Part 18

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Once she got to Starling city, she gathered the best assassins in their quarters, a small apartment where the League members stayed while carrying out their missions. She sent them on an incursion, all in different parts of the city, while she went exactly where she had to go, the club.

Discreetly, like a ghost, she walked around, then inside, down to the Cave, the lights were on, she stayed in the shadows and watched.

Her heart slowed down at the sight of her lover, he didn't look that well, not as good as she left him. His eyes were dark, sunken, tired, with no light in them. His hair and facial hair had grown a lot, he looked messy, broken almost. It saddened her, but she couldn't let that affect him, she had a mission to focus on. She finally found Sara Lance, looking as good as she left her.

She looked better, happier, but that wasn't going to last long. Amira couldn't act now, she was outnumbered, usually she wouldn't have minded, but she trained the both of them, she knew how good they were, and even though she could taken them down both, she didn't want to lose time, or spill unnecessary blood.

She went back to the quarters, called the others assassins and put in place a foolproof plan to get Sara Lance back to Nanda Parbhat in less than 24 hours.

After giving them instructions and making sure they knew and understood exactly what to do, it was time to act. With their weapons in hand and mind fixed on one target, they jumped roof to roof to the club.

The plan was easy, cut out the power, knock any person out and grab Sara Lance. Simple, easy and effective. What they didn't expect though, were unannounced guests. Whatever, nothing could stop the League of Assassins, especially with Al-Jalaad as their leader.

As planned, the cut the power out, assassins were charged with fighting everyone else present, Amira grabbed Sara in the dark, giving everyone the signal to leave.

As she was leaving, the lights turned on and Oliver ran towards her, pulling at the strings of her veil. Amira turned around, and just like the first time, he stood here, bewildered, he couldn't believe his eyes and was convinced he was probably hallucinating.

She left in a hurry, but just like the first time, like a retelling of their story, she left her hair stick behind, the last piece of her soul left behind, along with the last piece of her heart, her lover.

The same night, Amira was welcomed back to the fortress under Ra'as Al-Ghul's applause. "You finished the mission in less than 12 hours, with no blood spilled, and Sara Lance alive. You did this with elegance, I wouldn't have done the same but I'm impressed. It's true that the League needs something different. Perhaps it's time to grow out of our barbaric ways, into something more clean and civil".

Amira bowed with a soft smile "You're too kind, I have simply done what was asked of me". She didn't think that at all, she didn't amazingly, and she was proud of it, but pretentiousness was looked down upon here, so she sometimes had to act like she didn't think she was the best assassin in the League.

"Spare me the humility al-Jalaad, you have tomorrow off if you wish to rest", Ra'as was never this kind, he was never kind at all actually, so this was definitely weird, but she was willing to use it to her advantage.

"I do not need rest, but I thank you. I will be going to dinner now" she bowed once again and went to eat. After diner, as she sat in her room to unpack, she realized that something was missing. Looking into every pocket of her uniform, she couldn't find it.

She sighed, she lost her hair stick, again. Whatever, it's not like she was going to use it here anyways. Amira put a sword under her pillow and went to bed under the crescent moonlight.


Back in the Arrow cave, everyone came to their senses, realizing that Sara was missing. The tension was heavy, the air was thick. Oliver stared at the screen, watching the security footage over and over:


- It was Amira? He said, her name cutting into his throat

- What?

- No it can't be, she died, right Oliver? Diggle asked

- I saw her fall off the rooftop, with an arrow in the chest, she couldn't have survived that

- It's Amira, she can survive anything

- Oliver, you said she was dead, you told us you saw her die, we buried an empty casket! Felicity raised her voice, she wasn't mad, but she felt so many things at that moment

- It's a possibility that the League took her. Made her an assassin again. Oliver looked back at the security footage, staring at her face, she looked different, she was thinner, the light in her eyes was gone

- You think?

- I'm sure. Oliver hated that fact, but he couldn't deny what was right in front of his eyes


Oliver continued looking at the security footage, just to see Amira, it brought him some kind of comfort, though it deeply saddened him. Her eyes were like a dark, starless sky. Eyes were said to be the windows of the soul, still, when he looked at her, he saw nothing past these windows. This wasn't Amira anymore; he feared the woman he was looking at was not the woman he fell in love with.

Seeing her, after being convinced she was dead shook him to the core, his soul was unable to rest, messy, like a storm was brewing inside. He knew what happened to assassins in the League, they died, to be reborn as something else. He couldn't accept that, he couldn't accept that she was so close, yet so far. He still had the taste of her love on his lips.

He recalled the first time they met, how the light around her was so bright it covered him in such warmth and comfort. How his heart would dance anytime she was near,

The thing he feared most was that despite the fact that the Amira he loved was dead, and as assassin was born, he feared that he would still love her the same. That she could still occupy his mind day and night, that no matter what, his love for her could never get weaker.

He looked around him, words were stuck on their lips, refusing to come out, he understood that, he needed some time alone too.

Team arrow was bothered by a man entering the cave, unannounced. Roy and Diggle were the first to reach, pointing their weapons at Malcom Merlyn. The man raised his hands.

"It's okay guys" Oliver said. Roy and Diggle reluctantly lowered their weapons, Merlyn took a seat.

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