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So.. it seems you all really want more comedy gold.. wellll.. HERE YOU GOOO !12!
You're welcome 😘
(Also my spelling is purposely bad when Tissues is speaking, it's apart of his condishawn guys..)

Tissues sneezed, for the 40th time in 5 minutes.
"Dude,, can you like, stop ??? Your sneezing is so fucking loud, and I'm trying to work out."
"Shorry man.. I cantz really controls SNIFFLES it.. and why the fuck are you working out.. itz like.. 11pm.. ACHOO"
"Because I can ???"
"Okhay, weirdooo.. ACHOO"
"That's it I'm seeing if I can room with someone else for a few nights, I'm sick of you.."
"Okayz man no need to get sho ACHOO agressivee..,"
"Shut up."
Trophy stood up, thinking about where was he actually going to go.. I mean maybe he could room with Soap for a little bit ???? She's his sister anyway, so he's sure that she wouldn't mind.. probably..

Trophy grabbed a backpack out of his closet, packed a few things into it, camera, clothes, work out stuff (Idfk man..), etc. He put the backpack around one shoulder, flipped off Tissues, and then he was out the door.
"I don't even SNIFFLES get a goodbye ??, Okay,, asshole 😒"
"SHORRY.. dick.."

Trophy made it to Soaps room and knocked on the door, for a few minutes there was no answer, and so he knocked again.
And again.
And again.
Until someone finally opened the door.
"Can I help you ??"
"Hey Soap can I- oh, Mic ?? The fuck are you doing in Soaps room.."
"We were doing something, now what do you want.."
"I mean I was looking for someone to room with for a little bit, cause Tissues is a shitty ass roommate.."
"Yeah no,"
"This isn't even your room, why the fuck do you get to say no ???"
"Cause I can, plus I'm basically rooming with Soap now, soooo, shoo !!"
"You know who would LOVVEEE to room with you ??"
"Don't you dare say who I think you're going to sa-"
"What other choice do you have ???"
"Exactly, now shoo. Soap n I are busy !!"
And with that, Microphone slammed the door in his face. Trophy sighed, he really didn't want to room with Cheesy.. But, he also really didn't want to go back with Tissues.. and it was only for a few days.. guess rooming with Cheesy doesn't seem as bad..

Trophy made his way over to Cheesy's room, thinking about how he was probably going to regret going over here, but at least Cheesy won't sneeze every 15 seconds.. Trophy knocked on Cheesy's door, waiting for an answer, Cheesy opened the door immediately, no surprise there.
"HI !!"
"Uh,, hey,, You okay with me like.. rooming here for a li-"
"Okay, uh, thanksss, I guess,"
Trophy made his way into Cheesy's room and Cheesy followed him in.

"Wait.. You have your own room ???" Trophy asked, Turing to Cheesy.
"Oh, Yeah !! My old roommate moved out a whillleeee agooo.." Cheesy replied as he shut the door to his room.
Trophy stood there, shocked. "What the FUCK ?? YOUR ROOMMATE WAS ALLOWED TO MOVE OUT, BUT WHEN I ASKED OJ IF I COULD MOVE OUT, HE SAID NO ???" He said, angrily throwing his stuff down onto the ground. "Oh, yikkessss.." Cheesy replied as he walked over to Trophy, stood up on his tippy toes and patted his back. "This is so fucking unfair.." Trophy muttered to himself, Cheesy couldn't really hear what he said, but he just hugged him in an effort to help him calm down a bit.

"What the fuck are you doing." Trophy asked, looking down at Cheesy. "Hugging you !!" Cheesy replied as he looked up at Trophy and smiled. Normally Trophy would've shoved him away, but hey, nobody was here to see this, and he kinda needed a hug, so he just let it slide. "Whatever.." Trophy rolled his eyes a bit, then started to look around Cheesy's room. "Huh.. I thought your room would be way more messy than this.." Trophy said, "Soap like.. Just helped me clean it yesterday, so it's not that messy !!!" Cheesy replied as he finally stopped hugging Trophy, "Now uh, I dunno where you're gonna sleep cause I only have like one bed.. I mean you can take the bed and I could sleep on the floor ?? Oorrrr, we could share a bed !!" Cheesy smiled, giggling to himself when he said that. "Yeah I'm not sharing a bed with a loser like you.." Trophy rolled his eyes again. "Damnit.. It was worth a shot 😞" Cheesy replied.

Trophy looked over at Cheesy, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean ??" He said, putting one hand on his hip, "You want to share a bed with me ?? Do you know how gay that is ???" He asked, "Duh, why do you think I suggested it ???" Cheesy replied, putting both hands on his hips, with the intention of mocking Trophy's pose. "Dude.. just.. just shut up." Trophy rolled his eyes, then looked back over at the bed.. it was big enough for two people.. "You look like you're considering sharing a bed with meee !!" Cheesy said, as he watched Trophy look over at the bed, "No.. I'm not going too.." Trophy replied, looking back at Cheesy. "Oh come on !!! It would be nice !! We could both be comfortable !2!2!2" Cheesy smiled at him when he said that, "And like.. it's late anyway, so we need to decide this soon !!" Cheesy said, "Oh my god.. If it gets you to stop fucking nagging me about it, then fine whatever." Trophy sighed a bit when he said that. "YAYYY !!!" Cheesy said excitedly, hopping onto his bed and patting a spot next to him, Trophy sighed and sat down on the bed next to him.

"You better not tell a single soul about this, okay ????" Trophy looked over at him with a serious expression on his face. "Okay !! Noted !!" Cheesy replied with a smile. Trophy rolled his eyes as he lied down, and Cheesy turned off the lights. Cheesy lied down also, pulling the covers over the two of them. "This is so gay of you.. I actually didn't expect you to agree to this !!" Cheesy said, Trophy looked over at him, and flipped him off. Cheesy giggled at his gesture. "What time do you normally go to bed ??" Cheesy asked, "Eh, 2am-ish" Trophy replied. "Seriously ?? I thought you'd go to bed like,, wayyyy earlier than that, cause you're normally awake by like.. 6.." Cheesy said, Trophy just shrugged his shoulders and pulled his phone out of his pocket, opening up his photos and scrolling through it. Cheesy moved a bit closer to him, trying to see what he was doing. "Whatcha looking attt.." Cheesy asked, "Just, photos," Trophy replied, Cheesy moved closer to him, and rested his head on his shoulder, so he got a better view of it. "Woah.. That photo is nice !! I didn't know you took photos on your phone .." Cheesy said, slightly mesmerized by the photo. "Well, I do, and uh, thanks," Trophy replied, "Uhuh !! No problem !! Now are you just gonna look through photos all night ? Oorrr ?" Cheesy asked, looking up at him. "Eh, guess I'll get an early rest tonight," Trophy said as he put his phone away. "Oh, okay !! Well, goodnight !2!3!2" Cheesy said, "Goodnight.." Trophy replied.

Cheesy rested his head on Trophy's chest, falling asleep moments later. Trophy just sighed and laughed to himself a little, how can one be so energetic yet fall asleep so fast ?? Trophy then started to think to himself a bit, why is he suddenly becoming so soft ?? Especially around him ?? Ugh.. This is stupid.. He thought, and without even realizing it, he hugged Cheesy, and ended up falling asleep.

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