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My luck had finally run out. 

I was sitting in the local police station next to Frankie Heck, I guess I forgot to change my emergency contact when Axl and I split. 

Someone had called the police and told them they hadn't seen my mother's car for a month, and they stopped by to do a wellness check. When they saw that my mom was in fact nowhere to be found, they took me to the station for questioning. 

They had managed to track her down to her new boyfriend's house in the city. Not surprising. 

Of course, I wouldn't just be put back into her custody. And if worst came to worst, my mother would be arrested. 

"Miss Bennett, we cannot allow you to go back home tonight. We will have Officer Marks escort you to your house to collect some things for the night and we will place you in a temporary home for a few nights." My new social worker told me. 

"What? I've been living by myself for months now, what's one more night?" I protested.

"Please understand, this is protocol."

"Well it's stupid, I'm not going anywhere but my house tonight." I yelled.

Frankie placed her hand on my shoulder in an effort to calm me down. 

I sighed, realizing there was no way I'd be winning this battle. I stood, allowing myself to be escorted to my house.

I packed my life into one small box and a duffel bag. I tried to keep my mind on the task of folding my socks so they all fit into my bag, and not let it wander to the Hell I'd be sent to within the hour. 

I heard plenty of horror stories about foster homes, and no matter how many times the police assured me it was temporary, I knew my mother. She'd never change. 

I turned and looked around my childhood bedroom once more. So many different versions of myself had filled these walls. Who knew if they'd ever see me again. 

I let the tears that had been building in my eyes fall as I closed the door to my bedroom, to my childhood. 

I knew life would never be the same for me again. 

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