Part 11

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Oliver and Amira knew the mission was risky, because entering a club full of armed men, undercover with no weapons since they were going to be searched. They had to gather information and leave unharmed. Plan was simple, with Oliver Queen as himself and Amira as herself, his really hot plus one.

They couldn't have earpieces either so they had to internally pray that nothing would go wrong. It all started smoothly, Oliver wore a suit and she had on a silk dress that she looked stunning in. The dress hugged her body perfectly, highlighting her curves and showcasing her smooth, glowing skin. They were searched and sat around a table talking about a drug deal, using paintings as a cover. Amira knew the art industry was mainly a facade to hide money laundering, because she used it too. She couldn't sell about 20 pounds of gold, silver and diamonds without the government getting suspicious, if anyone asked, her calligraphy works were indeed worth over 50.000$ each. 

It was all going smoothly in the private room until the man they were talking to took a break to go to the bathroom. Amira turned to Oliver, putting a hand on his neck, leaving a trail of kisses and lipstick marks that led to his ear. Oliver, confused, didn't fight it, he didn't argue against feeling her soft lips on him. With a hand on her waist, he sighed at the kisses, until she stopped to whisper in his ear. "There are two armed men behind the door about to barge in, take the knife from the strap on my thigh".

The both continued kissing as his hand caressed her body, from her waist, to her inner thigh where he pulled out a knife. He was impressed, even he didn't realize she had concealed weapons.

The both were interrupted by the door breaking down. Instantly, Amira drew her knife, throwing it at one man's thigh, Oliver did the same, aiming for the shoulder. Amira took her knives back and the both of them ran out hand in hand, avoiding the bullets raining over them, it was a trap all along. The both of them ran back to the cave, making sure they weren't injured.

Back at the cave, they greeted the rest and explained the situation, they were ambushed, the concealed knives and everything. Oliver took a napkin, wiping the lipstick off of his neck and lips. He tried to hide a smile, this woman was really something. 

The both ended up going home, changing into more comfortable clothes and preparing for the night until the lights turned off. Both of them, in separate rooms, tensed up, power never went out in Amira's loft, this was a bad omen.

Amira was the first to react, grabbing the key of her bedroom and locking Oliver inside. She rushed to the living room, grabbing one of her swords. Distinguishing a figure in the dark, shooting at arrow at her. She dodged one, blocked another and managed to grab the third one. She fought with the archer, instantly recognizing this fighting style. 

"What does Ra'as al Ghul want? I was freed long ago", she talked, still fighting the assassin in the dark. One thing she knew was that Ra'as always sent his weaker assassins first, before pulling out his big guns. Another thing she knew was that she still held the title of the most skilled assassin of the entire league, she was in charge of training, so no low grade assassin was a match to her, regardless of how long they trained for.

She managed to disarm the assassin, holding him down to the floor. The man spoke to her "He wants you back". Amira knew not to kill him or harm him badly, even though she left the League long ago she still had an honor code to follow.

"Tell Ra'as that I have no business going back to Nanda Parbhat, he freed me himself. I will not harm you, because I still follow the code, but tell him that if he really wants me back, he'll have to come get me himself instead of sending for low class bastard assassin" She let him go, turning the lights back on as he disappeared in the dark.

Oliver rushed into the living room, panicked, holding Amira's other sword. He dropped it and ran towards her, relieved to see she was okay, he held her in his arms.

"Oliver. I hope for you that you didn't break my door to come out of the room", he stayed silent and Amira had her answer. She didn't really care for her broken lock at the moment. She now had a problem, a very big problem. 

"What the hell happened?", he asked, looking at the three arrows on the floor.

"It appears that Ra'as al Ghul has unfinished business with me and he thinks sending me the little puppies of the League is going to work". She cleaned up the living room of the arrow and went to lay down. 

She was worried, she couldn't hide that. She was scared, frightened. Not for herself, she feared loosing everything. After spending so long building a life her, the thought that she could lose it because of Ra'as a Ghul's will terrified her more than anything. She feared loosing the people she loved, her lover, her home, her daily habits.

Whatever Ra'as wanted her for, it must be serious, life altering even. She knew that if she went back to Nanda Parbhat, she would never leave, she would have to die all over again. Amira would die, and Al-jawf, the hollow, would be reborn; and it was too hard killing Al-Jawf for her to come back.

Amira didn't sleep that night, laying awake in her lover's arms until sunrise. In the morning, she didn't get up to do her routine, she stayed in bed a little longer, stayed in his arms a little longer. Something told her she had to cherish these moments, and that something was right, she had to.  

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