~Fancy shmancy~

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I hear the door bell ring and my dad answer. I hear Matts voice and shout "coming give me one sec!". Before I check I turned everything in my room off. I walk down the stairs with my black silk dress and nice black heels to match. Matt's jaw is on the floor, I see him wearing a nice black shirt and white pants with a white tie. It brought out his cheek bones and eyes. "Alright you two ready?" My dad asks as I get to the bottom. "Yes, do you want me to get Kevin?" I ask him. "Yes sweetie that would be great." He said before taking his phone out and texting someone. "Come on you can come with me." I say nudging Matts shoulder. "No, your brother scared me" he said in a joking voice. "Come on Matthew" I say. He rolls his eyes playfully as I grab his hand and drag him down the hallway. My brother was staying in the guest room. I walk over to the door and knock. "Who is it?" I hear. "Bob Ross." I say. He opens the door. "Scam" he says before closing it back in my face. I open the door he unlocked and see him wearing a an all black tux, "very nice" i say as I walk over to him. "Can I style your hair?" I ask politely, "ugh do you have to?" He asks. "Yes come on you need to impress your brothers girl." I say in a joking voice. "Alright alright." He smiles. I reach for his hair and fluff it up a little and make it curl a little more with my finger. In the corner of my eye I can see Matt sanding in the doorway just watching us, not in a weird way. In a way where he's just admiring the brother and sisterly bond. I turn around a d see him get shy and turn away. I smile and face back to Kevin. "See." I say as he checks himself out in the mirror. "Damn im sexy." He says blowing a kiss at himself in the mirror before flexing his arms in my face. "Your welcome" I say before walking over to Matt. "Yeah thanks." Kevin mumbles. "Also we're leaving soon" I say before getting out the room. Kevin doesn't respond and just spays cologne on.

"You okay?" I ask Matt as we leave. "Yeah, I forgot to tell you earlier but you look gorgeous." He says a little red. "Thank you Matt, you look handsome." I say also a little red. He thanks me and we get into my dads car. I'm in the backseat with Matt and Kevin and my dad are in the front seat. I'm sitting in the middle since we're going to pick up my dad new girlfriend and Kevin refuses not to go in the front. We stop at this amazing house and see a girl in a dark navy dress walk out. She sits next to me in the car and introduces herself. "Hello, I'm Janice." She says with a warm smile. "I'm Iris." I say smiling back at her. Being in her presence made me feel warm, I loved her already. "Hello darling, this is Kevin my son and this is Iris my daughter, and her boyfriend Matt." My dad introduces. "He's not my boyfriend dad." I said looking at him serious in the rear view mirror. "Oh alright. Ive heard a lot about you Iris and you also Kevin." She says. I smile "I've heard a lot about you to. It seems you and my dad get along very well." I say. Kevin hums. We continue the drive and me and Matt play eye spy together.

We arrive at the massive hotel, "alright we're here" my dad says getting out the car and handing the keys to a valley parking worker. "Woah." Me and Matt chime. We've. Never been to such a nice place before. My dad and Janice link arms and turn to us. "Alright everyone this is a formal party, my bosses from work are going to be there so I want you all on your best behaviour." He explains. I nod and smile at Matt as we walk in together side by side. My brother following us in right after with his hands in his pockets. I walk in and see tables set with candles and lots of people walking around and talking to one another. My dad and Janice walk around and shake hands with a few people. "Alright what happens now?" Matt turns to me and asks. "I don't know but since my dad is occupied we could mess around in the hotel for a little while. "Sounds fun." He agrees. I take his hand and we run to the elevators not to far from the restaurant. We laugh and click a random button. "Alright floor 10 we go." I say. The doors open and we see a red carpet and rooms all spread out. "Come on" I say running down the halls. We laugh and look for some where interesting. "Oh refreshment station" I say. "VeRy FaNcY" Matt mocks. We laugh I little and grab what looked like orange juice from a glass jug. We sit down and just joke around and drink juice. We hear footsteps. We stop laughing and stand up. I look around the corner and see a couple who are dressed like they came from the party. I quickly link arms with Matt and walk their way. "Oh hello." The woman says. "You must be Iris" she says. We stop. "Yes. Who are you?" I ask. "Oh my apologies. I'm Debbie your fathers boss. And whom is this?" She asks with a smile looking toward Matt. "He's a plus 1 for dinner tonight." I respond. "Amazing maybe we'll see you at the dance after dinner?" She says. "Oh maybe, well it was nice meeting you." I say before waving bye and walking down the hall with Matt. "You two have a nice night darling." She says. Me and Matt snicker and speed walk towards the elevators. "Oh my god, how did you pull that off?!" Matt asks as we get in the elevators. We mock the conversation and laugh all the way back down to the restaurant. I walk in with Matt and see my dad he's still talking with a few people but i see Kevin talking with A man in a black tux and a woman in a fluffy white dress. "Come on" I say with me and Matt arms still linked. As we got closer our arms slipped down into holding each others hands. "Hello" I introduce as we stand next to my brother. "Oh Angela, this is Iris and Matt, Kevin's sister." Josh says. "Oh it's nice to meet you." Angela says embracing me for a hug. I wasn't expecting it but I gladly accepted. "You got lucky on that one" she whispers in my ear and winks as she takes a few steps back. I give her a signal of a no. She smiles and nods. "Alright let's go sit down." Kevin suggests. We all agree and walk over to a label with a very nice lay out. My dad and Janice soon come over. Josh and Angela introduce themselves and a waiter comes over and asks us for drinks. We order drinks and food and have a really nice dinner. It was also a Friday so we didn't have to worry about school tomorrow. The dance was going to start soon so every one turned to look at the dance floor. My dad and Janice and a few other drunk couples walk toward the floor and start slow dancing together soon my brother and a random girl, and Josh and Angela take to the floor. Matt stands up. "M'lady." He says as he cringes. "M'lord" I say jokingly. He offers his hand and I gladly take it and we take to the floor. He puts his hands on my wait and I put my arms around his neck. I lean against his chest as we just sway together. I examine the room looking out for who I recognise. I see a few couples dancing happily. And a few who where drunk and all over the place. But everyone was having fun or laughing with each other. The bystanders were talking to each other, there weren't many of them, but still enough. Me and Matt walk back to the table after 15 minutes. "I'll be right back I'm away to the bathroom" Matt excuses him self. I watch nod and turn to the dance. And see my brother and this girl. He looks happy. It brings a smile to my face, I haven't seen his this happy in a while.

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