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Standing in my kitchen I stare out the window over the city. Cars get stuck in traffic on the busy street. When I open my window, I close my eyes as the breeze blows my hair out of my face. The sound of honking comes and my eyes open again. Usually I open the window and then start on breakfast, but I just can't get myself to do anything. Today isn't a usually. It's my first day waking up in this world after barring my brother.

"I'm hungry." Liam's voice rings through the room making me jump. Turning towards him my eyes widen.

Shit, he scared me. I forgot he was in the room upstairs. "Okay. I'll make you some breakfast. Do you like blueberry pancakes?" I question.

He nods his head while holding a teddy bear in his hands. Walking to the fridge I take out the ingredients for the pancakes.

Liam's little legs carry him all the way to the table. He lifts himself up into the chair and sits there. Watching me pour the eggs into the bowel. Along with the pancake mix and the blueberries. As I stir, I turn on my phone.

"Daddy used to make blueberry pancakes for me all the time when I was 4. He said that Aunty Cali and him used to make them with grandma." Liam says.

Smiling I start to remember when my brother and I would race to see who could make pancakes the fastest for our mom. Mine were the best of course, because he had no idea what he was doing and would always make a mess. Even though I had to clean up his mess every time it was still fun. We were 13 at the time. My eyes start to water, but I wipe it away.

"I'm glad he told you that. Your father and I used to do a lot of fun stuff when we were kids with your grandma." I smile.

"Will I be living with Grandma?" Liam questions from his seat.

Pouring the mix into the pan I reply. "You probably will. Why?"

"Well. I don't want to live with granny. She makes me eat healthy stuff for breakfast, not pancakes." He scrunches up his face and I smile.

"I can bring you snacks over there from time to time," I say flipping the pancake in the pot.

"Will I be living there forever?" He frowns looking down at his hands. The question causes my heart to Ache. "I don't want to leave all my friends in America or my room and house."

When the pancake gets done I put it on a plate and place it in front of him. "I don't know sweetie." I lie kissing his forehead. "I'm sure grandma can take you to see your friends anytime. She's still in America."

Liam frowns as he picks up his fork next to his plate..

"Once you get done eating go brush your teeth and wash up. I'm taking you to Granny's hotel room down the street." I announce leaning against the counter. She decided it was best to come out here to London while we figure out where Liam is going to live.

"Ok." He says a frown staying on his face. He doesn't want to admit that his father is gone. Hell, I don't either, but this is our new reality. We have to accept it because he's never coming back and none of us will ever be the same. My eyes start to water again and I quickly wipe them. I have to be strong for Liam.

Liam is taking this harder than all of us right now. He only has the three of us now. My father, mother, and I.

My brother's wife's family said they need time to cope away from everyone. Including their grandson. I understand. Liam looks just like their daughter and my brother. Still, I would never not want to see Liam for that reason. He's such a sweet kid.


Buckling Liam up in the car I make sure he's ok. This is the first time he's been in a car since the accident. Everyone has been taking him around on foot or on a plane. "You ok?" I ask him.

"Yes. I'm fine." His expression is blank and I feel for the kid.

"Just making sure." Moving away from the car I close the door. Getting into the driver's seat I start the car up and then pull off. He's surprisingly calm the entire car ride to her apartment.

When we walk into her hotel room she greets us with a smile. "Good morning!"

She walks over to Liam giving him a warm hug. Her eyes are swollen and dark. She's been crying and hasn't gotten any sleep. My mother isn't in any position to take care of Liam right now. She's still grieving. We all are.

"Morning Grandma," Liam says.

"Your grandpa Marty is in the room. Why don't you go see him." My mother says.

Liam nods his head before running towards the hotel bedroom. My mother motions for me to sit at the table with her.

Walking over I sit down and she sits across from me. "We need to talk about Liam." My mother says. Nodding I wait for her to answer. "Your father and I can't take care of him. We are both too old." I knew they were going to say this.

While I don't have a problem taking in my nephew taking care of a child has never been on my to-do list. How will I take of one when I don't know how.

"I'll need a babysitter. My new job is starting tomorrow." I say.

"Liam can stay with us today. I'll find a babysitter before we head back to America. Are you ok with this?" She asks.

"I can't really say no to taking care of him as if he isn't my nephew. My brother would have wanted me to do this." At the mention of him her eyes lower.

"I know you didn't want this, but I appreciate you not saying no." Her lips quiver.

"It's fine Mom. No need to make a big deal out of this. As long as I get some help from everyone." Even though he's staying with me I will need lots of help making sure I have money to take care of him and myself.

"I'll be back for Liam Tomorrow." Getting out of my seat I give my mother a hug.

"Okay. I'll have everything situated. We'll go shopping for him some clothes and food today and bring it to your place tomorrow."

Nodding I smile before leaving the hotel. Luckily it's the end of summer break so I can worry about getting him into school in a few weeks. Now that I'm going to be taking care of a child I'm going to need to party and get help from Evelyn. This entire thing is already stressful as it is.

Pulling out my phone I text my best friend.

Me: Hey you want to go out? I really need it.

Evelyn: Yeah we taking Natalia?"

Me: Of course.

Evelyn: Ok I'll have to leave Scarlett with her dad at the office.

Me: He's allowed to have his kids in an office?

Evelyn: Yep he owns the business so they can't tell him shit.

Me: haha as it should be. Forgot you were living that rich life now.

Evelyn: Yes perks of having a businessman husband.

Me: I'm gonna go home and get ready. Ring me when you're outside.

Evelyn: Alright.

Starting up my car I drive off making my way home. I have a few hours before I have to get ready. I'm going to take a shower and a nap before I pick out my outfit and do my hair.

Once I get home I walk upstairs to my bedroom. My apartment has a great view of London. I can't believe I was lucky enough to move here with my best friend...

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