Part 6

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Tonight was another night for Oliver and Amira, a night full of comfort and love. Like always, he would go over to her place, make some tea and sit in front of the fireplace, wrapped up in a soft blanket, so close to each other their hearts were getting closer to each other, almost touching, like a magnet and a piece of metal. They didn't always talk, sometimes they would just lay there, with his arms wrapped around her warm body.

When they did talk, it would be for hours on end, about past memories, future plans, life, food, interests. The both would barely ever run out of things to talk about, and when they did Oliver would try and come up with something, for the simple pleasure of hearing her voice. Eventually, the both would fall asleep in that exact spot on the couch. They were never uncomfortable, as long as they were together.

The morning after, whoever woke up first would make breakfast. Amira would shower, spending long minutes braiding her thick hair, and he would watch her do her beautiful hair. They both loved their little routine.

It was a habit they developed a bit after Amira opened her Art Gallery, on a day where she felt particularly emotional and nostalgic, something that she never experienced before, and something he helped her get used to. That night they talked, had tea, until they both eventually fell asleep on the floor in front of the fireplace. Since that day, those fireplace sleepovers became a silent tradition, something they both cherished but never mentioned. 

On this particular morning, they both ran a little late, Amira didn't braid her hair and the both of them went to the club, greeting everyone and sitting down to talk about today's mission.

Amira took her hair stick out, letting her hair down to braid it. "Girl I'm going to need your hair routine one day". Felicity joked.

"Oh absolutely, I'm going to spill some family secrets. You know my mom's hair was so long is almost reached the floor, but she never cut it". Amira always had the same bittersweet look in her eyes whenever she talked about her family. She raised her arms and started braiding it before Oliver came to stand behind her.

"Let me do it for you", he offered, holding her soft locs in his hands. At first, Amira was ready to object, knowing that braiding such long thick hair would eventually hurt, but she let him. She let him do something nice for her, like she always did something nice for him, she let him return the favor.

"If I cut it all off and sell your hair it would make so much profit. These days human hair sells pretty well because they use it to make wigs" Roy joked, receiving a playful glare for Amira.

"You touch my hair and I'm killing you". She chuckled, her laugh sounding like music to Oliver's ears. When he was eventually done, he spun the chair to face her.

"All done", she thanked him, looking into his ocean deep eyes for a long second. Felicity saw that look in each other's eyes, a look of love, a look of near adoration. The second these two met, the blonde woman knew what it would lead to, she feared it. Now more than ever fearing that what she expected might come true.

Felicity couldn't help but feel her heart speed up, beating so hard against her chest she could almost hear it. As much as she loved Amira, she loved Oliver more, she loved Oliver, but his heart wasn't hers to have. Oliver didn't belong to her, his heart belonged to Amira, Amira the beautiful girl, Amira who held his heart in her gold covered hands.

Amira looked into Felicity's eyes who tried to avoid the woman's gaze, but Amira knew that. She knew how to read people, and Felicity was easy to read. Amira's heart ached when she saw the pain in her dear friend's eyes, never wanting to hurt her.

Still, right now was not the time to worry about this, they had a big mission to prepare for, team Arrow had more pressing matters than a love triangle. They all prepared for the mission, both woman worked to the best of their ability despite their heavy heart.

As always, the mission was an absolute success. On the way back, Oliver turned to Amira "See you tonight as usual?" he referred to their fireplace sleepovers, but not tonight.

"No sorry, Felicity and I have plans" of course, Felicity herself wasn't away of these plans, but she didn't refuse or deny, always happy to spend time with her.

The two women went to Amira's, first they had drinks, dinner, more drinks along with desert and sat down with hair masks:


- Amira, the food was absolutely delicious

- Oh thank you, I'm glad you liked it

- So what are in the hair masks?

- Aloe Vera, rose water, hibiscus and some oils. I make a massive batch once in a while since I use it once a week, you can take a jar or two if you want

- That's so kind, thanks

- You leave it on for half an hour, with a plastic wrap to trap in the heat along with a scarf on top, and then you wash it as you normally would

- With this I expect to have hair down to my butt by the end of the year. They both laughed

- Felicity, how's your love life? Amira wanted to bring up the subject of Oliver but didn't know how to without being too blunt

- Meh, mostly nonexistent. Oh you know Lyla is expecting soon? Felicity smoothly dodged the subject

- Diggle's wife yeah, she's a nice girl

- She is yeah

- Do you think I should bring her a gift? Or would it be inappropriate?

- I don't think it would be inappropriate, but you don't have to you know

- I know, but I mean she's going to give birth to a whole baby, least I could do is bring her a little something

- Do you have something in mind?

- Yup, let me show you. Amira went into her room to bring a large wooden box

- Oh wow, this is enough to buy the building I live in, or maybe the entire neighborhood

- Here, I want to give her those, one for her and one for her future daughter. She pulled out two pairs of gold earrings, small hoops, and another one, bigger with designs

- Goddamn those are beautiful

- Thank you, they're family jewels, 18k, my dad handmade them

- How much gold do you have?

- This box is about six pounds

- These pieces are beautiful

- There, choose one you like

- Oh no I can't

- Come on, I barely wear them anyways, I really don't mind

- Are you sure?

- Of course

- How about this? She took a gold chain with a flower on it

- Well this is a set so if you're gonna take it you need to take the matching earrings

- Really?

- Of course, this is how it works

- Alright then

- Don't be afraid to wear them, gold is made to be worn and flaunted by beautiful women

- Thank you Amira, really

- Let's go wash the mask out?

- Yup


The both washed their hair, died it and headed off to bed. Felicity slept comfortably but Amira couldn't sleep yet, she felt conflicted, she loved Oliver so much, but being with him hurt Felicity's feelings, she didn't know what to do.

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