Chapter 5: The Book

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While Ash was fighting Kaelan, Bill was chopping some wood while Olivia was, as usual, reading, but Bill was not familiar with the book though, it was an old book as he could see, but had plants growing through it, Olivia was zoned out so far Bill couldn't reach her with words, so he did the most logical thing, snatched the book off her.

"What the, HEY!!! I WAS RE-"

I know you were reading, but I couldn't get your attention." Bill said to Olivia.

She looked white, the problem was she wasn't white, she was dark, this seemed to happen a lot now, Carmen never turned up to the cabin and was hanging with the popular kids like normal, Olivia was always reading that book, Ash, Sage and Bill haven't been affected by this thing yet.

"Look I'm sorry I haven't been present but it's for a good reason, this book is teaching me magic."

Bill was confused, but it also made sense considering her addiction to go to Hogwarts was strong.

"Can you cast a spell." Bill asked her.

"Yeah, just not as strong as most spells, Petrificus Totalus." she said pointing the wand at Bill.

Bill dodged the spell when it hit a rabbit hopping by and froze.

"Sorry rabbit, your food, I must eat as well," Bill said taking its life away, but it sounded like it was cursing, and not like magic curses, but it found its family again.

"How do you do that, is it magic?" Olivia asks.

"No, it's a thing death can do-"
"Your death!?" Olivia interrupted.

"Yep." Bill said.

"Is that why you brought a scythe back to the cabin?" Olivia asked, she was looking at it with amazement, its blade had "ジェイソン・ヘイデン・ゴードン" written on it.

"Yep, but it was dads." Bill said.

"I can't believe your dad, Dan-"

"That's not my dad, my dad's name is Jason." Bill said. 

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