...the end?

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long time no see. <3

honestly been reading this book from the beginning to contemplate if i should suck it up and just finish it for y'all.

i started this book back in 2019... so ~4 years ago. i was still in highschool, getting ready to head to college myself. everything i wrote for isis' and bryson's college experience was just a guess, but now i'm a whole senior in college currently in nyc doing an internship for my dream company. i've been in a 3 year long relationship, ACTUALLY understand the whole sex thing (😂 i was also just guessing what it was like back then).

i miss writing fr, i've just been so busy getting my life together and growing up.

ngl i used to be so ashamed to even say i had written a nle fanfic. now that i'm 21, idk if it'd be weird to still write from that young POV, the 17-ish year old i was.

i have so many books that are saved as drafts: one kind of like this one except no famous characters and it's about 2 college students that meet doing an internship, another is dystopian/fantasy but urban, and i also really wanna finish the X book and the tatted one.

but this book is where it all started. i still see people adding this to their collections and even commenting and trust me, i do still appreciate it and i do notice y'all ❤️

ig i'm just stuck with what i should do.

as i read this book from the very beginning, there's so many things that i would want to do differently. my writing style is completely different. it would almost be like reading a book that two different people wrote.

i also don't want to completely edit the book because as corny as the majority of ts in the book is, it just works in an odd way.

long story short, i've been stuck forEVER trying to figure out what to do with this book.

the only promise i can make is that this upcoming school year (starting late august) i can attempt to finish this book for good since i won't have class at all M, W, Thurs (fire schedule, ik).

if you all are fine with waiting until then, i can get my ass up and actually work on some new chapter behind the scenes and try to make the newer chapters blend in with the ones from years ago.

thoughts ? xx

~ k

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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