Part 19

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Merlyn opened his suit jacket, he meant business today. "I'm sure you know about Al-Jalaad being back in the League".

Oliver raised his head, "Don't call her that" he hated that name. Amira will never be Al-Jalaad, never again, no matter how much time she spends in the League, she will always be Amira.

This name, Al-Jalaad, to him it was a condemnation. It was death, it was a funeral, the end of something so great. He wasn't ready for that, he might never be.

Merlyn took a deep breath "Amira then, is currently one of the highest ranked agents in the League, she's in charge of training the assassins, she's close to Ra'as Al Ghul and even gained his trust, something even his daughter is struggling to do" he explained with this grave look on his face.

"But if he trusts her-" Felicity started.

"If he trusts her it means she's worthy of his trust, I mean she already gave him Sara, who knows what else she's done to gain his trust" Diggle continued.

"She fought him" Merlyn said

"Amira fought Ra'as al Ghul?" they all looked at him surprised. Ra'as al Ghul's power and strength was something to fear. Hearing that Amira fought him and survived means she's stronger than they thought.

"For hours on end, and I saw it, he wasn't holding back" Merlyn explained.

"Wait you saw her? So you knew Amira was alive?"

"And you never told us? You let us grieve for someone who wasn't even dead"

"Amira is dead, that's something you need to understand, and something you need to accept. Amira died the day she entered the Nanda Parbhat fortress, and that day Al-Jalaad was born. I'm sorry that she died, I really am, she was a great woman, but she's gone now. You will never know peace until you accept this fact"

"Wait, but she changed once. The first time she left, she resisted the brainwashing, I'm sure she can do it again" Merlyn wasn't sure if Oliver spoke out of delusion, or if he was actually smart enough to see right through their plans.

"You have a point Oliver, maybe there's a way we can get her back" Merlyn agreed, this would speed up his plan.

Merlyn didn't really care about Oliver, or Amira, he had a goal, and both of them were going to help him achieve it. All he wanted was to become Ra'as al-Ghul. Was it impossible? Yes, until Amira was called back. Now, he knew Amira could resist the brainwashing, when he said she was strong, he mean she was strong in every sense of the term.

So if she could manage to help him become Ra'as al Ghul, he would let her go, forever, she would be free from the League's grasp, but that was before Nyssa came in the picture.

Merlyn thought that by helping Team Arrow go to Nanda Parbhat, Amira would have no choice but to fight Ra'as for her friend's safety and freedom, she would survive, become Ra'as, and pass the ring to him.

If Amira dies, his entire plan is ruined, which is why he was delighted to hear about her fighting him and surviving, she was getting stronger, and he was getting closer to his goal.

"Yes, we can get her back, we can go to Nanda Parbhat and get her and Sara back" Oliver stood up, feeling energy and motivation for the first time in so long.

First, he had to get the others on board with this plan, then make an actual plan, choose a date and prepare for it.

Merlyn left, with a small smile on his face, they were so easy to manipulate. He didn't feel guilt in the slightest, he had to do what he had to do, and he was ready for it. They were probably going to be collateral damage, but he saw the bigger picture, something they couldn't do. He let them work on whatever plan they had in mind, he had to infiltrate back into Nanda Parbhat.


Back in Nanda Parbhat, Amira went to visit Sara, her old friend. The both of them sat on the bed, they didn't know what to say, it was awkward, but Amira needed it, she needed that feeling of "human":


- You've changed Amira

- Yeah, they call me al-Jalaad here

- Oh, they gave you a new name

- Indeed, sorry for, you know, kidnapping you like that

- At least you didn't spill any blood

- I couldn't

- You know, the team told me a lot about you

- They did?

- Yes, they love you very much, you were like family to them. They were devastated when you left, especially Oliver

- They'll have to learn how to live without me

- You were freed, why did Ra'as al-Ghul want you back?

- No idea, he probably wanted me to train the assassins, the ones he sent after me were especially sloppy

- Oh, and what will happen to me?

- That I don't know, sorry

- It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize

- Thanks

- Of course, we're basically the last people with actual feelings here, we need to stick together

- Not for long

- Don't let the League take away your humanity

- It's not my choice to make

- But it is

- If you think that then you haven't spent enough time here. We're different you and I, you're the canary, I'm the executioner, I'm not allowed to have humanity, I'm here to kill, nothing else

- Then you're nothing like the Amira they told me about. The Amira who loved helping others, who was generous beyond measure, the one who worked to give others a better life, the one with the soft heart. The Amira that they loved

- This Amira had to die, I'm sorry. I'll come get you for dinner


This conversation ripped Amira's heart out in a way that almost physically hurt her. She entered her bathroom, turning on every faucet, she sat in the shower, letting the water run down her face and her clothes stick to her skin. She just needed the water to mask the sound of her sobs, this fortress was not the kind of place where you could show emotion, especially not for someone as highly ranked as her.

After a short crying session, she changed, braided her hair into a long braid that she hid underneath her clothes, and washed her face, making sure it wasn't visible that she cried earlier.

It was finally time for dinner, she went to call Sara and was about to sit with the others when she was called to go meet with Ra'as al Ghul.

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