Unclaimed baggage only part

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Grace: I cannot believe what I'm seeing. You made breakfast?
Ben: Well, I made something out of eggs. We'll see how it goes.
Grace: I'm sure it's delicious. You're up early. What, are you scrapbooking?
Ben: You know me. Pack rat.
Grace: Oh, by the way, your dad called. Apparently, Cal is begging to stay up at the lake with him an extra day. Next treatment's not till the weekend.
Ben: How many times did Cal want to go up there but was too sick? I'm fine with that if you are.
Grace: Well... means we'll have the house to ourselves while Olive's at school and Ally's having her nap.
Ben: I am definitely fine with that. ( Chuckles )
Ben: Hey, you look... ready to face the day. Olive: Caffeination.
Ben: Oh, I like your... overalls.
Grace: Romper.
Ben: What's the difference? Romper, got it. So, what are you doing after school? Olive:Grandpa's giving me driving lessons. Grace: Actually, we need to reschedule that. Grandpa's gonna stay at the lake with Cal an extra day.
Olive: Seriously? I could do it. I-I need Grandpa's car. That's the one I've been practicing on.
Ben: Now you can practice on ours. It'll be good, right?
( Sighs )
Olive: Never mind. It's fine.
Ben: What did I do?
Grace: Absolutely nothing. Olive just has a hard time with change, and she's had a lot of it lately.
Ben: Like suddenly having a dad back in the picture, and one who doesn't know what a romper is.
Grace: You are doing fine. Just give it time. You'll learn to speak Olive.
Ben: Is it mostly this?
( Scoffs ) ( Chuckles )
Grace: Yeah, it's... it's mostly that.
(Olive walks down the hall walking past her younger sisters room)
Ally: Ollie can you help me
(Olive stops and looks at her baby sister who's struggling to put on her clothes)
Olive: of course I can
(Olive smiles at the young girl and gets down to her level and starts to put ally's arm through the shirt hole)
Olive: ally didn't mom tell you not to try and put you clothes on without anyone's help
Ally: yes but I wanted to be a big girl
(Olive looks at her baby sister and smiles)
Olive: you are a big girl maybe not height or how much you brain works but your a big girl for how much you have had to go through
(Ally smiles at her big sister as olive slips one of the girls legs into her leggings)
Ally: really
Olive: of course you are
Ally: that means your a big girl too
(Olive chuckles at the young girl's comment)
Olive: I became a big girl a long time ago little Birdy
(Ally smiles at her big sister remembering the distinct nickname she had once given her)
Ally: yeah but you been through lot too and right now your not happy with cal
Olive: how did you know that
Ally: I can feel it why are you no happy with cal Ollie
Olive: I don't know it's stupid I just feel like right now all the attention is on him and his cancer so mom and dad haven't been able to really focus on anything else you're just getting dumped with aunt mick and I have to go to school maybe I just want my dad too
Ally: I like auntie Mickey she gets me ice cream and it's ok oillie
Olive: I know you like aunt mick and I shouldn't be talking to you about this but I feel like your all I have ally I know I can talk to mom about it but your most likely not going to tell anybody right little birdy
Ally: I won't
(Ally says while dropping herself in olives arms olive picks up the young girl and walks down the stairs and hears her mother walking to her)
Grace: aw olive you didn't have to get her ready I was just about to do it
Olive: it's fine she asked me to help anyway she was trying to put her clothes on herself and got stuck
Grace: we'll thank you honey
(Grace says while taking her youngest daughter into her arms)
Olive: it's time for me to go I'll see you after school little birdy
Ally: bye bye Ollie
(Ally waves at her sister giggling to herself while Ben and grace say there goodbyes and olive is out the door)
Grace: right my little baby should we get some food into that belly of yours
(Grace says while tickling ally's tummy having giggles full the room)
-disclaimer I'm most likely just gonna make the rest of this episode with like Grace in Ally building a relationship as grace hasn't spent really any quality time with ally yk-
Ben: grace I have to go out to do something is that alright
Grace: yeah of course honey that gives me time to spend with ally anyway
(Grace kisses her husband goodbye)
Ben: look at that bonding time yay
(Ben waves his hands up at his daughter who's playing on the floor with her blocks the young girl smiles at her father and giggles)
Ben: bye sweetheart I see you when I get home
(Ben says while kissing his daughter's forehead)
Ally: bye dads
(Ben walks out the door)
(Couple hours later)
Grace: so what should we do my love
Ally: can we draw mama
Grace: of course we can baby
(Grace picks up her daughter and puts her up at the table grabbing the pad of blank paper and colouring pencils)
Grace: what should we draw sweetpea
Ally: I want to draw you mama stay still
Grace: ok honey
(Grace smiles at her youngest watching her draw bit by bit looking back at her and down to the paper, grace lifts her arm and moves a curl out of the girls face)
Grace: I've missed those curls so much
(Ally looks up at her mother and smiles)
Grace: I've missed you so much baby so much
(Ally stops drawing and reaches out for her mother to take her into her arms ally hugs her mother while grace slightly let's out tears)
Ally: I missed you too mama
(grace holds her baby tightly worried if she lets go her ally would simply disappear again)
Ally: mommy it's ok
(Grace smiles at the girl's comment and releases the girls from a hug and grace leans her head onto ally's)
Grace: I know baby I just don't want to ever lose you again or daddy or cal I can't lose any of Yous again
Ally: you won't mama I'm staying forever
(Grace looks at her daughter and smiles)
Grace: right should we get you some lunch
Ally: yes mama
(Grace puts the girl into her high chair and gives her something to eat)
Grace: I will be right back ok don't make a mess please
Ally: ok mommy
(Grace leaves the room and ally continues to eat. Ally accidentally drops some food onto the ground but giggles she drops more food and giggles even more minutes later the girl had dropped the rest of her lunch on the floor. Grace walks back in)
Grace: Allison Eliana stone
(Ally looks up at her mother startled by her words)
Grace: I told you not to make a mess and look what you have done you made a mess Allison
(The young girls eyes start to weld with tears and her bottom lip begins to rise grace looks at her daughter and realises the affects of her actions)
Grace: ally honey I'm sorry for getting mad at you but you need to listen
(Grace starts to pick up the food on the floor while ally starts to have a tantrum in her high chair)
(Ben walks through the door)
Ben: wow what's going on in here
(He says walking into the kitchen with a smile)
Grace: Ally hasn't been doing what she's told and I told her off for it
Ally: dada
(The girl reaches her hands out for her father and ben picks her up)
Ben: I don't think she meant it
Grace: please Ben I don't want this to be good cop and bad cop
Ben: it won't grace don't worry
Ben: ally you need to do what your mother tells you ok
Ally: ok dada sorry mama
Grace: it's ok baby
(The three embrace into a hug)
Ben: look at the time I think it's someone nap time
(Ben looks at the young girl in his arms who has already feel asleep Ben walks up to ally's room and kisses the girls forehead before placing her into her bed)
-I'm just going to end this episode here hehe-

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