Chapter 2

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*Cali Flashback*

Sitting at the kitchen table my brother and I finish our last drink. His wife next to him with her head resting in his lap fast asleep from getting too drunk a while ago. My brother came out here to visit me a few days ago and has been here for a week. We've gone out and taken Liam to fun places all over London.

He claims he's going New York next before he and his wife have to go back to work. They took time off so Liam could come visit in London.

"If you get too drunk, you won't be able to drive home brother." I snort. He has a long way to go before they make it back to their hotel.

"I'll be fine. I haven't drunk too much. I can get home." He sets his empty cup down.

"So when are you going to settle down little sis? Don't you think it's about time?" He asks.

Shaking my head, I gaze down at the cards on the table. "I'm still only in my 20s. I still have time to really think about settling down."

He sighs. "Yeah, but wouldn't you want to start now? Get to know someone?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

Furrowing my brow I look up at him. "Why are you so concerned about my love life brother?" Before today we haven't gotten too deep into why I haven't settled down yet and he's more curious than before. I just hope this isn't about what mom said the other day.

He smiles. "I'm just worried about you Cali. Yeah partying may be fun, but you won't have that forever." He starts. "I just don't want you to miss out on this amazing thing called love."

Standing up off the couch I move out of the room. "My love life is fine. I'm not looking for love right now." The idea of love to me just isn't realistic. Meeting someone on a train and just falling in love. The idea alone just makes me cringe.

Now my brother and his wife are perfect, but they've gone through so much that I don't want to deal with. One-night stands don't come with so much baggage.

He follows behind me with his arms crossed. "Yeah, but you could. What if you find the guy for you."

Rolling my eyes I turn to him. "Pft like you would let that happen."

"Well of course I want to meet him first and approve of him, but if he's right for you then I won't interfere."

Leaning against my kitchen counter I smile. "Well, that won't be happening for a while brother."  Shaking my head I add. "Mom's wrong about me missing my chance. I'll have them when I want to have them and I wouldn't be a great mother anyway."

He shakes his head and grabs the picture of my nephew and I. Holding it up to his face he smiles. "You would be a great mother Cali."

Smiling at his words I look at the picture. This was 5 years ago when Liam was still just 2 years old. I had gotten him a new gaming console for kids. He was the happiest kid that day and my brother managed to capture that in this picture. "Then again you don't want that to happen."

"I want kids. Just not right now" shrugging I open my cabinet and grab another bottle of alcohol. I've seen how much stress my brother has gone through with Liam when he was first born. Just because he was cute and sweet when I was around doesn't hide the fact that when he went home he was a pain. "Not having kids means I can go out. Have fun. Drink ask much as I want. Not have to change stinky diapers. Look I even moved to London."

Pointing around me I smile. My move to London would have been more difficult had I settled down.

He rolls his eyes and holds out his cup. "Yeah, but you'll find out what I mean one day." He laughs. "London is the city of love maybe it will do you some good."

"Doubt that honestly. I'm not looking for it at all." Pouring another glass I then pass the glass to my brother.

Footsteps sound on the stairs and we both turn to look. Liam wipes his eyes as he walks towards us. "Daddy where are you?" He asks.

"In here bud," he calls out.

Liam opens his eyes and walks towards us. "I wanna go home. Auntie's bed is big and scary." He frowns.

My brother walks towards Liam and bends down to his height. "You're right buddy it is late. Why don't we get started on our ride. Although we won't be going home until Thursday.." He smiles.

Liam lies against his dad's chest and my brother looks at me. "Maybe I shouldn't drive though."

"Nah you'll be fine. Just make sure you call me when you get there." Patting him on the back I walk into the living room to wake up his wife. Her soft snores fill the room as I walk over to her.

"Izzy wake up. It's time for you two to go." Shaking her I try to get her to wake up. She doesn't budge though.

My brother Greyson walks up beside me. "It's okay I'll carry her." He lifts his wife up into his arms and I smile. It's cute how couples are when they love each other.

Greyson may be right that I could find someone, but I'm willing to wait. "C'mon bud let's get back to the car. We have a long ride."

The both of them walk to the door and I open it. "Tell mom I said bye when you get home after New York."

"I'll try if we have enough time. I'll be leaving extra early though." Nodding I watch as they walk out of the door. Liam waves goodbye and then I close the door.

Now it's about time for me to get some rest. I'm selling another house tomorrow. Then I'll have to prepare for my interview in a couple of weeks. Walking up my stairs my eyes start to droop.

Once I'm in my room I fall straight onto my back.

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