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Evelyn and Natalia walk into the club before me as I bend over to tighten up my heel. Before we made it up to the door my heels untightened. My hair blows into my face as I tie my shoe making it hard for me to see. Shit, I should have put it into a ponytail.

This is my go-to club for hookups and there's always a new guy for me. Tonight though I think I'm just going to focus on drinking my sorrows away.

"You coming?" Natalia asks turning towards me and watching me tie my shoe. Nodding I follow behind her and Evelyn as they look around the club.

A few guys eye my two best friends. Why wouldn't they, they are both stunning. Evelyn's hair is in a neat bun with a few strands that hang into her face. Her beige dress clung to her body revealing every curve.

Back when we were both in college she wore baggy clothes which hid her body. Then she met Aiden and he somehow got her to wear hot things. Also going out a lot more than she did back then.

Then theirs Natalia. Her gorgeous black hair is in tight curls and her glossy lip gloss that makes her lip shine. She's wearing a gorgeous black dress that also compliments her curves. Her brown skin glows in the sun and shines at night. Even her brown eyes look amazing.

Natalia stops and looks at the both of us. "So are we going to the bar first? Or are we getting dancing first?" She asks her brown eyes going between the both of us.

"Getting drunk first." Evelyn nods. Agreeing with her I nod too.

"I've never passed up a drink before partying," I add.

Evelyn walks to the bar and we follow behind her. She sits down and we sit next to her with me in the middle of them on both.

"What can I get you, ladies?" The bartender asks. His eyes linger on Evelyn, but she doesn't return the look. Her eyes stay on the menu as she looks over the drinks. Poor guy has no idea she's taken.

"Um, should we get shots or margaritas?" Evelyn asks looking at the both of us.

"Shots," Natalia says.

"Shots," I repeat smiling at her.

"Shots it is." Evelyn finally looks to the bartender and nods before looking back at us. He looks disappointed.

When he disappears the girls turn towards me. "So I don't think I'm going to be able to drink tonight," Evelyn says her face turning a shade of red.

"Why?" I ask tilting my head.

"Well, I might be pregnant again. I've been feeling sick, but I haven't taken a test yet or told Aiden." She says twisting a lock of hair around her fingers.

Natalia's eyes widen as she gasps. "What! That's great right?" She questions.

Evelyn smiles and nods. "This would be our second child."

"Oh my gosh! You're already on your second child. I'm so proud of you." Trying to hold back the tears I look at my best friend.

"Thank you both." She laughs.

"I'm so excited. I hope it's a boy this time." Smiling I wink.

"Me too, originally I wanted to have both a girl and a boy so this might be our chance." She smiles warmly. "As long as it doesn't get too stressful."

"So what's been going on with you Natalia?" I question. "Any children in your future?"

"Well after I get settled into my new job I'm hoping to adopt two, but I actually have a little girl." She smiles.

Evelyn raises a brow and I gasp. "You do?" We both ask at the same time.

"Yeah. She's only 3 years old right now." Natalia pulls out her phone and shows us her wallpaper. There's a little girl on the screen who looks like a little version of Natalia.

Forbidden KissesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang