Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Hi, what can I do for you?"

"I have an appointment with John Quentin. He should be expecting me. Tell him it's about the 'Tri-ultra'," she replies, taking off her glasses and she was let in.

"Sir, a woman about the tri-ultra has come for her meeting with you," the assistant says walking out, leaving them.

"Who's that?" he says turning around because he had just finished his meeting with them over call. He sees her eyes and the realization dawns on his face as he sees those fiery and fury filled sapphire eyes. He could recognize them anywhere.

"Hi," she says taking out her gun and points it at his head. He opens his mouth to say something but he didn't get the chance to because she shoots him in the head. He was dead instantly. She put her glasses back on and walks out of the office with stride and confidence.

She goes to her next destination.

"Can you please tell me your name miss?" the security asks as they check her identity card.

"Anastasia Roy Roux," she says as she was let in. She put her hand in her jacket, with a finger on the trigger, going to meet her next target.

She is Art  Part 1Where stories live. Discover now