Part 12

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For once, Oliver got out of bed first, doing his routine and making her breakfast. The roles being reversed, he woke her up with breakfast in bed, sitting back next to her, kissing the top of her head. "I thought that after yesterday's events you needed something comforting".

Amira looked at the warm savory breakfast, she loved it and he knew it. She ate mouthfuls of the food, grateful that he was a good cook. "I'm honestly surprised you cook so well, would've thought that after 5 years on Lian Yu you would've forgotten about seasoning", she joked, still eating with appetite.

Amira was doing her morning routine when she received a call from Felicity, she answered while braiding her hair.

"Amira, you need to come down right now, someone is here for you". Amira immediately hung up,  grabbing her shoes, her sword and running like hell to the club. There, she went down to the basement, ready to attack, but she didn't.

Amira dropped her sword, gasping in surprise as all the air exited her lungs. Her legs went numb, she could barely stand still "Nyssa", she exhaled.

"Hello Al-Jalaad", Nyssa and Amira were close during her time in the league, but as close as they were, Amira knew how much Nyssa resented her, she feared that one day all this hate would consume her, and ultimately burn down everything else. She feared that this day would be today.

"That's not my name anymore, I left the League" Amira explained, picking up her sword from the floor. "What does your father want?".

"He wants you to see you" Nyssa explained, her bitter tone poisoned every word she uttered.

"And why is that?" Amira walked out, as a sign for Nyssa to follow her, somewhere far from the club. She hid her sword under her dress, assuring team Arrow, especially Oliver that she was going to be alright.

"He wasn't clear on his intentions with you. You have 24 hours to come willingly, otherwise we're allowed to do whatever is necessary". These words shook Amira to the core, she wasn't ready to leave, not yet, not now, not ever even. It wasn't her time, she had just started enjoying life, living life, she couldn't give that up just yet. She couldn't leave heaven just after gaining entrance.

"I need more than 24 hours. My friend is about to give birth soon and I want to be there at the birth. I'm sure your father understands the importance of this event. I will be back as soon as she gives birth, you have my word" Each word of these sentences cut into Amira's throat, as time passed making it harder and harder for her to contain herself.

"I accept, but if you're not here by then, best believe we'll start with that sassy blonde friend of yours" Nyssa started to walked away

"You know I sometimes wish you didn't hate me deep down, for a stupid reason at that" Amira referenced back to their early years of training, Amira was a better fighter than Nyssa, which, in a way, earned her brownie points with Ra'as. Nyssa always envied Amira, something they both knew, but both ignored.

Nyssa walked away even faster, giving Amira some time to compose herself. She lightly slapped her face, plastered a small smile and went back down, being greeted with a large hug from Oliver and then another from Felicity.

"What the hell was that about?" Felicity asked, narrating how Nyssa walked in pointing an arrow at her, requesting to see Amira. Amira sighed, grateful that her friend didn't get hurt.

"Some unfinished business with the League, but nothing to worry about, it's all good". They all believed Amira, still talking about the incident, but happy it was over. Amira went home, alone, she needed to sort a few things before the birth of John's child.

She sat in her bed, unable to think, not knowing where to start. She knew deep down that the second she stepped foot in Nanda Parbhat, she would never leave, she would die there, and something horrible will emerge. Her life would be over the second she would step foot there and right now, she was living on borrowed time.

No one could know, her friends would never understand and would all try to fight Ra'as al Ghul, which was impossible, and quite stupid. So she had to get ready for her death alone, but she did once already, so she was going to be alright, hopefully.

She sat in her house, looking at all her belongings, she didn't care about clothes, furniture or even her really pretty set of glassware. She looked at her jewelry box, not knowing what to do with it, she always swore to keep it safe, this was all she had left of her family's legacy, without this, Al-Jawahir was just a name. She decided to give it to the one woman she trusted the most.

Of course Felicity would refuse having this amount of Gold and Silver in her possession, which is why Amira had to be discreet about it, and drop it off at the last minute, probably the night of her departure. The rest of her belongings could easily be sold or donated, that didn't really matter.

Amira once again sat, hearing the door open, she exhaled deeply, he was home.

Oliver went to give her a hug and a kiss "How are you?" he asked with this genuine look on his face. Amira gave him a soft smile, holding his hands in hers.

"I'm okay, you don't have to worry about me", he scoffed, sitting down next to her and wrapping his in a loving, warm embrace. One that wrapped her mind in precious silk and adorned her heart of the most beautiful jewel; love.

"How can I not worry about my woman? You're my everything, I would lose it if anything were to happen to you" she stayed silent, melting into his arms. "Because I love you, I've loved you, I will love you, always. Because in a dark sky, you're a bright full moon. Because you make me feel good about the person I am, I must be pretty neat for you to love me". She chuckled, probably to stop herself from crying. "You shine brighter than all that gold you wear, and you shine bright enough to cast away the shadows". He held her chine, bringing her face closer to his.

"You know, my family used to tell me that God has created someone for everyone. I stopped believing in God a while ago, but sometimes, I wonder if maybe they were right, because I do believe God made us specially for each other". Amira planted her lips on his. She could never explain why she loved kisses, his kisses so much. She could feel her heart bloom, over and over again, making her chest a small garden.

They looked at each other, as Amira wasn't ready to let this joy go, not willingly at least. Not now, not ever, she could never let it go; and the fact that she had tore her up from the inside.

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