Chapter 3: What's happening

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They all sat down, some with a smile since they were having a blast, others who lived here and what did they needed the equipment for.

"Anyone have an explanation for what happened?" Ash asked the group.

"Yeah, this makes a big difference from a normal trip." Sage said.

"Whatever, this is amazing, we could be the first people to know about this cabin out here!" Carmen said.

"But you are forgetting something, a cabin must be built before it exists, and clearly, it's been built, but who lived here before and what's with the stuff?" Bill asked.

"You're just mad since you didn't find any-"

"Do, not, finish, that, SENTANCE! Sage and my parents got a divorce, and we are stuck with a spoiled sister, this was meant to help us forget!" Bill yelled.

Everyone froze.

"See you soon, if I can say that!" Bill finish

"Where are you going huh?" Carmen said.

He went to the attic and put on the poncho and then covered his mouth with a ripped off poncho but finally picked up the Katana's, then Sage looked at him, she recognized it was her brother but didn't know where he got all the equipment, everyone else came up as he smashed a window on the roof.

"Why did you say that!" Ash screamed at Carmen.

"Because he's jealous that he didn't find anything!" Carmen screamed back.

"Then explain why he disappeared in seconds, he wasn't jealous, he was making a point, if there's weapons here and there's a chunk missing, how did it end up like this and why?" Sage said.

They all agreed except Carmen, they waited a few minutes and Bill was still gone, so they started fixing up the place and found a few more things like fangs stuck in the wood, blood down the hallways, but Carmen looked around, she noticed there was lose planks and lifted them up, her eyes turned green and then she put the green crystal in the floor there.

Meanwhile Bill was swinging past tree's, he was jumping on and off branches in seconds, he started seeing blue lights as he passed by, they constantly popped up until the whole floor was covered, he slowed down and hopped out of the tree he was in and landed on the ground feet first, he walked to the center of the blue lights and saw a man wearing a skull.

"Let the boy through..." the man said.

Bill walked through the path the lights had set.

"Who are you?" Bill said.

"Your father, also known as Death." he said.

"B-But how I that possible, my dad is Dan!?" he said.

"that's what I wanted you and your sister to think..." Death said with a smile.

Bill suddenly had a flashback, back to when he was three, instead of the father he thought was his father as a man with black hair and a moustache with a beard popped up instead, it went straight to when Death left, Sage and Bill were standing there, his real father had tears in his eyes before hugging them both and then leaving, Bill's memory went white and then back to the currant time.

"Dad?" Bill said hugging him.

"I'm leaving again, but you are now to help these spirits go to heaven, ok?" Death said to Bill.

"Ok." Bill said with tears in his eyes.

Then every light went up as well as Deaths, all that was left was a scythe, Bill picked it up and went back to the cabin.

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