Contrails only part

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Cal: Best day ever, Dad.
Ally: yeah daddy
Ben: For me, too.
Cal: But next time, can we go out to watch a movie? The screen at your place is a little small.
Ally: I liked it
(Ben smiles at his daughter)
Ben: Look, buddy, right now, we kinda need to keep a low profile because some people are interested in us because we were on 828, and they may not be very nice.

Cal: You mean the Major.
Ben: How did you know about that?
Cal: I heard you and Auntie Mick talking about her. It's fine, Dad. I know I'm supposed to stay safe.

Grace: There's my Calamander and allygator . I missed you.

Ben: Sorry I came in the house. I wanted to make sure...
grace: Ben, it's... it's fine. It's your house, too. You can come inside.
Ally: mommy can I stay with dada tonight
(Ben looks down at his daughter confused)
(Grace looks at ally not knowing what to say)
Ben: she can if she wants I promise to take the absolute best care of her you would not have to worry
Grace: I mean would be nice having one less kid I suppose so but where would she sleep
Ben: with me she'll be fine just like all the times she sneaks into our bed
(The both chuckle)
Grace: ok fine ally you can go
Ben: thank you grace
(Ally looks up at her mother and smiles)
Ally: thank you mommy your best
Grace: go get your overnight bag sweetheart do you remember where it is
Ally: yeah my room mama
(Ally waddles up the stairs one by one while cal starts to talk)
Cal: Mom, Dad got us TV dinners. It was awesome.
Grace: Was it, now?
Ben: Salisbury steak... always a favorite. I bet.
Grace: Do you think you can do it again tomorrow? I've got this thing that's come up at work.
Ben: Yeah, sure. Maybe we could try the turkey dinner.
Cal: But Dad can't tomorrow. He's gonna be busy.
Ben: I am?
Cal: The man from the plane? He needs your help.
(Ally walks back down the stairs with her bag)
Ally: yeah dada he needs you help

Grace: Man from the plane?
Ben: Look, I'm sure we can work something out. Worst case scenario, it's Michaela's day off.
Cal: Awesome. Auntie Mick ally we get to hang out with auntie mick.
Ally: yay
Ben: There we go. ( Chuckles ) Love you, kiddo.
Cal: Olive! Guess what. I got to have Hungry Man.
Ben: ok princess should we get going
Ally: yeah
(Ben picks up his youngest daughter having her bag in the other hand)
Ally: bye mama
Grace: bye honey I love you
(Ben walks out the door to the car putting ally into her car set while throwing her bag onto the other side)
Ben: ok before we go have you got bear
Ally: yeah
Ben: blanket
Ally: yup
Ben: ok all good to go let's go

Skip to later

( Door opens )
Mick:  Really? Again? You can't just take one night off?
Ally: auntie Mickey!
Mick: hey kiddo
(Mick picks up ally and walks over to Ben)
Ben: What, now that we think Cal and allys the Major's Holy Grail? No, I can't. Plus, he gave me homework.
Mick: Cal?
Ben: He told Grace I couldn't watch him tomorrow because I was gonna be too busy helping a man from the plane ally had agreed with him. I'm trying to figure out what that means. So you may be hanging with Cal and ally tomorrow, if that's cool.
Mick: Yeah, sounds fun. Plus, it'll keep me out of trouble.
Ben: Why? What's going on?
Mick: Just trying to dig myself out of a gigantic hole filled with quicksand.
Ben: Colorful. Jared?
Mick: Mm.

Ben: Want to talk about it?
Mick:  No, not really. Think I just need to take a break from it. So, uh, how are you planning on figuring out what man from the plane you're supposed to help?
Ben: No idea. We just have to trust that any calling Cal and ally has is pointing me to things I should know... need to know.
Mick: To what end, Ben? I mean, you really think this is gonna help us figure out 828, why we're back?
Ben: Right now, this is about keeping Cal and ally safe, day by day.
Mick: You're doing that.
Ben: Am I? Cal and allys biggest threat is the Major, and I have zero clue who she is.
Mick: Don't do that. Don't start spiraling. You are doing the best anyone could be expected to do.
Ben: My best might not be enough.
Ally: dada it's him
(Ally points the the captain as soon as he gets a phone call from him)
Ben: Captain Daly.
Mick: Talk about a man from the plane. ( Scoffs )
(While ben has his phone call mick holds her niece looking up at Ben ally takes micks hands and puts them up by her face to help warm up the now cold nose ally has developed ally then remembers her and cal weren't going to tell them about that calling and quickly drops micks hands back onto her lap mick was quick to feel the coldness that her hands had touched and turned her niece to face her mick looks at the girl to see the now pink cheeks and nose)
Mick: ally why are you cold
Ally: I'm not
Mick: ally are you having a calling
Ally: no
(Ally tries her best to not tell them it was in fact a calling but she didn't want to worry her as she could already feel mick was worried)
(Ben finishes his phone call)
Mick: ben come have a look at this
(Ben walks over to mick and ally and see the girls red cheeks and red nose while her lips have began to turn blue)
Ben: ally are you cold
Ally: no dada I'm fine I just tired
Ben: Alison I need you to be honest with me are you having a calling
Ally: no daddy I'm not
(Ben looks at his daughter worried)
Ally: can I go bed now
Ben: yeah of course you can sweetheart
(Ben looks at mick with a worried look in his eyes ally looks up at her father and can feel he was worried)

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