Worry Duty

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I was spending the day at Sean's, we had a lot of relationship stuff to catch up on. 

I spent almost everyday at Sean's, my mom hadn't called or came home in about a month now. I was worried, not for her safety, but for what this meant for me. How long until someone said something?

Meanwhile, Morgan was now trying harder than ever to steal more than just my spot on the pyramid. She had started dating Axl, but I knew she just saw him as a stepping stone to someone better. 

I had never liked Morgan. She was stuck up and fake. Everyone knew it, but we were all to nervous to say anything. 

Well, except for Frankie, that is. Last night she accidentally told me how she couldn't stand the girl, and how she desperately wished someone would knock some sense into Axl. 

Of course, his friends wouldn't. They all thought Morgan was amazing. And on paper she is, she's a cheerleader, older, and not bad on the eyes. That's what was maddening. 

"Kenz, I'm trying to hate her, honest. I just really can't." Sean told me after I had gone on another rant trying to convince him to hate Morgan. 

"Sean you're my boyfriend, you have to hate everyone I hate. That's the rules."

"Well, if that's the way it is, then she's just awful. You're a million times prettier than she is." He said, leaning in for a kiss. 

"I know you're just saying that, but thank you." I said when he pulled away. 

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