An Unknown Love. Part 5

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Alright guys? :) Sorry for not uploading sooner but school has been busy and I was sick. Actually I still am sick. And I've just found out I have a test tomorrow, and I haven't even looked at it :L Gues what though?! The teacher that I am literally in love with is tutoring me now :P I seriously can't wait :D 

Anyway, I'll let you get to it while I go revise :)

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I really do hate Mr Hartley so much. He made me move into his office because, apparently, I was distracting Jessie and other people. I wasn't even doing anything. All I was doing was asking Jessie how to do the question. But obviously because we were in Maths and we had Mr Hartley, he placed all the blame on me and moved me. I could still hear him teaching through the door. I didn't even do any work. I was either doodling, texting or just simply looking around the room. I am actually going to hit him one day. 

"Roxanne sit up," he said walking into the room behind me. He shut the door as I raised my head up from the desk. "Let me see your work." He walked beside me and grabbed my book. He wasn't in a good mood today, and I wasn't in a good mood either. 

"I haven't done any of it." I explained to save him the time of flicking through my book. 

"Why not?" He sighed throwing my book onto the table. 

"Because I can't do the questions. Like I tried to explain to you when you started shouting at me." I sat back in my chair, spinning a pen in my hand. Normally when we weren't in a bad mood, we would be awful to each other. Like our arguments were so bad. But since we are both in a bad mood, our arguments are ten times worse. It would sound to anyone that we were seriously going to kill each other. 

"I've gone over it so many times. I really don't see how I can make it any easier. Maybe if you shut up and stopped talking to Jessie you'd get it." If he seriously tells me to shut up again, I will just leave his class. 

"I was talking to him to see what to do. But you never listen so I can't tell you what we're talking about. I wasn't the only one that was talking, he was too. Why isn't he in here?" 

He sighed and leant against the work top. "Every time I look up, it's you who’s talking. If you can't do the work then you should ask me. Let Jessie get on with his own work." 

I leant on the table looking down at the floor. Looking at him makes me want to hit him so much. "No you catch Jessie talking too; you just place all the blame on me. And why would I ask you anyway? You'd just have a go at me like always. Saying I should have paid attention in the first place and I shouldn't have to ask questions." I described exactly what he does.

"Yeah; because the whole world is against Roxanne. Isn't that right? Nothing you do is wrong and you're the one who always gets punished." He said sarcastically, which I just rolled my eyes at. "If you ask me a question I'll answer it. I don't mind people asking me questions." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head as I sat back in my chair. "No you don't mind other people asking you questions. But when it comes to me, it's always my fault that I can't answer the question. Then in the end you never help me anyway." I think both of us are more pissed off than we were at the start of the period. He let out a breath and stood up.

"Do you ever listen to yourself Roxanne?" He said walking to the door. "If you just stopped being childish for two seconds you might actually get somewhere." He opened the door before continuing. "Then I might not get so pissed off by you." The noise of the conversations in the classroom had started to die down. It seems they found our argument more interesting than Maths. 

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