Part 27

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Her memories flooded her mind and the freezing cold water kept her from losing consciousness. She slowly sank, air emptying out of her lungs, still she thought "I didn't wake up Oliver". She closed her eyes for a minute, until her head felt like it was about to explode.

Overtaken by yet another wave of adrenaline, she used her remaining forces to get out of the water. Once she was out, she breathed, again and again, it burned her throat and her lungs but she needed to breathe. Using her sword, she crawled until she could stand, still holding on to her sword.

Amira limped to the mountain, dragging her foot like dead weight. Back on the mountain, she felt relieved seeing that Ra'as al-Ghul and Sarab were still there. Ra'as sat on the floor, his back facing her, there was a puddle of blood surrounding him. Amira called for him, refusing to attack a man from behind in a duel, she wanted his head, but she still had principles.

He turned around, surprised to face her. Amira gripper her sword, rapidly walking towards him, before he had time to stand up or even grab his sword, she had already stabbed him in the throat. His blood sprinkled everywhere, giving her a red, warm shower. She pulled his sword out of his neck, stabbing him a few more times as to detach his head from his body. "You took my family, my life, the man I loved, my friends. now I have your head and your title".

Amira took his decapitated head and wrapped it in his robe. She turned to Sarab "Go to the fortress and run me a bath". He nodded and obeyed, though he doubted she would even make it to the league in her state. She was covered in blood, both hers and his, she was drenched in water and freezing, her now short hair was sticking to her face.

She was red, bloody, hunched over, limping. A terrifying sight.

Amira took the bundle of cloth that contained his head, now she could no longer refer to him as Ra'as al-Ghul, she was Ra'as al-Ghul, she was the head of the demon, she earned it.

The woman managed to reach the fortress, but she had priorities. She first went to the hall where all the assassins were waiting for her, inclusing Nyssa. Amira carelessly threw the bundle on the floor before walking away. She first washed her face, rinsing off all the blood she had. She didn't want to scare Oliver to death right as he woke up.

She then went to his cell where he slept in the corner, his head resting against the wall. She caressed his face, gently waking him up. He fluttered his eyes open, taking a minute to get accustomed to the surroundings until he went to hug her. "I'm so glad you're okay".

"I promised you I would be the one to wake you up" Amira went to wake the others up and lead them to her room. "Stay and relax here for a while, I have business to tend to. Someone will bring you food shortly".

Still ignoring the gravity of her wounds, she went to meet the assassins in the hall. She watched Nyssa on the floor, petrified, staring at her father's bloodied head. Nyssa, in a fit of rage tried to attack Amira, but was stopped with a harsh slap to the face. "Is this how you treat the new Ra'as al-Ghul?".

"You are not Ra'as al-Ghul" Nyssa responded, barking, which earned her another slap.

"I, Amira al-Jawahir, am Ra'as al-Ghul. I earned that title and you will treat me as such, unless you want to meet a similar fate. I've been training all of you for months. I have no issue killing everyone in the fortress". She stared, determination in her eyes.

One by one, they all bowed down to her, showing her the respect she worked so hard for. Even Nyssa, despite the anger she felt, still had to respect the new head of the demon. Amira breathed "Now, make some food and bring it to my room. I will be eating with our guests". They nodded.

Amira walked back to her room, hugging all of her friends, her heart was at peace, now, no harm could come to them.

Merlyn pushed everyone aside. "The ring" he asked. Amira's gaze darkened. She almost met death, and he dared asked her about something he did not deserve:


- No. I told you the deal is off. I earned the ring, I'll keep it

- But Amira-

- There's no buts, you didn't keep your end of the deal, I don't have to keep mine

- But- Merlyn objected

- Bring this up again and I'll cut your head off

- So you're Ra'as al-Ghul now? Roy asked

- Yes kiddo, you're looking at the new head of the demon

- Are you sure this is what you want to do? I mean last time you did everything to leave the League

- Someone has to be Ra'as, and considering the options. I'd rather it be me

- Why not Nyssa?

- This is not about power or inheritance, it's about balance. I cannot, and I will not, put this kind of power into something as weak as Nyssa al Ghul, the League of Assassins have been almost controlling the world. Nyssa will simply ruin everything

- I can

- Merlyn, if you want to be in the League you can be my assistant. You know, bring me tea and sharpen my swords

- Don't talk to me that way. The man refused to be disrespected in such a way

- I can and I will. You only want this power because of the power that comes with it. I want to keep the balance, the peace. I know you will use our resources to fulfil your selfish, power hungry desires

- Amira. Oliver was interrupted by a knock on the door

- It must be the food. You guys can eat, I need a bath. I'm covered in blood and I'm pretty sure not all of it is mine.


Amira entered the bathroom, slowly stepping into a warm bath. It burned her flesh, but in such a relaxing way.

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