Our actual date (15)

19 1 0

Out of POV:

Aaliyiah was getting ready, putting on a blue and white romper with her hair pinned up with a familiar star pin. 

She put on her white heels and met up with Maria in the middle of the main hall.

"You're looking very nice, as always though." Maria complimented, "You're not bad yourself, Miss- I only wear pink on dates." Liya replied, "So you agree this is a date?"  "SHutup let's go."

Maria laughed but then held out her hand. Liya questioned it at first but agreed non the less.

They walked out of the palace and started walking behind it. 

"Why are we going to the back?" Liya asked, but Maria just brushed it off. They finally made it around and there Liya saw a blanket with a basket on the ground. "A picnic?" Maria nodded and led Liya towards it. "Look who's being quiet now?" Liya said, "There I'm talking is that better for you?"  "Yes actually."

After they laughed and talked and ate it was about 9 when the stars came out.
  "Aren't they pretty?" Maria asked, and Liya nodded her head in awe. The stars were much more  vibrant and they were beautiful. "Oh I almost forgot, here!" Maria pulled out a small box and next to that a bag. She gave liya the box.

Liya opened the box and there was a star ring inside. 

"I see, you finally put that star pin on and it sat in your bag since you got here. I figure you like stars because your bag also has stars on it." Maria said, and Liya started blushing, 

"I also got you this." Maria got the bag and gave it to Liya. Liya also opened the bag and was about to scream.

Aaliyiah POV:

I took out a bunny and hugged it. "How did you remember I like bunnies" While I was squeezing the life out of that one. 

"We can keep her, it can be like our kid!" Maria said. 'like our kid?' what! stop blushing from embarrassment. It's embarrassing.. I totally like her, she's amazing. She knows when something is up with me and she always makes me feel better. This is weird.

I can't keep my feelings contained like this, it's bad for me. Pretending like we're friends but really I love her. 


Yea, that sounds about right.. I just smiled and went back to watching the stars.

Maria's POV:

I was staring at Liya again. Did she always look this beautiful? Yea, she did.

I was trying to focus on the stars but the thought of Liya just clouded my brain. Since when did I think like this of her. Was this Noah's fault? No, he's not here right now, but what he said,

'She's jealous because she likes- like you.'

I blushed like crazy. Yea Noah doesn't know what he's talking about.

I looked back at Liya and she looked like a star. Okay, there is something wrong with me. My  stomach feels all flakey and weird, like something is flying in my stomach. Maybe I should say something to make it go away.

"So about the kissing part at the wedding."  I DIDN'T MEAN SOMETHING LIKE THAT.


"My dad says we don't have to if we're uncomfortable doing that in front of people, so we can just hug if you want."

"Yeah that would be better." Liya smiled, and for some reason, I had no joy in hearing that.


What is wrong with me? First I think Liya is beautiful, now I have a sad expression on my face after saying we don't have to kiss?!

Do I want to kiss her? 

What does that even mean?

It was now 10 pm, I think its *yawn* time for bed..

"Tomorrow I'll ask Marcus, he seems to know everything from being quiet."

618 words.

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