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(Everyone is the house was asleep except for little Alison she sat awoke in her bed looking into the wall having a calling about a black wolf that was about to jump at her the young girl doesn't know what to do once this calling was over she didn't even know she had the calling before cal and Zeke she got out of bed and walked down to her parents bedroom to see them lying in bed and calls out to her father
Ally: daddy
(No answer)
Ally: dada
(The young girl repeats herself and hears her father turning over)
Ben: ally
(Ben sits up on his side to face his youngest daughter confused)
Ben: baby why are you not in bed it's late
(Ally lies not knowing how to explain her calling she had)
Ally: daddy my face hurt
(Ben gets up out of bed and picks his daughter up he takes her downstairs to get her some medicine)

Ben: this is going to taste like orange Princess it should make you feel a bit better
Alison: ok dada
(Ally takes the medicine pulling a disgusted face making Ben laugh)
Ally: dada that didn't taste like orange taste bad
Ben: I know baby girl but it's going to make you feel so much better
(ben picks his daughter up and takes her to her bedroom putting her back into her bed kissing her goodnight and walking out going back to bed Alison turns over and falls back to sleep softly holding onto her bear)

Later that night
( Thud, screaming )
Grace: What was that? ♪ ♪

Ben: Buddy. Ben: You all right?
It's okay, honey. You just... fell out of bed. Cal: It's coming.
(Grace and Ben look at each other until Ben realises Alison's shared callings with cal)
Ben: Alison she I- I go check on her
(Ben rushes down the hall down to alisons room opening the door to the young girl still asleep in her bed not awaken from anything ben let's out a sign of relief shutting the door not really knowing his daughter already had the calling)

The next morning

Zeke: It was definitely a wolf, and it was definitely not friendly. It leapt at me, and then it just vanished.
Ben: Cal  had a calling last night, too. We found him on the floor. He said, "It's coming."
Mick: What's coming? A wolf?
Zeke: I know I've been gone a while. We get a lot of those in Queens?
Ben: It could be anything... anyone... the Major, the red x tagger, some threat we don't know anything about yet.
Mick: Where is Cal? Can we not talk to him? What about alison did she have a calling
Ben: no she didn't not that I know she had only woke me once for some medicine but when I went to check on her she was fine for cal He was up all night, scared to death. He finally crashed an hour ago Alison on the other hand is up in her room we could talk to her but I tried no luck. Can you stick around till he gets up?
Mick: I got to go to work, but that doesn't mean Zeke can't.
Zeke: It's not like I've got anything else on my calendar.
Ben: Um... okay.
(Alison walks down the stairs)
Ally: zeky
(They young girl says while happily running up to him and hugging his legs)
Alison: Uppies
(Zeke looks at Ben for approval and once gotten he picks up the young girl)
Ally: zeky can you play dolls with me
Mick: well I have to go
Ben: Zeke you can talk to her now if you want I leave you guys to it
Zeke: so ally i heard cal got a calling
Ally: yeah
Zeke: what about you honey did you get a calling as well
(Alison freaks out because she doesn't want to tell anyone the calling she had before waking her father up so she just says no)
Ally: no I didn't
Zeke: that's fine hey ally I be back in a sec ok
Ally: than can we play dolls
Zeke: yes we can play dolls
(Zeke goes and talks to Ben telling him that ally told him what ally told ben that she hadn't had a calling)

Cal: It was just a nightmare. I don't want to talk about it.
(Alison looks up at her brother not understanding what to do because she didn't know how to explain her callings either they were like one big nightmare to the young girl)
Ben: Buddy, it's... it's okay. Zeke had a calling last night, too.
Grace: Cal, maybe you can help him understand it
(Alison looks up at her mother knowing she had a calling but she just kept playing with her dolls because she only hoped the callings wouldn't punish her)
Zeke: I saw a wolf. Or at least I imagined one. You, too? This is all new to me. I don't have the slightest idea what it all means. Do you?
(Both kids look at him when he says the word wolf but cal doesn't say anything while no one notices allys slight reaction)

Grace: Honey, last night, you said, "It's coming." Are we in danger?
Cal: Don't ask me. It's his calling.
Zeke: That's okay.
Cal: I don't want to do this anymore.
Grace: It's okay, baby. You don't have to.
(Cal walks out and grace picks ally up from the floor putting her on her lap)

Ben: Sorry. He's not normally like this.
Zeke: I'm not great around kids. He can probably sense that.
Ally: it's not that
(Grace Ben and Zeke look at the young girl Ben knees in front of ally while grace holds onto her)
Ben: baby what do you mean
Ally: the reason cal not talking isn't because of Zeke
Grace: Alison do you know something we don't honey
Alison: I can feel him and it's not because of Zeke
Zeke: ally if there is something cal isn't telling us would u be able to tell us
(Alison shakes her head no)
Alison: can I go play mama
Grace: yeah baby
(Ben and grace go and talk while ally runs up to cals room)

Later that day
Grace: Ben says Cal and ally experiences the callings differently than everyone else. Stronger.
Zeke: Thanks. I don't know how long it's been since I've had a home-cooked meal.
Grace: Speaking of home, have you reached out to your family, let them know you're back?
Zeke: You, too? No.
Grace: Zeke... as the mother of a returned son and daughter, I can tell you that every parent wan... needs to know their children are safe.
Zeke: All due respect, my family... it's a different situation. And my coming back feels like a fluke.
Grace: Well, I don't really know how all this works, but I know it's not random.
Could random... do this? ♪ ♪ That's you. Please don't take this the wrong way, but my son and daughter risked their life to save you. They think you're important.  And I've never seen Alison warm up to someone so quickly That's no fluke.

(Alison sits on cals floor colouring in her book and cal plays with his helicopter)
(Grace let's Zeke talk to cal and ally)

Zeke: Hey, Cal. Your mom showed me some of your drawings. Pretty cool. I-I need... I need some help with my wolf calling. You're an old pro. Think you can help me draw it? Look, man, I know we just met, but the thing is... the only person in the world who I trusted and trusted me was my little sister. And she's... she's gone. But I could really use some help. And I hear you're the guy.
Cal: I can't. If I draw it, it'll happen.
Ally: and we don't want it to happen

Zeke: Cal... did you see the wolf, too?
♪ ♪
It's okay.
Zeke: And you think if you draw it, you'll make it real?
Cal: I brought you back from the dead.
Zeke: Cal, I wasn't dead. I-I don't know what I was, but I don't think you... you brought me back to life. I get it... you're scared. My sister used to get scared. But she was stronger than she thought. I think you are, too and hey we're both big brothers we got to look out for each other's. I've got an idea. If you think your drawing causes the future, then draw me this lamp broken on the floor. Will that make it happen?
Cal: That's not how it works. It has to come from my head.
Zeke: Okay. Then you think of something.
Grace: Go ahead, Cal. Draw something fun.
Cal: Okay. I'll draw you tall.
Zeke: Great. I'd love to be able to dunk.
And ally for you I want you to help cal like you always do maybe that will help make it happen
Cal: ally come sit beside me
Ally: ok
Later that evening
(Ally sits on zekes lap help cal colour in as that's how she would help any other drawing)

Zeke: Come on, money. Come on, money.
Grace: Ew. Tough luck, kiddos. I don't think your guys drawings cause the future. I think they predict it. See the difference?
Cal: So, me and ally are not making things happen. We just know about them first.
Zeke: Exactly. Big difference. But it would be nice to have that money, wouldn't it? ( Laughter )
I guess. The thing is... I still need your help. I still don't understand what it means. But I think you do. Can you draw it for me?
Cal: It wasn't just a wolf.
(Cal gets to writing getting ally to colour in the places he had done the two kids finish and what shows shock's everyone we see the wolf and it's about to attack mick this leave's everyone questioning)
End of that episode

The adventures of Alison stone| manifest Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora