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When I open my eyes I feel the migraine start to hit. Fuck! I'm going to have the worst hangover ever and it's my first day on the job today. Rolling over I feel something warm next to me. Looking down I see the guy from last night. Owen.

He's really attractive and I hate to let him go after that amazing night we had, but... Sitting up the soreness starts to hit. whimpering out in pain I see his eyes start to open. He takes a second to scan his surroundings before looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"You okay? Need some pain medication?" He asks his voice deep and husky. The sound of it sends shivers down to my core.

Nodding my head I say. "Please." His eyes darken at that one word. My whimper made it sound like a moan.

He sit's up out of bed and walks to the bathroom. My eyes stay on the now hard length that stands at attention. He's still naked and looks great. He's muscualr with a great ass.

When I pick up my phone and look at the time I realize I'm going to be late for my first day onthe job. "Oh fuck!" I yell as I whip myself out of bed despite the pain. Holding onto the bed I try to keep myself from falling over.

His head pops out of the door. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I need to go. I'm late." Looking around I try to find my panties and my dress.

He looks down at his watch and his eyes widen. "Well seems like I'm going to be a little late to my meeting also." He walks out of the bathroom with the pills.

When I find my dress I pull it on and forget all about my panties. Taking the pills from his hand I gulp them down without water.

"Can I see you again?" He smiles that panty dropping smile. As much as I would love to see him again I decide against it. Me dating a guy has and never will be a thing for me.

Shaking my head I sigh. "No. This was just a one time thing and no offense, but I hope we never meet again." Not turning to see his face I run out of the room. Hopefully my words keep him from trying to find me. It would be bad if he did.

Running down the stairs and out of the building I call for a cab. The cab takes another 20 minutes out of my time. I'm going to get fired on my first day.

When I finally arrive home I take a quick shower. Thankfully I was able to pull my clothes out the day before. When I get out of the shower I throw on my clothes and fix my hair. Then I run downstairs with my keys in my hands and speed to my job.

Opening the door to my job I see my boss looking at her watch impatiently. "You're an hour late Ms. Smith." Her voice is sharp and she crosses her arms.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Jen. It wont happen again."

She eyes me up and down and smiles. "Your outfit is perfect at least. The big boss just arrived 5 minutes ago so he hasn't been waiting for long."

Nodding I follow her to the large silver elevator at the end of the hall. "What should I expect for today Ma'am?" I question.

"The boss is going to pick two interns today out of six. Three woman and Three men. One will be for selling houses and the other will be for designing houses." She pulls a folder out of her bag. "Seems you applied for the Relator position with our company." She smiles.

"Yes. I've been a realtor for a few years now and the company contacted me." Nodding I say.

"That's good to hear. Now you need to make yourself stand out from the rest of the six candidates." She says.

The elevator doors rings as they open. Revealing an entire floor level. Phone's ring off the hook through the air. People rush around the office with papers in their hands. Voices ring out through the entire office. "This is the upper office. People who come up with interior designs are going to be working here." She says holding her hand out to the busy office.  "Now follow me."

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