Part 13

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John: Dear Santa, I've been good this year.

John: Most of the year.

John: Once in a while.

John: Nevermind, I'll just buy my own presents


John: Here's a fun idea. We'll hang mistletoes, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever else is underneath it.

Arlo: We are not doing that.

Blyke: Mistlefoe.

Arlo: No.


Sera, singing: I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need

Sera, still singing: I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree

Sera, continuing to sing: I just want John to catch a break; because hasn't he suffered enough? I know he's not perfect, but no one is! He deserves lots of love this holiday-


Evie: I love bees! They're important for the ecosystem and they make honey!

Bee: *buzz*



A bully low tier, to John: Wanna see how hardcore I am?

A bully low tier: *Tries to hurt John, but gets hurt instead*

A bully low tier:

A bully low tier: Take me to the hospital


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