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sorry yall I just chugged a thing of soda I am pumped on energy, ANYWAYS MORE GAY PEOPLE TIME
(You're welcome)

Soap and Microphone were chatting in Soap's room, mostly about whatever came to mind. (NO GUYS THEY WERENT FUCKING 🤬🤬🤬 ((probably/J)) ) Then, the topic of Trophy came up. "Do you think Trophy actually went to go stay with Cheesy ??" Mic asked, "Oh.. Huh.. you know, there's a good chance he did.. wanna go find out ??" Soap replied, "HELL YEAH !!" Mic shouted as they stood up and grabbed Soap's hand, not even giving her a chance to stand up as they practically dragged her outside her room, and over to where Cheesy's room is.

"Okay.. we gotta be quiet.. we don't want them hearing us.." Mic said, Soap nodded her head in agreement. Mic slowly opened the door, making sure to do it as quietly as possible, kind of ironic for a microphone huh.. The two of them slowly made their way into the room, and Mic made their way over to the bed. Mic giggled a bit as they saw the two, Trophy and Cheesy, cuddling together. Soap made her way over to the bed as well, looking down at the two sleeping. "This is kinda creepy of us now that I think about it.." Soap says, "Who cares ?? This makes good blackmail anyway.." Mic pulled out their phone and snapped a picture of the two, they had to put the flash on though because of how dark it was in the room, the photo wouldn't have been clear enough. "Mic you just made it 10 times more creepy" Soap shook her head a bit, Mic just smiled at her, knowing they could use this photo to their advantage.

"Are you two done being fucking creeps.." Trophy said, he woke up because of Mic's camera flash, and he was completely annoyed. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT-" Mic screamed, "Morning" Soap said to Trophy. "What the fuck are you two doing in here ?? It's like.." Trophy paused and took out his phone, "3 in the morning.." He said, "We wanted to see if you would've actually roomed together, and you two did !! Obviously, you're cuddling right now.." Soap replied, Trophy looked down to see Cheesy, peacefully asleep and cuddled up next to him, with his head resting on Trophy's chest. Trophy smiled a bit at him, then remembered there were two other people in there with him.

"Can you two leave.. he's trying to sleep." Trophy said, clearly annoyed. "You like him don't you." Soap replied.
"What ??" Trophy asked
"You heard me"
"No.. no, I don't like him.. not like that at least, I mean we're friends but-"
"Dude, you're gay as fuck, and everyone in this damn hotel knows that all that gayness is for him, everyone but you.."
"Shut up.. I don't like him like that."
"Yes you do.."
"I do not.."
"Oh my god.. I do.."
"Yeah no shit sherlock." Soap rolled her eyes as she said that, "Shut up.." Trophy replied, FINALLY fucking realizing how gay he is, GOD IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH.. DAMN. (Everyone's reaction to reading this part I'm betting on it/j) "What are you gonna do now ?? Now that you've realized your gayness ?" Soap asked, "I don't know.." Trophy replied. "You should totally tell Cheesy how you feel" Mic said, adding themself back into this conversation. "WH- what ?? Are you insane ???" Trophy replied, looking at Mic like they were a crazy person. "You heard me !! You cant hold onto those feelings forever anyway, so don't be a pussy and just tell him !!" Mic smiled at Trophy while saying that, "I'm.. no. No way. What if he doesn't like me back, what if-" Trophy started to say, "Dude, he obviously likes you, just fucking ASK HIM 🤬🤬🤬" Mic interrupted him, accidentally shouting at the end of their sentence.

"Mmhhh.." Cheesy mumbled as he started to wake up, rubbing his eyes a bit. "You idiots.." Trophy said to Mic and Soap. "You better tell him !! Or else I'm leaking the photo I took of you two !!" Mic replied.
"WHAT PHOTO ??" Trophy shouted at the two, Mic just smiled, grabbed Soaps hand and ran out before Trophy could get a chance to get up and chase after them.
"What.. why were they in here ??" Cheesy asked as he sat up and turned the light on, mainly so he could see Trophy while he was talking to him. "They were being idiots.. that's all." Trophy crossed his arms angrily, Cheesy looked at him, a bit confused, yet also concerned. "Are you okay..?? Anything you wanna talk about ?? You seem like.. more upset than usual .." Cheesy asked, moving back over next to Trophy and resting one hand on his shoulder. Trophy just looked over at him, then looked away, "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Trophy replied, "Okay, I may be a fool but I'm not an idiot, come on.. you can talk to me !!" Cheesy grabbed both of his hands, "Dude seriously, it's nothing.." Trophy replied.
"Come on, just tell me !!"
"God.. it's nothing. Just let it go.."
"Come onnn !!"
"Pleasseeee !!"
"Cheesy, no."
"Just tell me !! I promise I won't tell anyone els-"

"GODDAMNIT CHEESY I LIKE YOU." Trophy blurted out, unintentionally. Cheesy just stared at him with a shocked expression. (Bro was flabbergasted Frfr..) "There, I said it." Trophy pulled his hands away from Cheesy, slightly looking away from him aswell. "You.. wait.. YOU WHAT ?? YOU'RE GAY ??" Cheesy shouted out in surprise, I mean obviously he had his suspicions about Trophy being gay, he just didn't expect his suspicions to be confirmed. "YOU'RE GAY.. FOR ME ?? WHATTT.." Cheesy sat there, absolutely shocked. "Chill out.. it's not that big of a deal.." Trophy replied. "YES. YES IT IS. THE DUDE IVE BEEN CRUSHING ON FOR YEARS IS GAY. FOR ME. WHATTTT.." Cheesy started to smile, he couldn't believe this was happening !! Hell, he still didn't believe that Trophy was gay.. I mean dude has been in the closet for years now..

"Wait.. wait what ??" Trophy turned back to him. "You like me ??" Trophy asked, blushing a bit (eww gay). "Duh !! I've liked you for years now dude, I don't know how you didn't realize.." Cheesy replied.
"Holy shit.."
"Wait did you seriously not know"
"NO ??"
"WAS NO-..." Trophy started to think about it.. it was completely fucking obvious. "Well uh.. what does this make us now..??" Trophy asked, "I dunno, we could like totally date if you're down !!" Cheesy replied. "Yeah.. Yeah, sure !" Trophy said, with a hint of excitement in his voice. "WOOOOOO !!!" Cheesy replied, tackle hugging Trophy. Trophy smiled and hugged him back.

Meanwhile, outside the door:

"Omg they made it official.." Soap said, as her and Mic listened in on Trophy and Cheesy's conversation. "YEAHHHH GO GAY PEOPLE !!" Mic replied.

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