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(A/n: who is ready to meet  Karina...??)

Heeseung pov

"Hoon, I don't care if you give people the cards, but you? Kidnapping that cute boy? Man, you gotta be kidding?", Jay shook his head while looking at Sunghoon, who was sulking for it.

"What the... I have been busy for two days. And you 'kidnap' someone? You are not a kid anymore, Sunghoon..you could get arested..man..", Jake is nagging his friends who are looking at his phone.

I just looked at Sunghoon. Aigoo, he is someone you can't predict. I don't understand why he would do something so terrible to Sunoo.

I mean, Sunoo is sweet, and I am glad that I can be friends with him. And, not to say, he is not judging me for, you know, being with my friends who bullied others.

"Whatever. He can file a report, but I can make it go away.", Sunghoon said, looking unbothered by what he had done.

"Hey..Hoon, Are you frustrated with him?", I asked him.

"No..what the..no way, Hee", Sunghoon looked at me in disbelief.

"Yeah..you are right. You are feeling kind of sad because of Sunoo.", Jay asked.

"Oh my god, no way. Why would someone like me care about that boy, huh?", Sunghoon replied while rolling his eyes.

"If you didn't, then why would you kidnap him?", Jake said while patting Sunghoon's back.

"Yeah, that's right", Jay agreed with his friends before continuing his words.

"He is weird... I can't believe that he doesn't like expensive things. And not to mention, he can even kick you without feeling a bit scared of you."

"Umm..just wanna say that you should never let your older sister know about these things. I don't know what she would do to you. You would get into trouble.", I give my advice to Hoon, who looks at me while nodding in fear.

Yeah, Park Soo Young is Sunghoon's older sister, but we call her Joy. She is so beautiful and so kind to us. but not to Sunghoon. Sunghoon is so spoiled, and Joy, on the other hand, is so independent. And Sunghoon's parents are always busy with their business, making Joy need to take care of his brother, who was still a kid at the time.

And, recently, I heard that she is also in love with his boyfriend, a Korean singer named Yook Sung Jae.

But, sadly, the two of them are breaking up, and Joy is now married to another Korean singer, Crush. It's been a while since I heard anything about her, but I hope she is fine and happy.

Jake and Jay just laugh.

"Yeah, you are right, Hee", Jay smirked.

"Hoon, sorry to say, but isn't it time to cancel the blue card? You have gone too far with that boy.", Jake replied, making Sunghoon look quite annoyed with it.

"I don't want us to get into trouble, you know, Hoon", I said before sipping my drinks after talking to him.

"Yeah, Hoon, it's not late to turn back now.", Jay looked at Hoon with a worried face.

Hoon looked quite nervous after we all gave him our advice.

"Whatever, I am out...", Sunghoon then left us in our VIP room before going to the class.

---TIME SKIP ---

Oh my god, Karina is going to be in Korea for a week, not to mention on her birthday. I can't wait to see her.

Oh, and I forgot, Karina told me to invite Sunoo too, because Karina got to know him after I told him how he was fighting with Sunghoon. She can't wait to meet Sunoo. And I know Sunoo will also be happy and glad to come to Karina's birthday party.

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