Part 23

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Amira once again awkwardly sat at Ra'as al-Ghul's table, the food was indeed delicious, but she hated sitting at this table, next to a man who took her life twice, and his daughter who had so much anger she could burn the world down to ashes.

Still sore and in pain, she silently ate, waiting for Ra'as to break the silence. "Al-Jalaad, I want you to become my right hand, the general of the League of Assassins". Amira choked on her food. Become Ra'as al-Ghul's right hand and general was the highest rank below Ra'as al-Ghul, she would have full authority over the army, she would have a say in every decision, a seat and the big table, but why?

"Your liege I'm honored, though I don't what I did to deserve such a title", she knew exactly why, she was the trainer, she was the strongest, she earned this title, but why give it to her? The League has never seen a right hand in all of it's history, because Ra'as had sovereignty, and he didn't share this power with anyone, this didn't make any sense.

"You have earned this title by being the only member of the League to be able to compare to me. You deserve this."

"Thank you your liege, I am honored" Amira hated it, but she felt a sense of pride. She worked hard, she earned it, she was Ra'as al-Ghul's right hand. She finished eating and went to her room, resting a bit before Sara came in:


- What did Ra'as al-Ghul want to talk about? Sara sat on the bed naxt to Amira

- He made me his right hand, and the general of the League. She still didn't believe it, and it felt odd to even say it out loud, but this was her new reality

- What?

- That's the most power an assassin can get here, and I got it

- That's, wow

- I know, and I hate it but I'm kind of proud

- Are you proud to be working hard to train the next generation of assassins who will be responsible for the murder of thousands?

- Well now that you put it like this, it does sound shitty

- It is in a way

- You're right, there's no good side, but I can't help but feel proud

- Let's change the subject, this is a bit depressing

- You're right

- Do you miss Oliver?

- This is even more depressing but yes, yes I do. I miss him a lot even though I try not to

- Why?

- Because I simply can't anymore, I'm general now, there's no getting out of this, there's no escaping the League, not anymore

- That's not true

- It is, you can be freed. I won't, ever, because he simply won't let me go as long as he's alive

- So he needs to die. Sara's mouth was covered with Amira's hand

- You can't say that are you crazy, you'll have us both killed for even suggesting it. Walls have ears here, careful what you say and to whom

- I know but

- Sara, you're a sweet girl, if you want to continue living well here, you need to make peace with the situation at hand

- What about hope?

- Hope is for fools, there's no getting out of this

- But A-

- Sara, can you go? I need to rest

- Sure, goodnight Amira, I'll see you tomorrow for training

- Don't be late


Sara left Amira alone, she sat on the windowsill, looking at the moon. Her throat ached, and burned, like barbed wire was wrapped around it. She hated the words that had to come out of her mouth, unsure of who she was trying to convince, Sara, or herself.


Over the course of the next few weeks, Amira went from training with Ra'as al-Ghul once a week, to once a day. Every night after supper, they would meet, and fight for hours on end. She got used to it, got injured less, her scars healed before new ones could appear, and she got used to the taste of his blood on her blade.

As time passed she got stronger and stronger, and everyone could see it was the end of Ra'as al-Ghul, that the ring would be passed down to her. They all knew it, but no one dared to speak of it. The end of the current Ra'as al-Ghul was a taboo subject, especially around Nyssa.

Amira's secret meetings with Merlyn became less frequent, she hasn't seen him in a month, which she was grateful for. She thought about his plan, and the more she thought about it, and the more things started unfolding, the less she actually wanted it to happen.

She watched Merlyn's desperation, his thirst for power whenever he thought about having the ring on his finger. Like a vulture, waiting for Ra'as al-Ghul death with impatience. She almost didn't want him to become the next Ra'as.

She did want her freedom from the League, but at what cost? Merlyn wasn't in any position of lead the League, he was power hungry, not a leader. He was controlled by his need for power, that's why he tried to level the Glades, he didn't care about anyone or anything except himself. Though selfishness and self preservation was a good trait to have in the League, Merlyn didn't follow the code of honor, he wasn't a part of the League, he wasn't like them, and he'll never be.

Amira had also earned the respect of Ra'as al-Ghul and all the assassins that she trained everyday. She also took the newest and weakest assassins on missions more often, to get them used to being on the field. Her harsh but helpful training techniques made the assassins stronger than they've ever been. Before, the training used to be so hard some wouldn't even survive. Since she got assigned as trainer, there were less death, sometimes not any at all, and they all became significantly better fighters, better assassins, better warriors who would give their life to the League with no hesitation.

She was proud of it, she was proud of herself. She made the best out of the situation she was in, and right now, nothing could put her off her path. She was Al-Jalaad, the executioner, right hand to Ra'as al-Ghul and future head of the demon.

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