Comedy gold (Part 2)

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Trophy was in his room, just snapping photos of random things that lay around and about his room, and Tissues was sleeping, per usual..

Click Trophy smiled a bit as he took a photo of those roses Cheesy gave him,, He only kept them because they were good for photos, nothing else !!! At least that's what he tells himself, he actually kept them because it was a nice gesture, nobody really bothers gives him gifts anyway..

While Trophy was taking photos, he heard a knock at the door. He groaned as he put his camera down, got up, and answered the door. "Oj ??" Trophy asked, "What do you want ??"
"I need you out of the hotel for a bit." Oj said
"What ?? Why ? I haven't even done anything this time.." Trophy replied.
"Thank god" Oj said under his breath. "But, I'm kicking almost everyone out for a few hours some people are coming to do construction downstairs and I can't have anyone interrupting like last time."
"Wait, if they're doing construction downstairs then can't we just stay up in here ???"
"Yeahhh, no, I know someone will come downstairs and interrupt and I'm not taking that risk."

Trophy sighed, It's not like I'd go downstairs,,😒 He thought as he grabbed a few things he needed for going out, like his wallet, camera, because there was no way in hell he'd leave his camera here at the hotel alone, and some other things, and put on some shoes. "Cmon Tissues.. Old man Oj is kicking us out for a bit" Trophy said, Rolling his eyes. "Oh no, Tissues can stay.." Oj said. "WHAT." Trophy screamed, "WHY AM I GETTING KICKED OUT BUT NOT HIM ???" Trophy was clearly pissed at the unfairness. "He's sick, I'm not going to make him go out and about, plus, it'll only be for a few hours. You'll be fine." Oj replied. Trophy was going to continue arguing with him but Oj had a stern look on his face, Trophy sighed, there was no changing his mind..

Trophy begrudgingly made his way downstairs and outside. He didn't really know where to go next, maybe he could check out some new cafe that just opened up ?? He hasn't eaten yet today anyway, so it was a good plan. He looked around a bit, to make sure nobody was near, he didn't really want to be followed by anyone, he wanted some peace and qu- "TROPHY !!!" Cheesy said, as he bolted up to Trophy. Goddamnit. Trophy thought, Why him.. WHY ?? CAN'T I HAVE A BREAK FOR ONE FUCKING MIN- His thoughts were interrupted by Cheesy speaking "Psst,, Trophyyy,, You okayyy ?? You don't seem very gouda right now !!" Cheesy said as he did a little knee slap and laughed at his little joke.
"Yeah yeah,, I'm fine. The fuck do you want ??" Trophy said, putting one of his hands on his hip. Cheesy giggled a bit at his pose and serious expression.. How can one look so serious and so gay at the same time ??

"I just wanted to see if I can hang out with you !! You know, until the hotels construction is done !!" Cheesy said, smiling a bit.
"Uhhh.." Trophy said. Did he really want Cheesy to come with him ?? No.. Not really,
"PLEASEEEEE.." Cheesy began, "I DONT WANT TO BE ALONE" Cheesy frowned a bit, "I HAVE NO WHERE TO GOOOOO, AND-"
"FINE." Trophy said, "You can hang out with me,, or whatever, just please, for the love of GOD, stop SCREAMING."
"Yay okay !" Cheesy said as he smiled a bit, happy he could tag along with Trophy, and a bit shocked Trophy was letting him.. Maybe he knew that Cheesy wouldn't stop bothering him until he said yes !

Trophy started to walk in the direction of the cafe, Cheesy followed, trying to keep up with Trophy. It was a bit difficult for him because Trophy is definitely faster by a long shot.. "Where are we goiiinngggg" Cheesy asked, "New cafe that has opened up,, I'm hungry so I thought it would be best to get something to eat," Trophy replied. "Ooo, Sounds fun !!" Cheesy said.

They both made their way to the cafe, Cheesy was telling jokes all the way there, Trophy smiled at some of them, but made sure to not look at him when he was smiling, he wasn't going to let Cheesy see that..

Once they got inside the cafe, Trophy found a nice table for the two of them. He sat down and Cheesy sat down next to him. "You gonna get something ??" Trophy asked, "They have a menu online on their website.. I can show it to you if you want," He said as he pulled out his phone. "Oh ! Well, I didn't really bring any money with me, sooo, guess not !!" Cheesy said. "Dude, I'll buy it for you,," Trophy said, "Oh, seriously ??" Cheesy asked, "Yeah,, it's the least I can do for you getting me flowers anyway," Trophy replied, He pulled up the menu on his phone and showed it to Cheesy. "See anything you like ??" Trophy asked, Cheesy just pointed to something on the menu. "Alright, anything to drink orrr ?? And don't say coffee. You have enough energy as it is, you do not need any coffee." Cheesy rolled his eyes and smiled. "Uhh, I'll haveee.. Apple juice !!" Cheesy said, "Alright, I'll get us our food, stay here," Trophy said as he got up. The fuck was the point of sitting down if he was gonna get up a few minutes later ?? Whatever.. "Okay !" Cheesy said.

Trophy went over and ordered their food, while he was waiting for the food to be ready, he started to get lost in this thoughts. Why am I being so nice to this loser.. Am I becoming soft ?? No, no.. I only let him come with me since he wouldn't stop bothering me.. And I'm only getting him food because the idiot forgot his wallet.. I doubt he's eaten today anyway.. God that's gay isn't it.. Mother fu- "Sir ??" His thoughts were interrupted by the worker who was trying to give him his food, "Your foods ready !" The worker said, "Oh, right, thanks," Trophy said, he payed, took the food and headed back to the table where Cheesy was sitting, kicking his legs, waiting for Trophy's return.

Trophy sat back down and gave Cheesy his food, "Welcome back !!" Cheesy said with a smile, "Mmhmm, thanks," Trophy replied. He wasn't used to hanging out with people, this was new for him.. Hell, he never ever thought he would be hanging out with Cheesy out of all people, but here they are, sitting with each other in a cafe, it's kind of like a date.. that's pretty gay,

Cheesy started to eat his food, he ate his food at a quick pace as well,, "Jeez dude,, calm down, you're gonna choke" Trophy said, "Sorry sorry, I'm just hungry,, haven't eaten since yesterday!!" Cheesy replied. "Pfft, yeah, me too, but take it a bit slower, okay ?" Trophy said, "Oh, yeah, yeah !! Okay !" Cheesy said, smiling at Trophy, He actually cares !! Cheesy thought as he took a sip of his apple juice and he started to kick his legs (apple juice is the bomb bro ‼️‼️) Trophy just smiled a bit at him God he's cu- A FUCKING LOSER !! YEAH.. YEAH. Trophy immediately stop smiling, what was wrong with him ?? What was with his almost gay thoughts ?? Trophy sighed a bit as he took a sip of his drink, trying not to look over at Cheesy, it would be weird if he saw him smiling at him anyway..

Eventually, the two of them finished their food, and surprisingly Cheesy didn't choke !! maybe because he did in fact take Trophy's advice on eating a bit slower. "Ready to go ??" Trophy asked, "Mhm !!" Cheesy replied. Trophy stood up and so did Cheesy, and they made their way out of the cafe.

"Can we go back to the hotel yet ??" Cheesy asked, "I think soo ? Pretty sure whatever the fuck was going on is over anyway.." Trophy replied. "YAY OKAY !!" Cheesy said. They were walking pretty close together when they heard a familiar voice,, "Cheesy, Trophy ?? What are you two doing together ??" And then another familiar voice.. "Ooooo, Gayssss !!" Fuck. Trophy thought as he turned around, Cheesy also turned around, to get a good look at who was talking. It was Soap and Microphone, they were out together and happened to bump into each other.

"What happened to hating him ??" Soap asked Trophy, with a smirk on her face. "Oh shut up, it's not like that. I only let him come with me so he would stop bothering me." Trophy replied. "Sureee,," Microphone replied. Trophy just turned away from the two and started making his way back to the hotel. "WAIT UP !!" Cheesy shouted, running after Trophy.

"Those two are so gay." Microphone said, "So very gay.." Soap replied.

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