Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Hey? Who's there?" a man asks as he heard someone shuffle behind in the parking lot. The power went on conveniently and it was raining heavily to make matters worse.

"Come out and face me you coward. Don't you have balls?" he says trying to sound powerful but he was scared because he was all alone and he had nothing to protect himself with but a gun.

"I have more balls than you do," Cynthia says stepping out from the shadows and he laughs putting his gun down, thinking she is no threat.

"Cynthia? I am one of Andrew's allies," David says and she steps in front of him, showing no emotions.

"I don't care," she says taking off her hood and kicks him in the chest and he falls down and water splashes everywhere.

"Cynthia? What did I do?" he asks moving away on his elbow and she kept walking towards him with the coldest look on her face.

"You destroyed my life," she says and punches him hard in his face and he spits out blood. She kicks his face and his stomach with her high heeled boots.

"I never destroyed your life. You must have gotten it wrong," he begs but she knew what she was doing. She crouched down and pulled his hair and lifted his head.

"Don't you remember killing my family, David? Don't you remember murdering my family while they were harmless and unarmed? Don't you remember betraying them?" she asks and stands up.

"You-you-you- are -," he starts and she loads her gun.

"Yes," she says shooting him straight in his head and he dies on spot. She steps out in the rain and the water wipes off the blood from her hands and she walks back to her apartment. She stripped off of her clothes and jumped in the slower.

"Um, you smell so good," Andrew says coming up from behind her and hugs her as she was still in her towel and kisses her neck.

"And you taste good too," he says whispering into her ear and she turns around and lifts her hands and puts it around his neck and stares into his eyes. His hands were on her lower back, playing with the towel and her hair.

"What are you doing here? Creeping up on me?" she asks and he pushes her hair away from her face and kisses her jaw.

"Oh no. I am here to kidnap you and make you have the best time of your life," he says as he kisses her neck once more and she laughs.

"Really? I don't think so," she says and he looks into her eyes with a playful glee on his face.

"I think so," he says picking her up as she wraps her legs around his waist and presses her up against the wall. They make out for a solid minute. They strip off their clothes and jump into the shower, once again.

"Your hair smells so good," he says kissing her neck and she laughs, turning around and wraps her hands around his neck and kisses his jaw and then his neck. That was when she noticed a bruise, then another one on his shoulder and she moved away.

"What happened babe?" he asks trying to go for a kiss but she moves away.

"Out!" she screams but he was confused.

"What?" he asks and she pushes him out of the shower and she got out, grabbing her robe just as he grabbed a towel.

"Babe? Cynthia? What happened?" he asks and she keeps pushing him away.

"You do not come here after you spend a night or day with some other woman," she says grabbing his clothes.

"Cynthia, listen-," he says and she pushes him against the wall, pins him and stares at him, into his soul. Her height was 5 feet and 8 inches whereas Andrew was 6 feet and 3 inch and he had a built, athletic body but she so easily pinned him to the wall.

"Don't you dare lie to me," she says and he gulps.

"I'm sorry," he says and she stares into his eyes, leans forward, intimidating him.

"Oh, you will be sorry," she says letting him go and she pulled him outside of her apartment, threw him out.

"Cynthia, come on. Let me in," he begs but she doesn't show any emotions.

"Go to that woman's house. Maybe she'll let you in," she says banging the door in his face and walks back in. She brushes her hair away from her face and let him bang on the door for a while. After solid 10 minutes, she walked up to the door and opened her door to find him still standing there.

"Cynthia, please. I'm naked," he begs and she rolls her eyes.

"You can change and then leave," she says and he walks in gratefully. He was freezing outside and as soon as he entered, he wrapped a towel around himself and turned on the heat, trying to warm himself.

Cynthia walked into her room, purposely left the door open and took off her robe. Her back was facing towards the door and Andrew froze in his spot. She walked across the room, trying to grab the things she needed, naked and now Andrew was drooling over her body.

She knew that he was looking and she knew what effect she had on him. She slowly put some lotion on her hands and then applied to her legs, slowly and seductively. Andrew gulped loudly and moved closer to the door.

She applied the lotion to her chest, back and arms and then grabbed her panties and wore it. She got a silk top and put it on, turned to the mirror and dried her hair with a hair dryer but she made it look so sexy.

All the time she was doing her skin care routine, Andrew was staring at her like a hawk with his mouth wide open. He was aroused.

"Done?" she asks turning to look at him and he immediately scuffled to his clothes and wore it.

She walked to her kitchen and took out whipped cream from the refrigerator and poured some in her mouth. She put some on the strawberries and ate it, while maintaining an intense eye contact with Andrew. He was frozen to the spot again.

"Cy-Cynthia," he says stammering and she walked up to him. She knew that he was aroused. She bit her lower lip and stood close to his face. He gulped and looked down at her.

"Yes?" she asks innocently.

"Umm," he says speechless and she smiles.

"Next time you even think of going to her or someone else, remember this and what you'll be missing," she says moving closer to his face, to tease him and then moved away. She felt good being evil here.

"Out," she says and Andrew took his shirt and ran out of her apartment as if he would burst into flames if he stayed there much longer.

She closed the door and smiled to herself. Her plan worked. She knew that if she kicked him out while she was mad, he would go back to her but if she showed him what he would be missing but not give it to him, he would stay back.

She sank back into the couch and turned on the television, eating her strawberries and whipped cream, satisfied knowing that Andrew really needed a cold shower now.

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