Part 1

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Amira has reached a new point in life, where all she currently knows is uncertainty and surprises. It all started when she was actually allowed to leave the fortress, of course Ra'as Al-Ghul did not let his best assassin go without a very exciting fight, but it was better than killing her for suggesting that she might ever leave. Still, he had a strong code of honor that Amira would never break, and an oath she's never sworn too, so he had nothing to keep her behind.

Thankfully, she had a passport, a bank account full to the brim with her biological father's inheritance, and a very nice loft she bought myself in the heart of Starling City. She wasn't not sure what brought her here, fate, or maybe she just chose a random city and really liked her new home.

Amira genuinely didn't do much here. There was the occasional fighting a random criminal, but she had other priorities. Her first one was to try everything she never got to try, with random things like cuisines, clothes, music, things she's never known or experienced before. Her second, was to try and do good. Having done too much evil during her assassin years to ever redeem herself, but any small act of kindness gave Amira a piece of her hollow heart back. She didn't have to kill anymore, she was no longer Al-Jalaad, the executioner. 

One thing she had to admit was that the League of Assassins were really good with nicknames, considering the many ones they gave her over the years, Nadia being the first one, but that's besides the point. All of this is in the past, and as of today, she had a new life, a new chance, and she will use it to do good. She owes it to her biological family, at least that.

The woman was walking back to her house when she heard fighting, mostly struggling. Curiosity getting the best of her, she followed the sound and saw a hooded man fighting a group of gang members. At first, Amira thought he was from the league, but this hypothesis was later debunked when she saw that he didn't have the skills for it, so he must be some hooded man who's about to get himself killed. Amira decided to intervene.

Putting herself between them and the hooded man. She put up a fight that could be compared to dancing. With her graceful moves and the way her skirt moved and twirled, it looked like she was dancing, making her performance mesmerizing. The hooded man could not even comprehend what was going on. The woman in front of him had the strength to fight almost a dozen men by herself, effectively dodging knives, hits. He could watch her fight for hours, until she cut it short, knocking all of them out, but sparring them, showing more mercy to these criminals than Al-Jalaad, her assassin self, would ever have.

She then turned around to help the hooded man up. He took her hand and looked at her through his green mask. "Who are you? Why did you help me?". He tried to ask, wondering where such a skilled fighter could be from.

"Doesn't matter, I simply wanted to do something good for once, goodbye". She disappeared in the blink of an eye, before he could ever look at her face, being hidden by a thin veil covering half of her face. He went back to the cave, telling his friends about the weird encounter he had with what seemed like one of the best fighters he ever met.

He wanted to see her again, curiosity having a grip on him. He had to see her again. On this last note, he ended his vigilante activities for the night. He kept thinking about the fight, replaying her every move in his head, how effortless it was for her, how skilled, how graceful. This was unlike anything he's ever seen before. 

He wanted to see her again and he knew exactly how. Moving in silence, as he knew no one in the team would agree and let him recklessly put himself in danger, he put his hood back on and went out in the most dangerous area of the glades. "Looking for some trouble?", a group of men circled him. 

"Not quite" he said before attacking them. It didn't take long until the reason he came here in the first place came. Once again, she was here to save the day, and he watched as she fought with such dexterity, agility. Her skills were a feast for the eyes that he couldn't get enough of, but like the previous time, she wrapped it up, knocking them out before making her way towards him:


- Why do I have a feeling you weren't actually in danger this time? 

- Because I wasn't

- What do you want? 

- Who are you?

- Nadia. She gave him an old alias that she hadn't used in a while

- Nadia what?

- Just Nadia

- Where are you from? Where did you learn to fight like this?

- A place, far away from here

- Wait


He tried to held her back as she walked away, pulling off the thin strings holding the veil she used to hide her face, along with her hair stick. Amira turned around in surprise, not expecting this man to pull off her veil. Her long hair cascading down her back like a waterfall, she looked at him. He stood in shock, her face was burned into his soul.

A hypnotizing beauty that could not even be compared to anything existing in this universe. He took his hood and mask off so nothing could obstruct his view. He stared at Amira, she who had eyes like dew on flowers, eyes that pierced through him. With a face like the full moon among the starry night, she was a beauty of nature; and as many words as he could use to describe what laid in front of him, calling her beautiful would be an insult, because she was so much more. 

She had a beauty that made the eyes smile and the heart ache. His head went quiet, wondering if God existed, and if he did, how could he made someone so beautiful and why would he sent her in the wretched earth instead of keeping her in heaven. 

Amira left, leaving the weird man alone with his thoughts. He stayed there for a bit, like a statue having just encountered Medusa. Until he finally went home, with her face still deeply engraved into his mind, holding the jade hair stick he stole. 

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