જ Unloved જ ☾Demonnix☽

14 2 1

Book - Unloved
Author - wordywonders
Reviewer - Demonnix

Title -> {10/10}
The title explains everything in itself - containing both emotion and description!

Cover -> {14/15}
It matches the story, its theme, its title! 

Story Description -> {5/5}
Once again, mentions everything in the description so the readers know what to expect!

Content -> {50/50} (grammar and punctuation, originality, plot)
The feeling the poem wanted to achieve definitely achieved it. Even though it is from a lover's perspective, I daresay no one has ever not felt this, whether from a friend, family member, or family.

Writing Skills -> {10/10}
The poem is relatable and so, I respect the writer! They have done very well and from reading the comments from this poem, lots of people can relate and have felt what the author was aiming for them to feel!

Overall Enjoyment -> {10/10}
When I mean enjoyment from this poem, I mean relatability! It is absolutely a piece of amazing work!


Total Marks - {99/100}
Well Done!!

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