જ Before We Fall જ ☾ Priyu☽

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Book : Before we fall (BTS Fanfic)

Author : yoursauther

Reviewer : emotionheartless

Title : 10/10
There was no mistake..it was absolutely relatable and appropriate as a part of story

Cover :- 13 /15
Cover was good but not that much brilliant . The cover having too much dark shades the author can try using some combo of both dark and bright shades . It will look more attractive and the author can also some cover from some good graphic shop ....

Content :- 39/40 ( grammar and punctuation, content creativity , plot , originality )
There were not such noticeable mistake in her stories just a lil bit grammatical and vocabulary mistakes  . Reader will enjoy reading it ..infact I personally loved it and was excited to read each update ...I never ever had any interest in BTS but after reading it was like was i really missing something marvellous like this ...so I really loved it and i was really feeling sad that why there are so less votes in her book .

Writting skills :- 19/20
I can say that he/she is really an amazing writer . Passionate and dedicated towards her story , perfect emotions are potrayed with perfect character and need of time

Overall enjoyment :-15/15
There is no way to say that you didn't enjoyed or you will not enjoy ...I highly recommend people to read this book and you will not regret opening it .

Total marks :-96 /100

Have a good day ❤️

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