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Sitting on my couch I listen to the TV playing as I stare at my phone. Would telling my brother about Cali be a good idea? Maybe not. After all, she just got hired and this could make my brother fire her. I wouldn't be able to interact with her anymore. He would completely take her off my floor and keep us apart. Even though that's something she would want. She made it perfectly clear she wants nothing to do with me at all.

Then again, it could be wrong if I don't tell him. I don't fully know Cali and telling him would be the best thing. A sigh escapes my lips as I press the call button and dial my brother. "Hello?" He picks up on the first ring. Even though I want her, there's nothing I would keep from my brother.

I hear my niece in the background singing a song while her mom hums along with her. "Okay don't get mad," I whisper to my brother on the other end.

"What is it this time? Whenever you say this you always piss me off Owen." He says.

"Well, it's nothing too big this time." Rolling my eyes, I run a hand through my hair.

"Ok spill It man."

"So I may have accidentally slept with one of our employees."

The line on the other side goes quiet. Quiet enough that I can only hear Evelyn in the background. "Y-you what! Didn't you say it wasn't too bad?"

"Listen Aiden I had no idea  this girl was an employee." I start to pace the room.

"That's why I told you to stop sleeping around you dumbass. What if she tells the press about this? It would ruin the company's name just because you can't stop sleeping with anything that moves."

Rolling my eyes I sigh. "We can just have her sign an NDA. I'm sure she's not going to go run her mouth if she wants to work here."

"Owen you don't know this girl. She could do anything for all we know." I hear him sigh through the phone. "I'll be there in a couple of hours."

"Ok listen Aiden I'm sorry for this," I say.

"Then fix it before I get there." He hangs up the phone.

Sighing I lean back on my couch. It's been a week now since she got hired and nothing has happened. She doesn't talk to me and I don't talk to her. From what I can tell she doesn't even want to associate with me.

Something more with her isn't going to be possible. Convincing her not to say anything shouldn't be hard, but Aiden's right I don't know much about her.

Picking up my phone I shoot a text to my secretary.

Me: Can you please send Cali to my office? I'll be up there in a couple of minutes

Hannah: Yes I'll call her down.

Getting off of my couch I head towards my bedroom to put on one of my suits. I remember the first time I ever put on a suit. That was the best day of my life. Aiden and I decided to start up a business together. Although Aiden's always wanted to be a teacher he decided to try this out and see if it works for him.

When we first started up we weren't as big, but our clientele did really well for the first year. We only went up from there. He was too busy to become a teacher by that point up until four years ago when he went to America.

I must admit I never expected my brother to date one of his students. My mother and I were shocked when he told us. Their age gap isn't too bad, but I never thought he would do something so risky. Still, I'm glad he met her, they are both so happy together.

Once my clothes are changed I walk back into my living room. My keys jingle as I pick them up from the coffee table. Then walking to the door I turn off the light and leave my house.

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