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My phone rings on my desk as I write down paperwork for a client. They finally decided to buy the house and now I need to make sure all my contractors have everything inside the house properly in place for them to move in.

When I pick up the phone and put it up to my ear I hear my secretary speak. "Mr Sawyer your client Mrs. Tracy is here for the meeting." She announces.

"Send her up." I yawn. Last night I stayed in late to get some work done. I want to leave early today and head to that new restaurant that opened downtown. First though I think I'll get some coffee. "Also can you send me up some coffee." I say.

"Yes sir." She says and then I hang up the phone.

Wiping my hand across the desk I get all the papers that are spread out and put them all into a neat pile. I need to be able to talk to her without all the clutter.


Once she knocks on my office door the desk is a lot more neat. I pulled out the papers I know she's going to need once she gets in here. "Come in." I announce across the room.

She opens the door and walks into the room with a bright smile. Mrs. Tracy is a tall brunette with dark brown eyes and fair skin. "Owen! Long time no see." She smiles once she see's me.

"Tracy." Smiling back I motion for her to take a seat.

"I haven't seen you since December. How has it been?" She asks.

"Let's cut the small talk Tracy. We all know you aren't into that." Picking up the papers I set them down in front of her.

"I've always liked that about you Owen. You get straight to the point." She smirks as she points to the picture behind me. It's the picture that I took in the Bahamas where me and her first met. I took her back to my hotel room that night and we spend the whole week together. Although it didn't work out between us for a series of reasons.

"Well then let's start. I have the paperwork right here. I signed everything you'll need to sell the house." I say.

She pushes the papers towards her and looks at them. "150,000 dollars." She raises a brow. "I expected it to cost a lot more."

"Yeah well this one has been on the market for a while so we decided to take it down on the price," I say.

"Well, I'm glad I'm the only one who sees the potential in it. I'll gladly do business with you." She holds her hand out. Picking up the pen on my desk I hand it to her.

As she signs it a knock sounds on the door. "Mr. Sawyer I have your coffee."

"Come in." I tell her.

My assistant walks in with my coffee in her hands. It's steaming and completely fresh. She walks over to my desk and sets it down. "Also Ms. Smith left this in the bathroom before she left. I didn't want to set it down and leave it on her desk." My assistant places her wallet down on my desk.

How did she leave her wallet in the bathroom? I'm sure she's going to be looking for it. Her ID card to get into this building is in it. "I'll run to her house and give it to her," I add.

Tracy looks up from her paperwork and furrows her brow. "You and Ms. Smith must be really close Owen." She says.

Shaking my head I cross my arms and lean back in my seat. "We aren't. My sister-in-law is friends with Ms. Smith. Not that it's any of your business, Tracy." I raise and brow and she looks down again.

"Okay, Owen I'm done with the paperwork." She says standing out of her seat. My assistant leaves the room as I also stand up. Rounding my desk I stand in front of her.

"It was a pleasure." Holding out my hand to her she takes and and shakes it.

"The pleasure was all mine. I hope to be doing more business with you, Owen." She smiles before making her way out of my office.

Picking up my coffee I take a sip. I should have time to run over there before my next meeting.


As I pull up in front of Cali's house I pull her wallet out of my armrest. Then I open my car and make my way up to her porch. The house my brother set her up with is nice. The neighborhood is known for its safety. At least I know she's not living anywhere where dangerous.

When I get to the door I see her looking around. "Where the hell is my wallet?" She throws something to the other end of the room. Just as I'm about to knock a little boy comes to the door.

He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He's super small and looks just like Cali. Their noses are different, but he looks like her kid. Cali has a child? She never put on her application that she has children.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Um I'm Owen. I came here to give your mom her wallet."

He raises a brow at me before turning around and getting Cali's attention. "Cali there's a strange man at the door." He says.

She turns towards me and our eyes meet. "Get away from the door Liam" She says walking over to me.

He moves away from the door and she crosses her arms. "Shit, I forgot I left the door open." She mutters. "Liam go grab your backpack so I can drop you off at school."

"Okay." His little legs start moving as he runs up the stairs.

When Cali comes into my view I can't help but stare. She looks gorgeous in the sexy red short outfit she's wearing. A tank top and shorts that show off her curves. Along with some red sandals. For the past month that she's been working here, I don't ever get to see her in casual clothing. Although the dresses she wears are sexy too.

My eyes travel down to where the shorts are cut off. Her legs. The way the shorts bring out her curves. When I bite my lip I look back up at her. Her entire face is red and she runs a hand through her hair. "Stop looking at me like that Owen."

She crosses her arms and raises a brow. "Why are you here?"

Smiling I hold up her wallet. "As sexy as you look right now I wasn't looking at you in a type of way. I just came to tell you that you forgot your wallet at work."

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