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I wake up to a knock on my door, "yeah?" I asks groaning, "I made breakfast." A voice comes from behind the door. "Jayden?" I ask. "Yeah?" He reply's. "Oh you didn't have to make me breakfast." I say getting a hoodie, fixing my hair and putting some slippers on before opening my door. "Hey." He says as I open my door. "Hi" I say before walking past him. "It's the least I can do, I am staying in your house you know." He says. "Fair enough but I'll have to pay you back some how." I reply. "No, don't worry about it just eat." He says pointing at the pancakes. "Thank you Jayden." I say before taking a bite. "WHATS UP FUCKERS!" I hear my brother scream. "Kevin to loud." I say covering my ears. "This looks cool, thanks." He says before grabbing most of my food and shoving it in his mouth and missing half of it. I look at him In disbelief. "I'll go get ready" I say before walking up the stairs. I knock on the door to my dads room. I hear nothing so I walk it. I see beer bottles around the side of his bed and him sprawled out in boxers. "Dad" I say. "Dad?" I say still not getting a response. "DAD!" I yell. He jumps up. "Oh my god." He says blowing a big huff of air out. "God damit dad." I say. "Sorry Iris. What is it?" He asks. "It's time to get up" I say. "Oh okay thanks" he says before getting up. I walk out his room and go to my own to get ready.

While getting ready I can help but think about Matt. A headache starts to form as I stare into nothing for to long. I finish getting ready and head down stairs. "Heyy ugly" I hear an annoying voice call. "Hi stupid." I say before walking in and sitting on the couch and pull out my phone. "Want your super cool and one hundred percent awesome brother to drop you off at school today?" He offers. "No I'm alright Matts coming to pick me up. But thanks" I say. "Oooo Matt" he says chuckling. "Shut up" I say. "So are you two like together or are you two just in denial." He asks. "We're just friends." I say as I look him dead in the eye. "Oh so denial." He says before going back on his phone. I roll my eyes and ignore him. "YOU DIDNT SAY ANYTHING AGAINST IT" he says jumping up and bouncing around. "Shut up." I say. "Come on, when are you taking him over for dinner?" He asks sliding to sit next to me. "Augh, we're not together and I don't want him to even met you guys after what happened last time" I say. "Ohh come on that was all a little fun. Let us get to know him for real. Invite him over for dinner tonight or something." He says. "Promise not to be weird?" I ask. "Promise. Also Jayden's going to be there with his date and I'll tell dad later." He says. "Jayden? A date?!" I ask. "Yeah I know right. I thought it was bros before hoes" he says. "Come on this is a big thing for him" I say. "Fair enough" he admits before we hear a beep outside. "Got to go I'll see you later." I say picking up my bag and running to the door. "BYE STINKY BIG BROTHER WUVS YOU MWAHHH!" He shouts out the door as I walk to Matts Van. I turn a little pink. I get in the back of the van and turn to see everyone trying to contain their laughter. "What?" I ask. Nick burst out laughing. "Wuv you" Katie says before laughing with his girlfriend. Matt giggles a little and Chris laughs. I stare at Matt through the rear view mirror. Not in a weird way. But he looks so pretty just laughing. No, Im just admiring him in a friendly way. Nothing else. "Hey." I hear Katie say as she nudges my shoulder. "Yeah?" I turn my full attention to her. "You like Matt?" She asks in a hushed tone. "What...no of course not, no, no way." I say defensive. "Alright, it's just no one looks at someone else with those eyes and are 'just friends'." She explains. "Stop I just was staring at nothing. Not Matt." I say. "Well I called your name five times before you actually turned around." She explains with a wide smile. "Oh. Sorry." I say.

We get to the school and we all get out the mini van and walk up to the school and go our separate ways. I was walking to science with Matt. "Hey, Matt. I know last night didn't go amazingly. But my brother really wants to get to know you, and he said he'd make an effort to actually have a nice dinner and not make it weird." I explain. "Yeah, sounds great. What time?" He asks. "Like around six, I'll shoot you a text when I know the official time. Also Jayden and His girlfriend are going to be there." I explain. "Oh okay cool." He says. We walk into the science class and sit in our seats. The teacher soon walks in and begins the lesson. I feel my head get restless and lean towards Matts shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder and slowly close my eyes. I didn't get much sleep. Over thinking about school and Matt. No once again not in a weird way. Me and Matt are literally nothing but friends. "IRIS!" I hear the teacher yelling. My head shoots up. "Sorry." I say. "Sleeping in class is unacceptable and inappropriate especially when on another students shoulder. Apologise to Matt now." She instructs. I go red and turn to matt. "Miss, it's alright I'm fine with it." He says. "Alright then. Let's continue." She says with a sigh. I bury my head in my hands. "That was so embarrassing." I whisper. "Yeah well I'm still waiting for that apology." Matt whispers with a smirk. "I'm so super duper sorry my king." I say with a small laugh. "Oh so I'm your king?" He asks. "What no." I say going a little pink. "Awe someone's flustered." He says with a smile. "Alright shut up." I say crossing my arm. "Awe I'm sorry." He says tilting his head a little. I roll my eye and face the front of the class.

School passes pretty fast before it's time to leave. The bell rings and I'm walking with Nick to our lockers. "I heard Matt going to your place again for dinner." He says. "Yeah, last time it didn't go great." I say. "Really? Matt says he had fun." Nick says. "Really?" I asks. Nick nods. "So what are you guys. Like are these dates or..." he suggests. "oh no, my dad wanted to Met him. You and Chris can come over to if you guys would like?" I offer. "Ugh yeah sorry I'm going to a party with Ella, Katie, Chris and Nate but you guys could come to the party it's someone's birthday." He offers. "No thanks, maybe next time?" I ask. "Yeah of course. Also tell me how dinner goes. Matt usually goes straight to his bed after" Nick smiles. "Of course." I say. We get to our lockers and laugh about some face I pulled in Maths. We walk towards the front door and meet up with Chris and Matt. I look out the glass doors and see a white car with spray painted stars on the side. "Oh my god." I say. "What." Everyone chimes turning to where I'm looking. We all see a six foot boy walk over to the doors. "SISS!" He says running up to me and picking me up with a hug. "Oh my got Kevin." I say embarrassed but with a smile. He puts me back down. "Woah triple vision." He says looking at the triplets. "Heyyy. It's my sisters secret admirer. What's good my man." He says dapping up Matt. "Heyy" he says. "This is my brother Chris and Nick" Matt says pointing at the other two. "Woah and who is this?" Kevin asks turning to Katie who was walking toward us. "Underaged" is all she says walking past. "Alright then she looks fun." He says turning back to us and smiling. "Why are you here?" I ask. "Oh to pick you us stupid" he says rolling his eyes. "Oh alright. I'll see you later Matt." I say. "Bye iris." Matt says before Kevin drags me out the door. "Alright you'll see him later clam yourselves" Kevin says before leaving the building. I hear the boys laughing and face towards the trash filled car. "Alright let's goo" kevin says getting in his car. I nod and we drive home. Me and Kevin talk about school before we get home. We walk into the house. "Hey dad" I say as I see him wearing a suit as he pours himself a drink. "Hello sweetheart, I have some news." He says. "Yes?" I ask. "I am dating again! And we're all going out to a fancy dinner, and you can take your little boyfriend with you!" He says with a smile. "That's awesome dad! Is she nice?" I ask. I turn to see my brother and I can feel the heart break from his eyes. "Really?" Kevin asks. "Pardon." My dad says. "Your moving on from mom that fast." He says. "Yes Kevin I have to move on with my life." He explains. I walk up to my room and hear Kevin and my dad arguing. I pull out my phone and tell Matt to dress fancy because we're going somewhere nice. He reply's and says he'll be here in an hour. I smile at my phone and set it down. I hear the door next to my room slam and I get up and walk into the room. "Hey Kevin" I say as I see him sitting with his hands in his head. He doesn't say anything. I sit next to him and put my arm around his back and just rub my finger in circles and let his thoughts rush as he gathers his thoughts. I hear a sob and look down. Tears running down his cheeks. "Awe come here" I say as I hug him. We hug for about five minutes as my shoulder slowly gets damper. "Alright. You go fix your self up. Get in a nice suit and get ready for dinner." I say. "I'm not going" he says. "Awe come on Kevin. I know it's hard but can you do it for me, Matt, Kevin and his girl?" I ask. "Alright and the fire instagram pics." He says with a smile at the end. "Great, go get ready" I say patting his back a little. He goes and gets ready and I walk into my own room and pick out a nice dress for tonight. I get a text from Matt as I'm doing my make up saying he'll be there in 20. I finish up my make up and hair and go to get my dress on.


I literally haven't posted in a while. Also I have been watching the office US and Pam and Jim's romance is so cute. Also my friend and her boyfriend broke up earlier. But there still close friends! Idk how that's going to turn out but they will probably get back together soon enough.

(1941 words)

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