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Sunoo looked at his surroundings. He noticed that Sunghoon had been stalking him.

"What the..this pervert..." Sunoo thought.

"What the Fuck? You kidnapped me. You even stalk me.", Sunoo glared at Sunghoon, who was smiling over Sunoo's appearance.

"No, I am not. So, like what you have now?", Sunghoon asked.

Sunoo then looked in the mirror to see himself looking so ethereal.

"Is this me?", Sunoo thought.

"So, Sunoo, I can give you whatever you want—name it—the make-up, the clothes, and even a car—if you tell everyone that you will stop being so brave with me and give up on fighting with me. What do you say?", Sunghoon gave a chance to Sunoo.

"So...record a video of you apologising to me, and I will give you these things,", Sunghoon made an offer.

"Well, he will give up for sure," Sunghoon thought.

Sunoo then looked at himself.

He is not liking it. He knows this is only a trap for him to surrender to Sunghoon. He is using his wealth to tempt him. But Sunoo also knows his own pride and dignity.

"Nah..no way. I would never be tempted by this shit. I can even style myself better than this,", mumbles Sunoo alone.

He doesn't understand this sh*t that's been going on.

"I am sorry..but what?", Sunghoon looked at Sunoo in disbelief.

"Umm..sorry..but if you feel like I am so easy, then you are wrong.", Sunoo rolled his eyes before looking at Sunghoon, who was shocked to hear that.

"This little sassy boy..." Sunghoon thought.

"Umm...actually, I know why you do this to me.", Sunoo smirked before getting closer to Sunghoon, who looked kind of panicked.

"I don't get it. If you want me to apologise to you, you don't need to give me these things. Deep down, you actually felt guilty towards me, huh?", Sunoo answered.

"That's why you give me all this stuff and try to consult with me, don't you?", Sunoo asked.

"N-no..you are wrong.. I do have compassion in myself,", Sunghoon glared at Sunoo, who was so close to him.

"Actually, you giving me these things is not going to fix this problem,", Sunoo sassed him.

"Oh, my, so you are saying I am not fixing this?", Sunghoon yelled out loud as he was kind of angry.

"Whatever. Just record a video and take these things as a gift. Why are you making it so hard?", Sunghoon continued his words.

"No, I don't need this. Take it back.", Sunoo rejected it.

"Take it.."

"No, I don't want it."

"Record the video."

"No, I don't want this this...I don't care how much you spend your money on, but you can never buy me,", sassed the little boy, leaving the older kind of shocked.

"I even have my own pride, and I am happy to just wear simple clothes without those luxurious brands." So, I will never like these things..ouh, and take it back. I don't need it", Sunoo then gave back the accessories on his neck to Sunghoon before leaving the room.

"What the...hey.. why are you making it hard? Take it.", Sunghoon then tried to pull Sunoo to him, but Sunoo then kicked his balls again.

Sunoo then escaped from the rooms, leaving Sunghoon alone.

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