Pilot #3

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-Time skip they just got home-

Grace: Your mom made it after...
Michaela: That cheesy verse was her mantra.
( Chuckles )
Michaela: Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the last thing she said to me.
Grace:I'm sorry to stick you down here. We hung onto your apartment as long as we could, but eventually, we had to let it go.
Michaela: Hey, can I use the phone?
Grace: Yeah, of course.
( Cellphone unlocks )
Grace: We gave up the landline.
( Ringing )
Phone:Hey, it's Jared Vasquez. Please leave a mess...
grace: All set.
Michaela:Thank you. Hey, Grace? Look, I know you probably don't want, uh, Miss Bad Influence hanging around the kids. I would get...
grace: Michaela, no. M-Michaela... this is your home. For as long as you'd like. That's ancient history.
Michaela: It was two days ago for me. I am still the same screw-up that you said goodbye to in Jamaica.
Grace: The universe just gave all of us a do-over.
Everything that happened before goes out the window.
Grace: And plus ally is super excited to have her favourite aunt stay
"The both laugh and go in for a hug"

Michaela: ( Echoing ) All things...
grace: Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry.
( Chuckles )
Grace: Okay. Anything you need, please. I'm just upstairs. Okay.
Michaela: Thanks.

(I'm going to skip Michaela and Jared because yeah)

Grace:You okay?
Cal nods yes
Doctor: His cell count is exactly the same. We're right where we were. It's amazing. It's truly amazing.
Ben:So we pick up with the same regimen, right where we left off?
Doctor: Well, that would be our backup plan, but there's a new treatment protocol for pediatric cases within Cal's profile. It's a game-changer.
Ben:Game-changer how?
Cal:Well, it's still in the phase 3 trial, so we have to apply for him to join the patient group, which I'll do right now. If we get him admitted and we get a jump on the treatment, the odds are excellent.

( Exhales sharply )

Ben: Uh, can we manage some expectations here? You said six months. You implied it would take a miracle.
Grace: Earth to Ben. You all came back to us. You are sitting here right now, baby. ( Laughing ) A miracle just happened!

Michaela: ( Echoing ) Slower.
Michaela: Excuse me. Can you slow down? Excuse me?
Bus driver: Do I come to your work and tell you how to do your job?
( Grunts )
Michaela: Slow down! Now!
( Tires screeching )
Bus driver: How'd you see him coming?! Lady! How the hell?!

Disclaimer I'm going to make it that ally is a quite small two year old she walks and can slightly talk so when she does it comes out as slurs and babbles but you can understand her.
(Skip to when Ben, grace, ally and cal are out waking ally is in graces arms resting her head on graces shoulder)

Cal: Dad, can I have a pretzel?
Ben: Pretzel? I guess. Here you go, buddy.
Cal: Thanks.
( Horns honking )
Ben: I need a job. If we luck into this treatment, chances are it's gonna cost a fortune, and work insurance won't pay for it.
Grace: We don't know that. It pays for Olive's therapy.
Ben: She goes to therapy?
Grace: Yeah. Twice a week. For years now. Early on, she didn't even want to leave the house, let alone ride in a car or go to school. She couldn't have sleepovers 'cause of the nightmares. I mean, most of that's gone now, thank God.
Ben: She grew up too fast.
Grace: She had no choice.

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