Testbrush FOR THE 3RD TIME !2!3!2!2

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Hahahshaah sillies ❤️❤️ I'm seriously like obsessing over Testbrush rn so ahhsdhshha 😘😘
you guessed it

Test tube was in her lab, working on experiments, as usual.. Expect, this time it was different, nobody has seen her for days. She has been down in her lab for almost a whole week now, and nobody really knows where she is.

Above ground, Paintbrush is looking around for her, asking everyone they come across if they've seen her. "Do you know where Test tube went ??" They asked Oj, "Nope, have you checked her lab though ???" Oj replied. Paintbrush stood there for a moment. HER LAB. OBVIOUSLY SHES GOING TO BE THERE. "Oh my god why didn't I think of that.. Thanks Oj," Paintbrush said, as they made their way over to the lab entrance.

Paintbrush typed in the code and then the slide opened up, and they were inside the lab. "Test tube ??" They shouted out, "Are you down here ??" They asked as they looked around a bit. They made their way into a room, which was full of experiments. And at the other end, there was Test tube!! Paintbrush ran up to her and hugged her from behind, catching her off guard.

"AHH-" She screamed, turning around. "Oh my golly gosh.. Paintbrush!!" She said as she tried to catch her breath, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??" Paintbrush asked, "Down here.." Test tube replied. "Have you gotten any sleep?? You look like you haven't slept in weeks.." Paintbrush asked as they cupped her face a bit. "No, I haven't been tired," She replied as she shrugged her shoulders. "Oh my god.. Have you eaten anything ??" Paintbrush asked, "Not much,, no," Test tube replied. Paintbrush sighed as they picked Test tube up "What.. What are you doing ??" Test tube asked, "We are getting you something to eat, then you're getting some sleep." Paintbrush replied as they started to go to the labs exit. "I have no say in this huh.." Test tube said, "Nope." Paintbrush replied. Test tube sighed as she wrapped her arms around Paintbrushes neck, accepting her fate, and accepting how she's not going to get to finish her experiment today..

Paintbrush took Test tube out of the lab, and back into the hotel. They sat her down in the kitchen at the table and made their way over to the fridge, trying to find her something to eat. "God when was the last time Oj went shopping.." Paintbrush said as they looked through the fridge, trying to find something to eat. "Paintbrush it's okay I really don't need to eat anything," Test tube said, "Nope, no, you are eating. You have not eaten in a while, and I am getting you food." Paintbrush replied, "GODDAMNIT THERES HARDLY ANY FOOD IN HERE 🤬🤬🤬" Paintbrush angrily slammed the fridge door shut, attracting the attention of many people who were in the main lobby, yet only one person came over to check out what was going on. "Heyyy Paintyyy, you okayy ??" Lightbulb asked as she walked over, "OH HEY YOU FOUND TEST TUBE !" She said, Test tube just smiled a bit and waved at her, Lightbulb waved back. "I'm fine Lightbulb, we just have like NO FOOD IN THIS DAMN HOTEL." Paintbrush said, clearly annoyed. "Woah there Painty, chill out !! I'm sure I could get some food for ya.. I'm like, an amazing cook !! I could totally make you two something !!" Lightbulb replied, picking up Paintbrush and putting them down in a chair next to Test tube.

"Didn't Oj ban you from cooking,,?" Test tube asked, Lightbulb ignored her comment and made her way over to the fridge to get some ingredients. Test tube and Paintbrush just looked at each other, there was a very very VERY big chance that Lightbulb would burn the kitchen down, and then the whole hotel with it. "Lightbulb, what do you even know how to make ??" Paintbrush asked
"Cookie pi-"
"Okay no, anything besides cookie pizza ??"
"Uhhh.. Real pizzaaaa..??"
"You know what, that works.. Just don't get us all killed, okay ??"
"Okay !!!"

Paintbrush sighed as Lightbulb started to cook, and Test Tube leaned over to Paintbrush and whispered in their ear.
"There's a 95% chance that she catches something on fire.." Paintbrush whispered back;
"She's most definitely going to.."
The two kept whispering back and fourth, talking about how there's a good chance that Lightbulb burns down this whole building and everyone inside. The two were whispering for quite some time, and they only stopped when they realized Lightbulb was standing in front of  the two, holding two plates of surprisingly unburnt pizza slices ! "Oh woah,, you didn't burn down the hotel !" Paintbrush said, "Yup !!" Lightbulb replied as she set the plates down on the table, "Now eat up, I know for a fact that the two of you haven't eaten in a while.. Enjoy !! And also like.. Toodles !! Cause I'm gonna go bring some of this pizza upstairs !!" Lightbulb grabbed a few slices of pizza, and made her way upstairs, without even giving the others a chance to say goodbye.. Wonder what she's going to do with all that pizza..

The two started to eat their pizza, surprisingly, it was cooked pretty well !! And tastes pretty good !!
"Woah.. this is good," Test tube said,
"It is.. I wonder what she put in it..." Paintbrush replied
"Me too.."
"Probably drugs"
"Where would she even get drugs from ??"
"She's Lightbulb, she gets her hands on everything.."
"Fair point.."
Soon enough, the two of them finished their pizza, Paintbrush stood up, took the plates and put them into the sink. "That was.. surprisingly really good.." Test tube said as she stood up and brushed herself off, Paintbrush made their way back over to her, and picked her up. "Oh, this again ?" Test tube asked, "Yup !! Gotta make sure you don't try to run off,, gotta get you to bed anyway," Paintbrush replied as they made their way out of the kitchen, and up the stairs.

Paintbrush made their way upstairs, over to their room, and opened the door. Fan, who was sitting on their bed, looked up from their phone and over at the two. "Oh hey, you found your girlfriend, where was she ??" Fan asked, "Her lab.." Paintbrush replied.
"And it took you a whole week to go down there and check her lab..??"
"Shut up.."
"I would've checked there first.."
"Fan shut up 🤬🤬"
"It's like, the most ob-"
Fan was cut off by Paintbrush throwing a pillow at them.

"WHAT THE HECK MAN 🙁🙁" Fan said, "Oh chill out, you'll live.." Paintbrush rolled their eyes as they placed Test tube down on their bed. "Alright Fan, I'm kicking you out." Paintbrush said, they put one hand on their hip and pointed at the door. "WHAT ?? WHY ?? 🙁🙁" Fan frowned at them.
"Cause Test tube needs sleep, so you can leave."
"You're loud"
"And Lightbulb needs company"
"Oh.. well, fine, I'll go 😒" Fan stood up, opened the door, and left.
"They're so gay for her.." Paintbrush laughed to themself a bit, then shut the door and sat down on the bed, next to Test tube who was already laying down, and got herself under the covers.

"Pfft, I can see you got yourself comfortable," Paintbrush said as they smiled a bit, Test tube smiled back at them. "Can you lay down with me.." Test tube asked, "Oh, do you want me too ???" Paintbrush replied,
"Well yes, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you too, silly,"
"Oh shh.. I was just making sure !!" Paintbrush lied down next to Test tube, as Test tube lifted up the covers, and put some over them, then hugged them. "Heh, ready to sleep I assume ??" Paintbrush hugged her back. "Mhmmm.." Test tube replied. "Heh, okay, let me take your glasses off first though.." Paintbrush took of her glasses, and put them on the bedside table, then went back to hugging her. "Goodnight,," Test tube said as she rested her head on Paintbrush's chest. "Goodnight," Paintbrush replied.

Meanwhile, Lightbulb was in her room, she had Baxter out on her bed, and she was trying to feed him a slice of pizza. Then, Fan walked in.
"Lightbulb.. What are you doing ??"
"He's hungry"
"Crabs cant eat pizza.."
"Well I can't afford his crab food so he needs to be grateful for his food. ISNT THAT RIGHT MISTER. 🤬"
"You concern me."


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