again." She says as she side hugs me. "dad this is Iris, Iris this is my dad." Matt says. "Oh it's nice to meet you Mr Sturniolo." I say. "Jim" he says. I nod and smile. "You must be the famous Iris the boys talk about you all the time." He says. I look at Matt and giggle as he turns red. "Alright that's enough you two go and study" Mary Lou says. Me and Matt run up to his room. He sits next to his desk and I do the same on the other chair. "So what are you struggling with the most?" I asks him. He tells me about everything he's struggling with and I explain them all to him, every time I look at him I see him making deep eye contact with me. "And basically you just summar-" I get cut off as Chris bursts into the room. "Hey." He says before walking over to matts bed and flopping onto it. "What the fuck are you doing?" Matt asks. "Chilling" he reply's. "Yeah but me and Iris are studying right now." He says. "So" he says looking away from his phone, matt scoffs and turns back to me. "It's alright matt he can stay I don't mind." I say. "Alright" he says with a slight smile. I continue explaining and I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.


Hey honey, where are you?

I'm at the triplets, I told Kevin to tell you.

It's alright do you want me to come pick you up?

Matt said he would drop me off dad, it alright but thank you

Alright sweetie don't be out to late, maybe Matt can come in by I want to see the boy who my daughter is always with.😂

We'll see about that.
Love you
Love you too.

I look up from my phone and see Matt on his bed. We finished studying about 15 minutes ago. "My dad asked if you wanted to stop by and meet him when I go home?" I ask. "Really?" He asks looking up. "Yeah, can you maybe drop me off in like 10? Sorry you don't have to meet him if it's too early or I can get a cab home it's alright" I say. "No I would love to meet him." Matt says sitting up. "I'll get dressed before I see him though." Matt says walking over to his wardrobe. "Alright I'll go to the kitchen." I say before leaving to give him some privacy. I walk into there lovely kitchen and see Mary Lou sitting next to the kitchen island. "Hello Mary Lou" I say with a warm smile and a wave. "Oh hello Iris, how's studying going?" She asks. "Great, matts not to far behind so he should catch up quick. How have you been?" I ask. "Oh that's good, I've been good, how about yourself. Come have a seat." She offers. I walk over to the seat next to her and sit down. "I'm doing great my brother came over today so it's good to get a little break from him and come and see the triplets" I say with a smile. "Oh we shouldn't have chased you over if your brother was here, I am so sorry." She apologises. "No, no don't be. Me and him don't get along so it's best I'm not with him right now as he's probably cranky from Jet lag." I laugh off. Mary Lou puts her and on mine. "Iris, I think your the best thing that's happened to my boys in a long time. They talk about you non stop and you are the sweetest." She adds. My eyes tear up a little as no one's told me that before. "Thank you" I mutter as I wipe a little tear from my cheek. "Awe come here" I hear her say, I embrace the woman as she gives me a warm hug. "Ready?" I hear a voice from the door say. "Ugh yeah." I say pulling away and wiping my cheeks a little. I get off the stool and say good bye and a thanks to Mary lou. me and Matt walk out to the mini van and drive back to my house. "Ready?" I asks before we knock on the door. I see a shadow behind the door. My dad opens the door. "Hey dad" I say. "Hello Iris. Oh you must be the famous Matt" my dad says putting out his hand. Matt shakes his hand and I turn red in embarrassment. "Come in, come in." I hear him say. Me and Matt walk in and I lead him into the kitchen. Before we could get there I hear a voice from the living room. "Why hello there." I hear. "Oh god no" I whisper. Matt looks at me in confusion. "You must be Matt." He says looking him up and down. "Ugh yeah." Matt says. "I'm Kevin, Iris older brother. She's been talking a lot about you. Like a lot, she never shuts up and she always says your so pretty and ho-" he gets cut off. "ALRIGHT that's enough" I blush and rush Matt into the kitchen. My brother just smirks as I send him a glare. My brother and Jayden soon come into the kitchen with me, Matt and my dad. I hold Matts hand a little to comfort him. "So tell me Matt, you have two brothers?" My dad asks. "No I have three I'm part of triplets and I have an older brother." He says shy. "Mhm, and what do you like about my daughter?" He asks. "Dad!?" I say. "What it's obvious you know." He points at us both. "No I swear nothing happening." We both say. Kevin chuckles and whispers to Jayden. "Shut up Kevin." I say as I send him a glare. "Listen dad me and Matt are just friends alright. Nothing more that's it." I say. "Sorry Matt you can go home now, I'm sorry for this whole awkward situation." I say as I rush him to the door. We both step outside. "Matt I seriously didn't know it was going to go that way and I'm sorry and I. I just- I know if you never want to talk to me again and I one hundred percent agree with you"i say. Matts eyes soften and he gives me a hug. "It's alright, you go get some sleep. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning" he says before letting me go and walking back to his mini van. I'm standing there shocked by his response. But why didn't he just not bother with me. Why does he want to stay?


Another part might come out tomorrow depending on how much I get done
No update, love you all as alwayss <333

(1269 words)

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