જ When Worlds Crossed જ ☾Claire☽

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Book Title: When Worlds Crossed

Author: conquestofthesomnium

Reviewer: ClaireMari29

Cover: 8/10 
The cover shows over some good vibes for your story and I can understand quickly why there's a black side with the boy, and the white side with the girl, and so from here on out you got me very impressed, but aside from using black and white, I suggest making it more attractive by adding some other colors too, prolly grey and darker colors will be good too, or maybe... Try to make your cover too styled in vector style, that will be also attractive too. 

Title: 9/10
The title got me impressed at the first read, "When Worlds Crossed" I can see where your story's going to in my first thought and so it caught my interest to read it, good job!

Blurb: 10/10
Even though the blurb's long you got me hooked and so be the readers to know more what's in for your work, well I'll also give you a piece of advice, writers nowadays too would give their blurb more good looking by decorating it with wise borders so maybe you can add it too, but once again, that depends on you ^^.

Storyline: 14/15
The storyline is created with originality and bliss, no words to express, (maybe because this is my first time reading Teen Fic), you can see the story of how Adelaide strives to keep living even though there are struggles and so based on the matter I've read your blurb too, which might connect to the storyline, I can see some good flaws too so I liked it much! 

Characters: 13/15
 The characters were shown in an aesthetic format which is good because I can easily understand their personalities in a wise matter, at the same time, based on how I've read the first chapter, I liked how Adelaide doesn't accept defeat which shows over the wild side of her, I'll truly keep reading your work when I had more time to know more about her!

First Chapter/Prologue: 8/10
Let's say that I read both chapter 1 and prologue, and I liked the storyline from the prologue, it's very ominous as I've thought "What's going over? Why he's being targeted?" and so when I've read Chapter 1, I liked how Adelaide's having her struggles over because of David, add the fact that there's someone who "broked" in the house too, which makes a good mystery!

Grammar and Punctuation: 15/15
 No grammar errors are found and so the punctuation's well interpreted, nothing else to explain.

Writing Style: 8/10
Writing style's good as the story's written in 3rd person POV, you've managed to describe things very well, here's also my tip and advice, maybe you should try to make the dialogues in bold text so that readers can easily understand your story better when they read it.

Readers enjoyment: 4/5
First of all, I liked reading your book even though I just read only 3 parts, if I had more time, I'll continue reading your work, and TBH, this is the first Teen Fiction Story that I've read and you gave me the interest to start reading Teen Fics even though it's not my cup of tea, nevertheless, I liked your work and so keep writing, congrats on being featured too in the Teen Fiction Profile, I believe so that your work must be noticed worldwide in Watty.

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