Part one of S.N.A.F.U

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Saanvi: Hey! So, you are under doctor orders to chill out all day.
Cal: Okay.
Saanvi: Okay and remember, if you feel bad, your mom and dad can call me any time. Same for you ally
( Laughs )
Grace: Come on. Let's get you guys a treat before we get out of here.
Ally: I don't want treat I stay with dada
(Grace looks down at her youngest)
Ben:  it's fine she can stay with me I'll meet you down.
(Ben picks up his daughter)
Saanvi: I wouldn't discharge him if he wasn't better same with ally.
Ben: Better enough to go home, but he's not out of the woods. He's still feeling Marko, which means whatever happens to Marko will happen to Cal. For ally I have no clue what she's feeling she just seems to go on with life after the incident we had
Mick: Seems like the testing stopped.
Ben: For now. The passengers were moved. There's satellite footage of the farm being torn down. But I know how to find them. Saanvi: How do we do that?
Ben: Follow the money. The farm was owned by Unified Dynamic Systems.
It turns out their accounting firm is hiring, so I applied for an entry-level job.
Mick: Entry level? Ben, you're way over-qualified. They're never gonna hire you.

Mr. Stone, you seem much too qualified to be applying for... Junior Revenue Accountant. JP Williamson provides support for 35 Fortune 500 companies, correct? That's correct. We work closely with the likes of Boeing, AIG, Unified Dynamic Systems...

If I could get in their books, I should be able to follow the money trail from the farm to wherever they're holding the missing passengers now.

And what better way to service them by having someone who is overqualified and starving to get back to work on your team? Saanvi: It might work... if they hire you. Ben:It has to work. Cal thinks he and ally are in danger. And he hasn't been wrong yet.

And it will cost you less than hiring a guy who doesn't have a 5 1/2-year gap on his résumé.

( Chuckles ) ♪ ♪
HR rep: Welcome to JP Williamson, Mr. Stone.
Ben: Thank you, thank you.

(Couple hours later)

Ally: mama
(They young girl sits in her room playing with her dolls calling for her mother)
Ally: mommy
(Ally calls for her mother again but no response but cal hears his sister and walks into her room)
Cal: what's wrong ally
Ally: can you play dolls with me
Cal: I guess so
(Cal sits with his sister and picks up one of the dolls)
Cal: ally have you been getting any weird visions
Ally: what you talking bout cal
Cal: I over heard dad talking about you having visions or being like me and I've been having these feelings about me and you being in danger and I don't know what to do
Ally: cal it ok can I show something
Cal: sure
(Ally puts her hands into cals hands and thinks about her last calling)
(The calling gets replayed to cal as if it was him he sees Marko on a chair while other people surround him the calling stops and cal was brung back)
Cal: ally is that what you see
(Allys nose starts to drip blood and she seems to have had her energy taken but not like last time she doesn't pass out)
Cal: ally your nose is bleeding
(Cal lifts the young girl up and runs down to the upstairs bathroom putting ally on the side of the bath to sit he graps some tissue and holds them up against allys nose)
Grace: hey cal is ally with you
(Grace yells from the bottom of the stairs)
Cal: yeah
(Grace starts to walk up the stairs while cal freaks out on what he's going to tell his mother as he didn't know how to tell her)
(Grace walks by and sees the two kids in the bathroom)
Grace: oh my what happened
Cal: we were playing and she tripped and bumped her her nose on the toy box I tried really hard to clean up the blood
Grace: I can see that thanks buddy for helping and trying
Grace: you need to be not as rough with her
Cal: I wasn't rough she got up to grab something and tripped mom
Grace: I know buddy but she's only 2 she can't do as much as what you can
(Cal walks away annoyed)
Grace: cal.
Ally: mama I sleepy
Grace: let's put you down for a nap than lucky your nose stopped bleeding
(Grace puts the young girl into her bed and walks out the ally falls asleep)
(Cal walks in to ally's room and stands by ally's crib he looks down at his little sister and puts her favourite teddy in the girls arms)
Cal: I promise I will try everything and anything to protect you ally
(Cal walks out and goes down stairs to talk to his mom)

Ben: Hey. How was the climb?
Olive: I quit. It's too hard.
Ben: Too hard? Huh. Well, harder than riding down Tait Hill with no hands? You busted your lip three times. You didn't quit until you nailed it.
Olive: How do you remember stuff like that?
Ben: I'm your dad. I remember everything. ( Chuckles ) Your mom told me climbing really helped you when... things weren't going so good.
Olive: Well, that's a polite way of putting it.
Ben: I'm just saying, you're great now, so I'm a big fan of whatever got you here, okay? Olive: Okay.
( Both chuckle ) (
Chuckles )
Olive: Thank you, Dad.
Ben: Hey, bud. Doing okay? You want me to bring you some breakfast upstairs?
Cal: I feel him even more now. ♪ ♪ That man... things are getting worse for him.
Ben: Listen... last night I found out a secret, and that secret makes us so close to finding Marko and making him safe. We're so close, Cal. We're so close.
Cal: dad
Ben: yeah bud
Cal: does ally also get callings
(Ben looks at his son confused)
Ben: yeah sometimes buddy why has she said something to you
Cal: well it's just she was playing yesterday and wanted to show me it was like I was her but seeing everything that was happening
Ben: what was the calling about cal
Cal: it was about the man he was on a bed and a bunch of people around him
Ben: your saying this was what ally showed you
Cal: yeah she put her hands in mine and boom I was taken back but once finished her nose started to bleed
Ben: she didn't pass out?
Cal: no she just felt really tired dad why are you asking that
Ben: cal bud it's just really important because both you and ally take the callings a bit more roughly than me and mick do so sometimes when ally gets callings her body and brain can't handle it so much so she will faint or as you said nose will bleed but I think she maybe connected to you bud as she and you get the same callings but hers not too bad
Cal: that's so weird but dad it's like she can play back her callings and I've never had one like hers before
Ben: I know buddy I'm really trying to figure out what's going on but nothing adds up
Cal: dad it will be ok
Ben: I know buddy
(Ben and cal continue to chat while olive walks upstairs walking past the bathroom to see grace sitting beside the tub and ally playing with bubbles)
Olive: hey mom
Grace: hey sweetheart
Ally: and the dinosaur goes raaa
(Ally splashes her toy into the water)
Grace: hey olive could u stay with her for just a sec I've got to do something
Olive: yeah of course time for big sister duties
(Olive sits by the tub and watches her sister while Grace quickly walks out)
Ally: Ollie look
(Ally olds up one of her new dolls)
olive: that's so cool ally
Ally: Ollie I out
(Ally reaches her arms out for her older sister to pick her up)
Olive: ok hold on ally moms going to back in just a sec
(Just as olive says that grace reappears)
Grace: thanks honey for waiting
Olive: it's fine mom anytime
(Olive walks away and grace grabs a towel)
Grace: ok my love time to get some clean clothes on you
(Ally giggles)
(Grace slips on the girls leggings but once to the girls waist she spots something)
Grace: ally what is that
(Grace looks at the now formed mark of the girl's stomach)
Grace: BEN
(Grace yells out for her husband and he comes to grace)
Ben: what's wrong honey
Grace: look at this
(Ben looks down at the small faded mark of his daughter's stomach)
Ben: what is that
Grace: exactly what I said
Ben: could it be a birthmark
Grace: no I've never seen that on her stomach should we take her to the doctor
Ben: I think she should be fine does it hurt her when touched
Grace: no
Ben: let's just lay low for now than check on it though out the day if it gets any larger or worse we should call saanvi
Grace: sounds like a good plan
(Grace slips allys arms though the t-shirt and picks up the young girl to take her down stairs to put her at the table for breakfast)

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