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This ship is super underrated, so I'm making a oneshot about it !! Also cause I love this ship ! Anyway, Fan goes by they/them in this !! Non binary Fan 😋😋, and Lightbulb & Test Tube share a room !! Cause I felt like that made sense 2!4! anywayz

Fan was in their room, hanging out with Paintbrush, the two were talking about what Fan could add to their blog, since Fan needed some new content ideas. "Hmm,, maybe you could-" BAM "WHAT THE FUCK-" Paintbrush screamed, what the hell was that noise ?? Paintbrush and Fan looked over to see Lightbulb, she so kindly let herself in by kicking the door open ! "Thanks for knocking.." Paintbrush said sarcastically, rolling their eyes. "No problemo buster !!" Lightbulb said, "Don't fucking buster m-" Paintbrush began, Lightbulb cut them off "FAN !!" Lightbulb practically sprinted over to them, "FANFANFAN" She screamed, "YES ??" Fan replied, eager to see what was making her so energetic this time, "FAN !! I GOT THESE TICKETS TO A SPOILED LEMON CONCERT !! AND I WANTED TO SEE IF YOU WANTED TO COME WITH !!" Lightbulb said excitedly, Fan gasped. "REALLY ?? OH MY GOSH" They said, they were happy as hell over this, I mean who wouldn't be happy when you get to see your favorite band, right ? "YEAH !! I only have two tickets though.. SO IT'LL JUST BE YOU N ME !!" She said, "ILL GLADLY GO WITH YOU !!" Fan said, grabbing her hands excitedly, Lightbulb blushed a bit and smiled at them. "Okay ! You're free tomorrow right ?" Lightbulb said, "Cause that's when the concert is ! Tomorrow at 7 !!"
"Yeah ! I got nothin planned !!" Fan replied, "PERFECT !! SEE YOU THEN FANSTER !!" Lightbulb said, she hugged them, ran over to the door, waved goodbye and ran out of the room.

"Pfft, looks like someone just scored a date.." Paintbrush joked, Fan turned to them, "HEY, ITS NOT A DATE ! ITS A FRIENDLY THING !!" Fan replied, "Don't you literally like her though ?" Paintbrush said, "Shut up.." Fan replied, rolling their eyes at them and crossing their arms. "You know I'm right, shortass 😒" Paintbrush said, "I hate you sometimes" Fan said, "Platonically love you too bud !" Paintbrush replied, "Now, how about you get some rest, You got a date tomorrow anyway !" Paintbrush said, "Oh, yeah.. Gotta have my energy for that concert !!!" Fan said, hopping up onto their bed and laying down. "Night gayass" Paintbrush said as they turned off the lights. "Night !" Fan replied.


It was around 6:00 PM, Fan was getting ready to go out with Lightbulb, they kept questioning to themself, was it actually a date, or was it a friendly thing ?? Well, either way, Fan still wanted to make sure they looked good, for Lightbulb, and because they didn't want to go out looking like a mess.. Once they finished getting ready, it was around 6:25. "Alright,, Do I look okay ?" Fan asked, turning towards Paintbrush, "You look nice !" Paintbrush replied, "Okay, thank you !!, I'll see you soon !" Fan said, "See ya !" Paintbrush said, Fan waved goodbye and went out the door, down the stairs and outside.

Lightbulb was waiting for them outside, "FAN ! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE !!" Lightbulb said, hugging them, "Oh ! Yeah, sorry, did I keep you waiting ??" Fan asked as they hugged her back, "For a littllleeee.. BUT ITS FINE !! Now, we gotta skedaddle, we can walk to where the concert is anyway, it isn't that far !!" Lightbulb said, as she grabbed Fans hand and started walking.

"You know, we never really get to hang out together, like, just the two of us !" Lightbulb said, "We don't.. Which sucks, cause I really like hanging out with you !" Fan replied. "Oh, you do ?" Lightbulb asked, tilting her head a bit, "Yeah !! You're always super fun to hang out with !" Fan replied, smiling at them. Lightbulb smiled back, "Woah, someone who isn't annoyed with my antics !!! That might be a first !!" She giggled a bit, "Well, I find your antics enjoyable, and fun !" Fan replied, "Shocking.." Lightbulb said. The two of them walked for a little bit longer, talking about whatever came to their minds, "And then she- OH ! WERE HERE !" Lightbulb said, "Oh, ALREADY ?" Fan replied, "YEAH ! CMON FANSTER !" Lightbulb practically dragged Fan into where the concert was being hosted.

The two of them had a nice time at the concert, Lightbulb got the two of them food, they also got good seats !! Fan made sure to take pictures of the experience, they wanted to remember this moment ! Both them and Lightbulb sung along to some of the songs, Fan sung along to more than Lightbulb did, since they knew like all of the bands songs. After the concert ended, it was around 11:00.

"That.. was.. AMAZING !!" Fan said as both them and Lightbulb walked out of the building, and started to head back to the hotel. "GOSH I HAVEN'T BEEN TO ONE OF THEIR CONCERTS IN FOREVERR !!!" Fan said excitedly, "I'm glad you had fun !" Lightbulb replied. "Thank you sososo much for taking me there !!" Fan said, hugging her. "Anytime Fanster ! I'm glad I could find these tickets anyway !!!" Lightbulb said as she hugged them back. "Now, it's late, and Ojs not gonna be to happy with us if we get back before 12.. Soo.." Lightbulb picked Fan up, "LETS GOO !!" Lightbulb speed walked her way back to the hotel, making sure to not go to fast so she didn't drop Fan.

Once they got back, they went inside, making sure not to make to much noise because some people were sleeping, and Lightbulb dropped Fan off at their room. "I had fun tonight !" Lightbulb said, "Me too ! Hopefully we can hang out again soon !" Fan replied, smiling at her. "Hopefully ! Now get some sleep Fanster, it's late anyway !" Lightbulb messed with their hair a bit, "Pfft, okay okay, you too !!" Fan replied as they went into their room.

Lightbulb made it back to her room aswell, as she entered her room, she saw Test Tube reading on her bed, she still awake of course, I don't think she ever sleeps.. "Hiya Testy !" Lightbulb said as she shut the door behind her, "Oh, hello !" Test tube said as she put her book down, "How did it go ??" She asked. "It went great !! Fan seemed to have a wonderful time !! And it was super duper fun being able to hang out with themm !!" Lightbulb said as she took her shoes off and sat down on her bed. "Glad to hear, also, I didn't know you were a fan of Spoiled Lemon.." Test Tube said. "Oh, I'm not the biggest fannn.. I mean some of their songs are good !" Lightbulb replied. "Wait, so if you aren't the biggest fan, then why'd you get tickets in the first place ??" Test Tube asked. "Wanted to hang out with Fan ! Plus I knew this would make them happy, so I went ahead and got us tickets !! I have absolutely zero regrets, it was amazing seeing them so happy !!!!" Lightbulb replied. "You like them don't you.." Test Tube asked, "Isn't that obvious ??" Lightbulb replied.

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