Bonding Moments: #3 (18)

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Maria's POV:

I finally finished the will and now I'm free to do as I please.

*ding dong*

"Honey?" I called out,

 "I'm right here, what's up." 

 "Do you know this guy?"  

"Know what-"

"J.J?" Liya said, "Liya!" The girl and Liya hugged each other and Liya let her inside. "This is J.J. she was my friend before I met you, (again)" Liya said, "Nice to meet you Princess. I heard from your brother that you're getting married to her?" J.J. said, "Oh, yea it's true. I put you on the list, I didn't know the king could reach out to anyone he wanted." Liya said, "Anyways wanna hang out." J.J. said, "Hey, do you mind if J.J. tags along?" Liya asked me. "No its okay, I have a bit of work to finish up though. I'll join you guys later." And I waved goodbye to that conversation.

I'm not jealous of J.J. like Liya was jealous of Noah. This is different, she gives me bad vibes but I can't seem to think of why. Maybe I should talk to Marcus? He's always helps me.

"MARCUS!!" I screamed his name in the kitchen but I didn't hear his voice. Maybe he's in the pantry? I went to the huge pantry that looked like a bedroom filled with food, and saw Marcus and Harper sitting on the floor, whispering. They both started blushing and they stood up.

"Uh, did I interrupt something? Because I need to talk to Marcus?"I replied, all of us together made it weird. Marcus was the shortest and Harper was taller than me. I was surprisingly 5'11, and I could look right over Marcus' head.

"Yes you did interrupt, but what do you want?" Marcus crossed his arms and Harper took his hand. "I didn't know you were dating Harper. Now we are all friends!"  "Get to what you came here for." Marcus said, why was he being so rude? Is it because his boyfriend is here? 

We all went to the kitchen counter and sat down.

"I just wanted someone to talk to because "J.J." and Liya are still talking." I said, And Marcus said no but Harper changed his mind. Thank you Harper, I owe you anything. 

"So are you the one jealous this time?" Marcus asked me, This time?  "No and what do you mean by, this time?" I asked, did I ask him to talk before, I just can't remember?
   "So she didn't tell you?"  "Tell me what?"  I was so confused, just tell me already!

"Aaliyiah came by the day you and Noah started hanging out. She came down and started talking to me about 'her crush' in the castle." Marcus said, and I was really, sad. Liya had a crush?   Harper tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something to him. "Why? Are you Jealous, Princess?" Harper said, and he had some nerve asking me that, but we are friends so I'll let it slide. "No, just a bad feeling coming from her." I replied. "Anyways to change the subject, you guys found wedding dresses yet?" Harper spoke. "Yes! I love my wedding dress, thanks to Ivy. It's the best." I announced, "Well I'm glad you're happy, Princess." Harper said, "Stop calling her princess, my prince."Marcus said, and I was about to start laughing, they're so cringy, kinda like me and Liya though, "But she is a princess." Harper said back. "Just call me Maria, so your short, angry boyfriend, doesn't get angrier." I said, and that's when I started laughing. 

"You just get funnier by the second, huh?" Marcus said, crossing his arms like a child. "You were never this funny before. You have always been scared to talk to me." I said, "Even before what happened."  Marcus and Harper looked at each other and I was mega confused. "wait, hold on" Harper said, and as soon as he said that, Liya came downstairs and waved to me and J.J. was leaving. "Sorry guys, I have to go, nice talking to you again Harper." I waved to them and ran to meet up with Liya.

"Hi honey!" I said, and Liya turned around and smiled, "Hi, where have you been? Did it really take that long for you to finish your work?" She said, "Yea and I have just been talking to Marcus and his boyfriend, Harper." I replied, She quickly told me to stay where I was and she sped walked over to Harper and Marcus in a rush.

When she came back her face was red and she quickly wanted to leave and go back upstairs. I wonder what she went back for?

For the other time being until 7 pm, Liya and I just talked about tomorrow, and how everything was going to go. It wasn't going to rain tomorrow, hopefully, and knowing my dad, he bought a huge cake. I hope it's green color, maybe white and blue too, for Liya.

I wonder what J.J. and Liya talked about. Maybe they talked about childhood? Or maybe how Liya is really boring, but in the best way! I have no idea, but I'm really excited for the wedding tomorrow! It's gonna be great!

853 words.

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