જ Mirrored In Her જ ☾Sri☽

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Title : Mirrored in Her


Reviewer: Sri_999


The title is a little unique and interesting. It will definitely intrigue a reader and make them wonder what the story can be about and will make them want to read it.

Cover- 5/5

The cover is beautiful. It matches the overall vibe and theme of the story very well and in my opinion it is really aesthetically appealing too, many readers will be attracted towards the story mainly because of the cover.

Blurb- 9/10

The blurb was great. It gave us the overall view of the story and warned us about what we are getting ourselves into. It looks a little long but when we read it we don't even feel like there is any unnecessary information in it.

Opening Chapter- 8/10

The opening chapter starts abruptly with information the lead character's mother is dead which threw me off if I am being honest because I thought that it might happen after we are one or two chapters in but nevertheless due this there was more curiosity and interest developing inside me. So overall it was great.


The plot of the story was very intriguing, it was a little predictable here and there but only if someone is paying attention to every little detail. Overall it was great and kept me on my toes. The flow was decent it wasn't too fast nor was it very slow, it was just right to keep a reader's attention to the events happening.

Writing style- 10/10

Your writing style is commendable. The way you have described the scenes is awesome and in the first chapter itself, the way you described the dead body of the mother created a really gory picture in my head. The grammar is great, you have not done any major grammatical errors in the chapters.


Overall it was a great read. I would personally recommend it to the people who love fantasy/mystery kind of stories because this story won't disappoint them. You are a great writer with awesome skills and I hope you get the recognition you deserve. Thank you for giving me a chance and choosing me as your reviewer, I hope you are satisfied with it.

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