Last part S.N.A.F.U

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(Grace slips allys arms though the t-shirt and picks up the young girl to take her down stairs to put her at the table for breakfast Ben leaves for work and olive leaves for rock climbing after a couple hours both cal and ally have had breakfast cal is on his iPad and ally is annoying her mother)
Ally: mama I bored
Grace: go play with some of your toys honey
Ally: boring
Grace: you have so many different cool toys waiting for you to play with them
(Grace says while wiping down the counter)
Ally: mama uppies
(Ally puts her arms up for her mother to pick her up)
Grace: ally hold on please I think olives home
(Grace goes outside and greets her daughter and Danny olive says goodbye and goes inside)
(Olive walks though the door)
Ally: Oillie
(The young girl waddles up to her big sister and puts her arms up to be picked up and olive picks her up)
Olive: hey my little birdy how are you, hey cal
Cal: hey olive
Ally: my day ok
Olive: that's good
(Olive walks up the stairs to put her gear in her room still holding her sister)
Ally: is that me
(Ally points to a picture on the wall of her and olive)
Olive: yeah it is
Ally: when was that
Olive: that was when we went on holiday and you were just a teeny tiny baby
Ally: why do you have photo
Olive: because I like it and it reminds me of you
Ally: like when I disappeared
Olive: yeah it helped me remember you and cal and dad but I never stopped thinking about you guys I knew you and cal were out there I could feel it you always appeared in my dreams and me and cal had this twin thing I don't know but we did
Ally: that's so cool
Olive: yeah, yeah it is
Ally: can you play with me Ollie
Olive: not right now little birdy but maybe later
Ally: aw ok
(The young girl walks out of the room right as Ben is walking up the stairs)
Ben: hey monkey
Ally: dada
(Ally reaches out for her father and he picks her up)
Ben: how was you day
Ally: it ok
Ben: that's good
Ally: I hungry daddy
Ben: that's good I think dinner is almost ready princess how about we go down and see
Ally: ok dada
(Couple hours later Ben is just about to get  ally ready for bed as he's holding her in his arms but checks up on cal)

Ben: Hey, bud. Feeling okay?
Cal: Did the secret work? Did you find the man?
Ben: Almost, buddy, but it shouldn't be too much longer. I had a big breakthrough today. Then someone bad got in my way, but I promise I'm not gonna give up. You don't have to worry.
Cal: He's not a bad guy, Dad. Not anymore.
Ally: yeah dada he good
(Cal looks up at his younger sister and smiles)
Cal: dad does ally get shared callings with me
Ben: I'm not sure buddy but I guess so but not everything is the same your both also so different so I'm not sure but buddy I have to get ally to bed you might wanna start getting ready as well please
Cal: ok dad night ally
Ally: night night
(Ben walks into ally's room and sits the Young girl on the dresser)
Ben: ally what pjs are we going to choose for you princess
(Ben looks though the draw and finds a pyjama set that has pink poke a dots)
Ben: what about these
(Ally shakes her head up and down)
Ben: ok kiddo let's get you in your pyjamas
(Ben lifts the girls t-shirt off to expose the now darker mark on the girl's stomach)
Ben: it's gotten darker?
Ally: dada it don't hurt
Ben: it doesn't that's good sweet pea it doesn't seem to have gotten any bigger
Ally: daddy I cold
(Ben quickly jumps back to reality once realising his daughter is still shirtless)
Ben: sorry honey
(Ben puts the pink pyjama top on the girl than continuing with her pants once done Ben picks up ally and flys her over too her crib)
Ben: your soon going to be to big for this bed
Ally: I not growing
(Ben looks at his daughter while saddening his eyes)
Ben: ally you will grow out of this crib ok?
Ally: ok dada what if I don't
Ben: that's ok than you'll just always have a nice comfy bed and you can't climb out just yet so nothing much to worry about
(Ben smiles at his child who is already drifting to sleep)
Ben: good night baby girl
(Ben kisses his daughters head and walks out closing the door behind him

Mick: How's Cal and ally?
Ben: He's okay allys just ally happy as always.
(Mick smiles hearing about her niece)
Mick: You, maybe not so much. ♪ ♪
ben:I need to understand. The callings, what's happening with Cal and Alison. I want to believe there's a... a reason, but it requires this leap of faith, and I can't... ♪ ♪ I can't trust what I don't understand. ♪ ♪
Mick: I don't understand it any more than you do. But I take that leap and I follow the calling. And I feel a little better. ♪ ♪ For the first time since Evie, I feel like I might just be okay. ♪ ♪ That's why I was drawn to the boy, to Evie's heart. I had to know that the callings were right, that it is all connected. Ben: Connected to what? To us, to... to each other. That's what all of this is for. It has to be. ♪ ♪
Ben: Great. You got a sign. Where's mine? ♪ ♪
mick: Ben, when did Cal draw that?
Ben: The other day. Why? ♪ ♪
Mick: That's Carlos with Evie's heart. ♪ ♪ I think you just got your sign.
(Everyone in the house had gone to bed in the kitchen sat part of the baby monitor that was connected with in ally's room there was also a monitor in her parents room as they set it up to make sure she was ok)
(The monitor in the kitchen makes noise Alison was awake she slowly awoke from yet again another nightmare she hadn't told her parents about this as she didn't know how)
(The monitor makes more noise waking up mick from down in the basement hearing only distant sniffles she could barely make out was ally mick gets up and walks into the dark kitchen to see the noise she gets to the monitor and hears the cry's once again mick walks up the stairs making sure not to wake anyone but goes past Ben and graces room to hear nothing from there monitor that's weird mick thinks to herself she walks to her youngest nieces door and opens it to reveal the young girl up wiping the tears from her face mick walks over to the young girl and ally reaches out to her so mick picks her up)
Mick: allygator what's wrong
Ally: I had bed dream
Mick: it's ok I'm here what was it about sweetheart
Ally: I don't know just bad
(Mick holds her niece close into her chest as she comforts the small girl)
Ally: auntie Mickey I sleep with you
Mick: ally I bet you bed it so much more comfy than mine
(Ally looks up at mick with her sad doll eyes)
Mick: ok you can sleep with me
(Ally smiles and rests her head on micks chest while mick walks back to the basement mick puts ally on one side and gets into the other side turning over to face her niece)
Ally: auntie Mickey I love you
(Mick looks at her neice and smiles putting her hand on the girls face brushing the lose hair behind her ear letting a tear slip out)
Mick: I love you too ally
(The young girl closes her eyes and drifts back off to sleep feeling the safety and warmth from her aunt)

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